And, Then, and When

There will be scenarios in your future where zip() won't be enough. For complex architecture, or just for personal preference, you could use the And/Then/When solution. This is contained in the RxJava Joins package and combines emitted items using structures such as patterns and plans.

And, Then, and When

Our loadList() function will be modified like this:

private void loadList(List<AppInfo> apps) {

    Observable<AppInfo> observableApp = Observable.from(apps);

    Observable<Long> tictoc = Observable.interval(1,  TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    Pattern2<AppInfo, Long>pattern = JoinObservable.from(observableApp).and(tictoc);
    Plan0<AppInfo> plan = pattern.then(this::updateTitle);
            .subscribe(new Observer<AppInfo>() {
public void onCompleted() {
Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Here is the list!",  Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

public void onError(Throwable e) {
Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Something went wrong!",  Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

public void onNext(AppInfoappInfo) {
if (mSwipeRefreshLayout.isRefreshing()) {
intposition = mAddedApps.size() - 1;
mAdapter.addApplication(position, appInfo);

As usual, we have two emitting sequences, observableApp, emitting our installed apps list, and tictoc also emitting a Long item every second. Now we link the source Observable and() the second Observable:


This creates a Pattern object. Using this Pattern object, we can create a Plan object: "We have two Observables that are going to emit items, then() what?"


Now, we have a Plan object and we can decide what's going to happen when the plan occurs:


At this point, we can subscribe to the brand new Observable, as we always do.

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