Chapter 6
Learn Latin


We have now explored four SUMO principles. But here is the harsh reality. Despite the insights and ideas you have gained so far, they may result in little or no change in your life. This fifth principle will explore why we can be full of good intentions and yet fail to make those intentions reality. You will discover the reasons why we procrastinate and how to overcome them. Or, to put it another way, how you can Shut Up the excuses and Move On to action.

Let me begin by sharing a personal experience of my struggle to take action.

So why do we procrastinate?

Let’s explore six reasons why people ‘put things off’ and fail to carpe diem and take action in their lives. (These reasons have been inspired by my friends at The Mind Gym,

Reason 1 – Avoiding discomfort

Achieving success means that, at times, we have to leave our ‘comfort zone’. We may have to move out of our world of familiarity, safety and security and do things that we would not normally do. When we do something new or different, it can feel strange. This can result in a negative response initially because many people subconsciously live by the mantra:

‘If it feels good, do it.’

Likewise, they can also live by the reverse of this mantra:

‘If it doesn’t feel good, don’t do it.’

Although there are exceptions, our tendency as human beings is to take the path of least resistance. We look for the magic pill, the magic patch, the magic exercise machine. Products that promise ‘successful outcomes’ with little or no long-term effort on our part will always be popular.

Successful people think differently. They understand that if they are to achieve a positive result in any area of life, then they have to be prepared to face their ‘discomfort’ head on. Whether it is getting fit or going for a new job, life will present us with challenges. If we are to succeed, this will involve us taking action or thinking in a way that moves us beyond our normal zone of comfort and familiarity.

Reason 2 – Emotional barriers

Whether we decide to take action or not can be dependent on how we feel. For example, I am going to write that report, tidy the garage or go on that diet when I feel motivated. Or I am waiting to feel creative before I tackle that problem. Put simply, emotions can take our actions hostage.

Reason 3 – Fear of failure

It is easy to develop the following mindset: ‘if I don’t attempt something, then I can never be accused of failing’. That is true. Equally, however, if I never attempt anything, I will never experience the feelings of achievement and success. Some people are quite happy to stand on the sidelines and point out where others go wrong, yet they themselves lack the courage to dare to fail.

From our childhood, we can become conditioned (there’s that word again – remember Pavlov’s dog?) to believe that if we attempt something and fail, that this is in some way wrong. Education has, in some cases, encouraged us to find ‘the right answer’ rather than to experiment and discover many right answers. (We explored some of this in Chapter 5.)

Behind some people’s behaviour is the underlying belief that ‘I must be right, I must be perfect’. Attempting something that may expose weaknesses or lack of knowledge will be avoided by some people. Fear of failure, or perhaps more importantly, the fear of being seen by others to have failed, will trap some people into never taking action.

Reason 4 – Complacency

‘There’s no rush’, ‘I’ll wait till the kids have left home’, ‘I’ll quit smoking in the New Year’. There always seems to be some reason why we can put off taking action today. What can drive this attitude is a false belief that there is plenty of time to accomplish all we want to achieve. But when tomorrow does come, we find another excuse to avoid taking action.

Complacency can also occur due to the mistaken belief that life is something that happens to you as opposed to something you can influence. (We will look at this in more detail in our final SUMO principle.)

A lack of goals and sense of purpose in our lives results in people drifting along in a haze of complacency. Returning to our foundation formula, to the SUMO principles E + R = O, well if life is the Event and complacency is your Response, how satisfied are you likely to be with the Outcome?

Reason 5 – Action illusion

Some people can always appear busy. The question is, busy doing what? Rather than admit that they don’t want to do a task, they use a lack of time as their excuse. People can talk about what they are going to do, hold meetings to discuss how they are going to do it and even draw up plans outlining what they will do. This may all be very useful initially, but there comes a time when we need to start taking action.

We saw from our first SUMO principle that, on a day-to-day basis, we do so much on auto-pilot, i.e. without thinking. Maybe we need to ask ourselves, ‘Am I confusing activity with effectiveness?’

Reason 6 – Fuzzy focus

This occurs when we’ve got so many things competing for our attention that we’re not sure what to focus on. There’s so much you could do but without prioritizing your goals you become unfocused and this lack of clarity can cause indecision and inactivity.

So we have explored why people procrastinate; now we need to examine how to overcome it.

Where do we go from here?

Some people may be tempted to say the following: ‘Okay, big deal. I procrastinate. Doesn’t everyone?’ Well, actually – no! Some people have decided to take responsibility and to take action. Now, there is no ‘Procrastinators Anonymous’ support group (although there have been a number of people who have thought about setting one up, but never got round to it). So how are we going to tackle this unhelpful, debilitating habit that can rob us of achieving success and happiness in life? Here are some strategies that people use to defeat procrastination.

How to conquer the procrastination habit

Just start it

That’s right, just do something. Do not worry about completing the task or how much time it will take to finish – just start it. Yes, I know you are not in the mood and you are not feeling motivated. Tough. SUMO! Momentum can bring motivation, and the sense of achievement from actually starting the activity can lead to you feeling better about yourself. This, in turn, can give you the drive and desire to finish what you’ve started.

Picture what success looks like and how it feels

Think about the task you know you need to tackle. Perhaps it is quitting smoking, losing weight, speaking in public or flying for the first time. Now I want you to close your eyes and imagine what success will look and feel like. What do you see? What are you able to do now that you were unable to do before? How does it feel to have conquered that fear of flying or speaking? When you’ve quit smoking, how will you feel about yourself? Whatever your challenge, imagine the outcome you want rather than the activities required to get you there. Focusing on your destination rather than the journey can inspire you to take action.

Now imagine your life in five years’ time if you decide to do nothing. What does your world look like now? What are the consequences of you not taking action? Visualize it. How does that make you feel? Is that what you want for your future?

Do the nasties first

Each day people are faced with tasks they would prefer not to do. It could be a telephone call to make or a person to meet. All of us can be tempted to tackle the more pleasurable tasks first and then leave the nasties until later. Guess what? Sometimes we find that we’ve not had enough time to tackle our nasties. What a pity. Never mind, you’ll get round to it tomorrow. Then when you wake up the next day, what have you got to look forward to? Tackling the ‘nasties’. So, what does that do to your levels of motivation?

Not all ‘nasties’ are as bad as we would expect. But some are – that’s why they are called ‘nasties’. I am not asking you to convince yourself that ‘nasties’ are really nice. I am saying tackle them first – unless you can prove in a court of law that the more pleasurable task you embarked upon is, in fact, more important.

Reward your progress

Once you decide to take action, reward your progress. Just finished a nasty? Good, so what is your mini reward? (I suggest a mini reward or else this conquering procrastination routine could get rather expensive.)

It might be to go and see a film, have a coffee break or you might simply decide to ring that friend you wanted a chat with. I am going to reward myself with a teacake after I have finished writing this chapter. (Oh, the life of an international speaker and author.)

Remember, if it’s a task that will take a long time to complete, then we need to set ourselves some milestones and reward our progress. Rewarding yourself only after you have finished the task may not be motivating enough. A friend of mine who wanted to lose weight bought herself a new music album for every 7lb shed. Another friend filled a jar with all the money saved from quitting smoking and spent it on a family holiday.

Make a date with a mate

The sad fact of life is that only a small percentage of people reading this book will take any action as a result. But what if you knew that you were attending a workshop in four weeks’ time and had to report to the group on what actions you had taken as a result of reading this book? The chances are, the percentage of people who would take action would increase significantly. (Hence, I often run follow-up sessions to my workshops.)

A ‘mate’ does not need to be a friend, but someone who you are happy to share your issue with and who is committed to following up on your progress. They must also have your permission to challenge you if you’re not taking the action you said you would.

Challenge your complacency

Perhaps the most powerful way I can challenge your complacency is to ask you to consider the following.

Imagine seven people lined up in a row:


Now imagine each person represents a day of the week.


Now imagine each day of the week represents a decade of your life.


So which day of the week are you on? I am on very late Friday night. Within a matter of months I’ll be on the Saturday of my life. For some of you it has already arrived. Cheery thought, eh?

Now, before all those who are reading this get too depressed because you are already at the weekend, consider this. If you are living a healthy lifestyle, you can add another two people to your line-up (making a total of nine people), as there is a good chance you will get a Bank Holiday Monday and Tuesday as well.


Remember, it’s never too late to take action. I am inspired by people such as Winston Churchill. He became Prime Minister for a second time on the Bank Holiday Monday of his life.

So whatever day of the week you are on, perhaps it is time to take the necessary action to make sure the journey is not just a good one, but a great one.

You owe it to yourself and those around you to challenge your complacency. (Our next SUMO principle will help you to make the rest of your ‘week’ a significant and successful one.)

Those are some ideas on how to conquer our procrastination habit. Now it’s time to use them. Work through the following questions, preferably with a ‘mate’. Only when you have finished the exercise can you have a mini reward.

SUMO exercise

  1. Choose a task or issue that you need to take action on.
  2. Why is this important to you?
  3. What are the consequences if you take no action?
  4. Picture and feel what success will look like when you’ve achieved your objective.
  5. Which ‘procrastinators’ hinder your progress? (i.e. avoiding discomfort, emotional barriers, fear of failure, action illusion and complacency.)
  6. What actions will you take to tackle this issue? (What are your top three priorities?)
  7. When will you start?
  8. How will you reward your progress?
  9. Who will be your ‘mate’?

You can e-mail me with your progress and successes at: [email protected].

In a nutshell

Great ideas, great goals and great intentions are meaningless without great actions. People achieve success in life not just because they take charge of their thinking, but because their thinking propels them into taking action.

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