Table of Contents


Brief Table of Contents

Table of Contents



About this Book

I. SOA basics

Chapter 1. SOA requires new approaches to security

1.1. SOA lowers long-standing barriers

1.1.1. Basic tenets of SOA

1.1.2. Idea of a service

1.2. Lowering of barriers forces us to rethink security

1.3. Functional aspects of security: With and without SOA

1.3.1. Authentication

1.3.2. Authorization

1.3.3. Data confidentiality

1.3.4. Data integrity and nonrepudiation

1.3.5. Protection against attacks

1.3.6. Privacy protection

1.4. Nonfunctional aspects of security

1.4.1. Interoperability

1.4.2. Manageability

1.4.3. Ease of development

1.5. New security approaches for SOA

1.5.1. Message-level security

1.5.2. Security as a service

1.5.3. Policy-driven security

1.6. Current SOA security implementation choices

1.7. Summary

Suggestions for further reading

Chapter 2. Getting started with web services

2.1. Setting up tools and environment

2.1.1. Choosing a platform and a toolkit

2.1.2. Getting started with Apache Axis

2.2. XML basics

2.2.1. XML data format

2.2.2. XML namespaces

2.2.3. XML schema

2.2.4. Processing XML

2.2.5. XPath

2.3. SOAP basics

2.3.1. SOAP message exchange model

2.3.2. Anatomy of a SOAP message

2.3.3. RPC with SOAP

2.3.4. Document exchange with SOAP

2.3.5. SOAP Fault

2.4. WSDL basics

2.4.1. Describing a service with WSDL

2.4.2. Understanding ports and port types

2.4.3. Understanding bindings

2.5. Web services in action with Apache Axis

2.5.1. Creating a web service

2.5.2. Consuming a web service

2.5.3. Using a web service from .NET

2.6. Choices in service design

2.6.1. Wrap existing interfaces or design from scratch?

2.6.2. To use SOAP or not?

2.6.3. Start with WSDL or generate it?

2.6.4. Should security context be part of the interface?

2.6.5. RPC or document exchange?

2.7. Related technologies: UDDI

2.8. Summary

Suggestions for further reading

Chapter 3. Extending SOAP for security

3.1. Finding the right approach for security in SOAP

3.1.1. Lessons from web authentication schemes

3.1.2. Authentication at the HTTP layer

3.1.3. Choices for security implementation in SOAP

3.2. Extending SOAP with headers

3.2.1. Anatomy of a SOAP header

3.2.2. Standard header entry attributes

3.3. WS-Security: The standard extension for security

3.3.1. Introduction to WS-Security

3.3.2. Example: Identifying a brokerage service user

3.4. Processing SOAP extensions using handlers

3.4.1. How handlers work

3.4.2. Outline of the solution

3.4.3. Implementing a server-side JAX-RPC handler

3.4.4. Implementing a client-side JAX-RPC handler

3.4.5. Handler chains

3.4.6. Configuring handlers and handler chains

3.5. Processing SOAP extensions using intermediaries

3.5.1. Preserving the endpoint information: WS-Addressing

3.5.2. SOAP processing rules for intermediaries

3.6. SOAP Extensions FAQ

3.6.1. What should go into the headers?

3.6.2. How do we standardize on headers?

3.6.3. How many handlers?

3.6.4. How do we support handlers?

3.7. Summary

Suggestions for further reading

II. Building blocks of SOA security

Chapter 4. Claiming and verifying identity with passwords

4.1. Authentication with username and password

4.1.1. Example: Username and password in WS-Security

4.1.2. Implementing username/password scheme: client-side

4.1.3. JAAS: A generic framework for authentication

4.1.4. Implementing username/password scheme: server-side validation

4.2. Using password digest for authentication

4.2.1. How password digest authentication works

4.2.2. Password digest authentication in action

4.2.3. Implementing password digests: client-side

4.2.4. Implementing password digests: server-side validation

4.3. Is password authentication the right solution for you?

4.3.1. Why is the digest scheme secure?

4.3.2. Problems with digest authentication

4.3.3. Limitations of password-based schemes

4.4. Summary

Suggestions for further reading

Chapter 5. Secure authentication with Kerberos

5.1. Authentication requirements in SOA

5.2. Introduction to Kerberos

5.2.1. Basic ideas behind Kerberos

5.2.2. Authentication sequence

5.2.3. Beyond client authentication

5.2.4. Roadmap for the rest of the chapter

5.3. Implementing Kerberos with JAAS and GSS APIs

5.3.1. Client-side implementation

5.3.2. Service-side implementation

5.4. Using Kerberos with WS-Security

5.4.1. Running the Kerberos example

5.4.2. Adding a Kerberos ticket to a WS-Security header

5.4.3. Using a Kerberos ticket for authentication

5.4.4. Adding a Kerberos ticket on the client-side

5.4.5. Processing a Kerberos ticket on the service-side

5.5. What authentication scheme to use?

5.6. Summary

Suggestions for further reading

Chapter 6. Protecting confidentiality of messages using encryption

6.1. Encryption in action: an example

6.2. The basics of encryption

6.2.1. Types of encryption algorithms

6.2.2. PKI: A framework for encryption

6.3. Programming with digital certificates

6.3.1. Creating digital certificates

6.3.2. Point to point encryption with digital certificates (SSL/TLS)

6.3.3. Java APIs for encryption

6.4. Encrypting SOAP messages

6.4.1. Example: Sending user credentials with selective encryption

6.4.2. Encrypting-side implementation

6.4.3. Decrypting-side implementation

6.5. Practical issues with encryption

6.6. Summary

Suggestions for further reading

Chapter 7. Using digital signatures

7.1. The basics of XML signatures

7.1.1. Challenges in signing XML

7.1.2. XML canonicalization

7.2. Signing SOAP messages

7.2.1. Example: Signing order creation request

7.2.2. Sender-side implementation

7.2.3. Receiver-side implementation

7.3. Practical issues with signatures

7.3.1. Three rules of signatures

7.3.2. Mixing encryption and signatures

7.3.3. Which canonicalization scheme?

7.4. Summary

Suggestions for further reading

III. Enterprise SOA security

Chapter 8. Implementing security as a service

8.1. Security as a service

8.1.1. Is a security service technically feasible?

8.1.2. Standards for implementing security as a service

8.2. Analyzing possible uses of a security service

8.2.1. Use case 1: Destination endpoint invokes security service out-of-band

8.2.2. Use case 2: Source endpoint invokes security service out-of-band

8.2.3. Use case 3: Both endpoints invoke security service out-of-band

8.2.4. Use case 4: Security service as an explicit intermediary

8.2.5. Use case 5: Security service as an implicit intermediary

8.3. Conveying the findings of a security service: SAML

8.3.1. SAML assertion basics

8.3.2. AuthenticationStatement: Asserting authentication results

8.3.3. AttributeStatement: Asserting user attributes

8.3.4. AuthorizationDecisionStatement: Asserting authorization decisions

8.4. Example implementation using OpenSAML

8.4.1. Client-side implementation

8.4.2. Security service implementation

8.4.3. Server-side implementation

8.5. Standards for security service interfaces

8.5.1. WS-Trust

8.5.2. SAML protocol

8.6. Summary

Suggestions for further reading

Chapter 9. Codifying security policies

9.1. Introducing declarative security

9.1.1. Policy consolidation for planning and consistent enforcement

9.1.2. Use at design time to ensure interoperability

9.1.3. Use at runtime to ensure interoperability

9.2. Interoperability challenges in SOA security

9.2.1. Sources of incompatibility

9.2.2. WS-I basic security profile

9.3. Web services policy framework

9.3.1. What is a policy?

9.3.2. WS-Policy

9.3.3. Standards for fetching policy: WS-MetadataExchange and WS-PolicyAttachment

9.4. WS-SecurityPolicy

9.4.1. Security assertions for endpoints

9.4.2. Security assertions for messages

9.4.3. Security assertions for operations

9.4.4. Limitations of WS-SecurityPolicy

9.5. Summary

Suggestions for further reading

Chapter 10. Designing SOA security for a real-world enterprise

10.1. Meeting the demands of enterprise IT environments

10.1.1. Large and diverse user base

10.1.2. Long life cycle

10.1.3. Robustness

10.1.4. Manageability

10.1.5. Integration with diverse legacy applications

10.2. Securing diverse services

10.2.1. Services developed from scratch

10.2.2. Services wrapping legacy applications

10.2.3. Services composed of other services

10.3. Choosing a deployment architecture

10.3.1. For securing services in the intranet

10.3.2. For securing services offered to the public

10.3.3. For securing services offered to/by partners

10.4. Making the solution industrial-strength

10.4.1. Performance

10.4.2. Scalability

10.4.3. Availability

10.5. Vulnerability management

10.5.1. Common vulnerabilities

10.5.2. XML-specific vulnerabilities

10.5.3. Vulnerability remediation workflow

10.6. Summary

Suggestions for further reading

Appendix A. Limitations of Apache Axis

A.1. Buggy implementation of W3C DOM API in Axis 1.x

A.2 Axis2 does not support JAX-RPC handlers

Appendix B. WS-SecureConversation

Suggestions for further reading

Appendix C. Attaching and securing binary data in SOAP

C.1 SOAP with Attachments (SwA)

C.1.1. Issues with SwA

C.1.2 WS-Security SwA Profile


Suggestions for further reading

Appendix D. Securing SAML assertions

D.1 Detecting forgery and tampering

D.2 Defending against replay attacks

D.2.1 Strategy 1: Reduce validity period

D.2.2 Strategy 2: Restrict the audience for the assertion

D.2.3. Strategy 3: Confirm message origination

D.2.4 Strategy 4: Use AssertionId as a nonce

D.3 Protecting confidentiality and privacy

Appendix E. Application-Oriented Networking (AON)

Suggestions for further reading


List of Figures

List of Tables

List of Listings

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