6. Advanced Retrieval Operations
To this point, the queries you have read about combine and extract data from relations in relatively straightforward ways. However, there are additional operations you can perform on relations that, for example, answer questions such as “show me that data that are not …” or “show me the combination of data that are …”. In this chapter you will read about the implementation of additional relational algebra operations in SQL that will perform such queries as well as performing calculations and using functions that you can use to obtain information about the data you retrieve.
Union is one of the few relational algebra operations whose name can be used in a SQL query. When you want to use a union, you write two individual SELECT statements, joined by the keyword UNION:
SELECT column(s)
FROM table(s)
WHERE predicate
SELECT column(s)
FROM table(s)
WHERE predicate
The columns retrieved by the two SELECT must have the same data types and sizes and be in the same order For example, the following is legal as long as the customer numbers are the same data type (for example, integer) and the customer names are the same data type and length (for example, 30-character strings):
SELECT customer_numb, customer_first, customer_last
FROM some_table
SELECT cust_no, first_name, last_name
FROM some_other_table
Notice that the source tables of the two SELECTS don't need to be the same, nor do the columns need to have the same names. However, the following is not legal:
SELECT customer_first, customer_last
FROM some_table
SELECT cust_no, cust_phone
FROM some_table
Although both SELECTs are taken from the same table, and the two base tables are therefore union compatible, the result tables returned by the two SELECTs are not union compatible and the union therefore cannot be performed. The cust_no column has a domain of INT and therefore doesn't match the CHAR domain of the customer_first column.
Performing Union Using the Same Source Tables
A typical use of UNION in interactive SQL is a replacement for a predicate with an OR. As an example, consider this query:
SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM customer JOIN sale JOIN volume
WHERE isbn = ‘978-1-11111-128-1’
SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM customer JOIN sale JOIN volume
WHERE isbn = ‘978-1-11111-143-1’;
It produces the following output
The DBMS processes the query by performing the two SELECTs. It then combines the two individual result tables into one, eliminating duplicate rows. To remove the duplicates, the DBMS sorts the result table by every column in the table and then scans it for matching rows placed next to one another. (That is why the rows in the result are in alphabetical order by the author's first name.) The information returned by the preceding query is the same as the following:
SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM customer JOIN sale JOIN volume
WHERE isbn = ‘978-1-11111-128-1’
OR isbn = ‘978-1-11111-143-1’;
However, there are two major differences. First, when you use the complex predicate that contains OR, most DBMSs retain the duplicate rows. In contrast, the query with the UNION operator removes them automatically.
The second difference is in how the queries are processed. The query that performs a union make two passes through the volume table, one for each of the individual SELECTs, making only a single comparison with the ISBN value in each row. The query that uses the OR in its predicate makes only one pass through the table but must make two comparison when testing most rows. 1
1Some query optimizers do not behave in this way. You will need to check with either a DBA or a system programmer (someone who knows a great deal about your DBMS) to find out for certain.
Which query will execute faster? If you include a DISTINCT in the query with an OR predicate, then it will return the same result as the query that performs a union. However, if you are using a DBMS that does not remove duplicates automatically and you can live with the duplicate rows, then the query with the OR predicate will be faster.
Note: If you want a union to retain all rows—including the duplicates—use UNION ALL instead of UNION.
Performing Union using Different Source Tables
Another common use of UNION is to pull together data from different source tables into a single result table. Suppose, for example, we wanted to obtain a list of books published by Wiley and books that have been purchased by customer number 11. A query to obtain this data can be written as
SELECT author_last_first, title
FROM work, book, author, publisher
WHERE work.author_numb = author.author_numb
AND work.work_numb = book.work_numb
AND book.publisher_id = publisher.publisher_id
AND publisher_name = ‘Wiley’
SELECT author_last_first, title
FROM work, book, author, sale, volume
WHERE customer_numb = 11
AND work.author_numb = author.author_numb
AND work.work_numb = book.work_numb
AND book.isbn = volume.isbn
AND volume.sale_id = sale.sale_id;
To proess this query, the result of which appear in Figure 6-1, the DBMS performs each separate SELECT and then combines the individual result tables.
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Figure 6-1
The result of a union between result tables coming from different source tables
Alternative SQL- 92 Union Syntax
The SQL-92 standard introduced an alternative means of making two tables union compatible: the CORRESPONDING BY clause. This syntax can be used when the two source tables have some columns by the names. However, the two source tables need not have completely the same structure.
To use CORRESPONDING BY, you SELECT * from each of the source tables but then indicate the columns to be used for the union in the CORRESPONDING BY clause:
FROM table1
WHERE predicate
UNION CORRESPONDING BY (columns_for_union)
FROM table2
WHERE predicate
For example, the query to retrieve the names of all customers who had ordered two specific books could be rewritten
FROM volume JOIN sale JOIN customer
WHERE isbn = ‘978-1-11111-128-1’
UNION CORRESPONDING BY (first_name, last_name)
FROM volume JOIN sale JOIN customer
WHERE isbn = ‘978-1-11111-128-1’;
To process this query, the DBMS performs the two SELECTs, returning all columns in the tables. However, when the time comes to perform the union, it throws away all columns except those in the parentheses following BY.
Negative Queries
Among the most powerful database queries are those phrased in the negative, such as “show me all the customers who have no made a purchase in the past year.” This type of query is particularly tricky because it is asking for data that are not in the database. (The bookstore has data about customers who have purchased, but not those who have not.) The only way to perform such a query is to request the DBMS to use the difference operation.
Traditional SQL Negative Queries
The traditional way to perform a query that requires a difference is to use subquery syntax with the NOT IN operator. To do so, the query takes the following general format:
SELECT column(s)
FROM table(s)
WHERE column NOT IN (SELECT column
FROM table(s)
WHERE predicate)
The outer query retrieves a list of all things of interest; the subquery retrieves those that meet the necessary criteria. The NOT IN operator then acts to include all those from the list of all things that are not in the set of values returned by the subquery.
As a first example, consider the query that retrieves all books that are not in stock (no rows exist in volume):
SELECT title
FROM book, work
WHERE book.work_numb = work.work_numb
AND isbn NOT IN (SELECT isbn
FROM volume);
The outer query selects those rows in books (the list of all things) whose ISBNs are not in volume (the list of things that are). The result in Figure 6-2 contains the nine books that do not appear at least once in the volume table.
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Figure 6-2
The result of the first SELECT that uses a NOT IN sub-query
As a second example, we will retrieve the titles of all books for which we don't have a new copy in stock, the result of which can be found in Figure 6-3:
SELECT title
FROM work, book
WHERE work.work_numb = book.work_numb
AND book.isbn NOT IN (SELECT isbn
FROM volume
WHERE condition_code = 1);
B9780123756978500066/f06-03-9780123756978.jpg is missing
Figure 6-3
The result of the second SELECT that uses a NOT IN subquery
In this case, the subquery contains a restrict predicate in its WHERE clause, limiting the rows retrieved by the subquery to new volumes (those with a condition code value of 1). The outer query then copies a book to the result table if the ISBN is not in the result of the subquery.
Notice that in both of the sample queries there is no explicit syntax to make the two tables union compatible, something required by the relational algebra difference operation. However, the outer query's WHERE clause contains a predicate that compares a column taken from the result of the outer query with the same column taken from the result of the subquery. These two columns represent the union compatible tables.
As a final example, consider a query that retrieves the names of all customers who have not made a purchase after 1-Aug-2013. When you are putting together a query of this type, your first thought might be to write the query as follows:
SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM customer JOIN sale
WHERE sale_date < ‘1-Aug-2013’;
This query, however, won't work as you intend. First of all, the join eliminates all customers who have no purchases in the sale table, even though they should be included in the result. Second, the retrieval predicate identifies those customers who placed orders prior to 1-Aug-2013 but says nothing about who may or may not have made a purchase after that date. Customers may have made a purchase prior to 1-Aug-2013, on 1-Aug-2013, after 1-Aug-2013, or any combination of the preceding.
The typical way to perform this query correctly is to use a difference: the difference between all customers and those who have made a purchase after 1-Aug-2013. The query—the result of which can be found in Figure 6-4—appears as follows:
SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM customer
WHERE customer_numb NOT IN
(SELECT customer_numb
FROM sale
WHERE sale_date >= ‘1-Aug-2013’)
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Figure 6-4
The result of the third query using a NOT IN subquery
Negative Queries using the EXCEPT Operator
The SQL-92 standard added an operator—EXCEPT—that performs a difference operation directly between two union compatible tables. Queries using EXCEPT look very much like a union:
SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM customer
SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM customer, sale
WHERE customer.customer_numb = sale.customer_numb
AND sale_date >= ‘1-Aug-2013’;
FROM customer
EXCEPT CORRESPONDING BY (first_name, last_name) SELECT *
FROM customer, sale
WHERE customer.customer_numb = sale.customer_numb
AND sale_date >= ‘1-Aug-2013’;
Using the first syntax you include two complete SELECT statements that are joined by the keyword EXCEPT. The SELECTs must return union compatible tables. The first SELECT retrieves a list of all things (in this example, all customers); the second retrieves the things that are (in this example, customers with sales after 1-Aug-2013). The EXCEPT operator then removes all rows from the first table that appear in the second.
The second syntax retrieves all columns from both sources but uses the CORRESPONDING BY clause to project the columns to make the two tables union compatible.
The EXISTS Operator
The EXISTS operator check the number of rows returned by a subquery. If the subquery contains one or more rows, then the result is true and a row is placed in the result table; otherwise, the result is false and no row is added to the result table.
For example, suppose the online bookstore wants to see the titles of books that have been sold. To write the query using EXISTS, you would use
SELECT title
FROM book t1, work
WHERE t1.work_numb = work.work_numb
FROM volume
WHERE t1.isbn = volume.isbn
AND selling_price > 0);
The preceding is a correlated subquery. Rather than completing the entire subquery and then turning to the outer query, the DBMS processes the query in the following manner:
1. Look at a row in book.
2. Use the ISBN from that row in the subquery's WHERE clause.
3. If the subquery finds at least one row in volume with the same ISBN, place a row in the intermediate result table. Otherwise, do nothing.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for all rows in the book table.
5. Join the intermediate result table to work.
6. Project the title column.
The important thing to recognize here is that the DBMS repeats the subquery for every row in book. It is this repeated execution of the subquery that makes this a correlated subquery.
Note: Depending on your DBMS, you may get better performance using 1 instead of *. This holds true for DB2, and just might work with others.
When you are using the EXISTS operator, it doesn't matter what follows SELECT in the subquery. EXISTS is merely checking to determine whether any rows are present in the subquery's result table. Therefore, it is easiest simply to use * rather than to specify individual columns.How will this query perform? It will probably perform better than a query that joins book and volume, especially if the two tables are large. If you were to write the query using an IN subquery—
SELECT title
FROM work, book
WHERE work.work_numb = book.work_numb
AND isbn IN (SELECT isbn
FROM volume);
—you would be using an uncorrelated subquery that returned a set of ISBNs that the outer query searches. The more rows returned by the uncorrelated subquery, the closer the performance of the EXISTS and IN queries will be. However, if the uncorrelated subquery returns only a few rows, it will probably perform better than the query containing the correlated subquery.
The INTERSECT Operator
INTERSECT operates on the results of two independent tables and must be performed on union compatible tables. In most cases, the two source tables are each generated by a SELECT. INTERSECT is the relational algebra intersect operation, which returns all rows the two tables have in common. It is the exact opposite of EXCEPT,
As a first example, let's prepare a query that lists all of the rare book store's customers except those who have made purchases with a total cost of more than $500. One way to write this query is
SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM customer
SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM customer JOIN sale
WHERE sale_total_amt > 500;
Note that those customers who have made multiple purchases, some of which are less than $500 and some of which are greater than $500 will be excluded from the result.
If we replace the EXCEPT with an INTERSECT—
SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM customer
SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM customer JOIN sale
WHERE sale_total_amt > 500;
—the query returns the names of those who have made a purchase of over $500. As you can see in Figure 6-5, the query results are quite different.
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Figure 6-5
Output of queries using EXCEPT and INTERSECT
Performing Arithmetic
Although SQL is not a complete programming language, it can perform some calculations. SQL recognizes simple arithmetic expressions involving column names and literal values. (When you are working with embedded SQL, you can also use host language variables.) For example, if you wanted to compute a discounted price for a volume, the computation could be written
asking_price *.9
One way to compare the operation of UNION, EXCEPT, and INTERSECT is to look at graphic representations, as in Figure 6-6. Each circle represents a table of data; the dark areas where the images overlap represent the rows returned by a query using the respective operation. As you can see, INTERSECT returns the area of overlap, EXCEPT returns everything except the overlap, and UNION returns everything.
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Figure 6-6
Operation of the SQL INTERSECT, EXCEPT, and UNION operators
You could then incorporate this into a query as
SELECT isbn, asking_price,
asking_price * .9 AS discounted_price
FROM volume
WHERE sale_id = 6;
The result of the preceding query can be found in Figure 6-7.
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Figure 6-7
Output of a query that includes a computed column
Arithmetic Operators
SQL recognizes the arithmetic operators in Table 6-1. Compared with a general-purpose programming language, this list is fairly limited. For example, there are no operators for expo-nentiation or modulo division. This means that if you need more sophisticated arithmetic manipulations, you will probably need to use embedded SQL to retrieve the data into host language variables, and perform the arithmetic using the host programming language.
Table 6-1 SQL arithmetic operations
+Unary +: Preserve the sign of the value+balance
Unary -: Change the sign of the value-balance
*Multiplication: Multiply two valuesbalance * tax_rate
/Division: Divide one value by anotherbalance / numb_items
+Addition: Add two valuesbalance + new_charge
Operator Precedence
The rows in Table 6-1 appear in the general order of the operators' precedence. (Both unary operators have the same precedence, followed by multiplication and division. Addition and subtraction have the lowest precedence.) This means when multiple operations appear in the same expression, the DBMS evaluates them according to their predetermined order. For example, because the unary operators have the same precedence, for the expression
-balance * tax_rate
the DBMS will first change the sign of the value in the balance column and then multiply it by the value in the tax_rate column.
When more than one operator of the same precedence appears in the same expression, they are evaluated from left to right. Therefore, in the expression
balance + new_charges - payments
the DBMS will first add the new charges to the balance and then subtract the payments from the sum.
Sometimes the default precedence can produced unexpected results. Assume that you want to evaluate the expression
12 / 3 * 2
When the operators are evaluated from left to right, the DBMS divides 12 by 3 and then multiplies the 4 by 2, producing an 8. However, what if you really wanted to perform the multiplication first, followed by the division? (The result would be 2.)
To change the order of evaluation, you use parentheses to surround the operations that should be performed first:
12 / (3 * 2)
Just as it does when you use parentheses to change the order of evaluation of logical operators, whenever the DBMS sees a set of parentheses, it knows to evaluate what is inside the parentheses first, regardless of the precedence of the operators.
Keep in mind that you can nest one set of parentheses within another:
12 / (3 * (1 + 2))
In this example, the DBMS evaluates the innermost parentheses first (the addition), moves to the outer set of parentheses (the multiplication), and finally evaluates the division.
There is no limit to how deep you can nest parentheses. How-ever, be sure that each opening parenthesis is paired with a closing parenthesis.
String Manipulation
The SQL core standard contains one operator and several functions for manipulating character strings.
As you saw in Chapter 2 when we were discussing joins using concatenated foreign keys, the concatenation operator—||— pastes one string on the end of another. It can be used for format output as well as concatenate keys for searching. For example, the rare book store could get an alphabetical list of customer names formatted as last, first (see Figure 6-8) with:
SELECT last_name || ‘, ‘ || first_name
AS cat_name
FROM customer
ORDER BY last_name, first_name;
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Figure 6-8
The result of a concatenation
Notice that the concatenation includes a literal string to place the comma and space between the last and first names. The concatenation operation knows nothing about normal English spacing; it simply places one string on the end of another. Therefore, it is up to the user to include any necessary spacing and punctuation.
When a DBMS evaluates a literal string against stored data, it performs a case-sensitive search. This means that upper- and lowercase letters are different: ‘JONES’ is not the same as Jones.' You can get around such problems using the UPPER and LOWER functions to convert stored data to a single case.
For example, assume that someone at the rare book store is not certain of the case in which customer names are stored. To perform a case-insensitive search for customers with a specific last name, the person could use
SELECT customer_numb, first_name, last_name
FROM customer
WHERE UPPER(last_name) = ‘SMITH’;
The result—
—includes rows for customers whose last names are made up of the characters S-M-I-T-H, regardless of case. The UPPER function converts the data stored in the database to uppercase before making the comparison in the WHERE predicate. You obtain the same effect by using LOWER instead of UPPER.
The TRIM function removes leading and/or trailing characters from a string. The various syntaxes for this function and their effects are summarized in Table 6-2.
Table 6-2 The various forms of the SQL TRIM function
TRIM (‘ word ‘)‘word’Default: removes both leading and trailing blanks
TRIM (BOTH ‘ ‘ FROM ‘ word ‘)‘word’Removes leading and trailing blanks
TRIM (LEADING ‘ ‘ FROM ‘ word ‘)‘word’Removes leading blanks
TRIM (TRAILING ‘ ‘ FROM ‘ word ‘)‘word’Removes trailing blanks
TRIM (BOTH ‘*’ FROM ‘*word*’)‘word’Removes leading and trailing *
You can place TRIM in any expression that contains a string. For example, if you are using characters to store a serial number with leading 0s (for example, 0012), you can strip those 0s when performing a search:
SELECT item_description
FROM items
WHERE TRIM (Leading ‘0’ FROM item_numb) = ‘25’
The SUBSTRING function extracts portions of a string. It has the following general syntax:
SUBSTRING (source_string, FROM starting_position FOR number_of_characters)
Mixed versus Single Case in Stored Data
There is always the temptation to require that text data be stored as all uppercase letters to avoid the need to use UPPER and LOWER in queries. For the most part, this isn't a good idea. First, text in all uppercase is difficult to read. Consider the following two lines of text:
Which is easier to read? All caps or mixed case?
Our eyes have been trained to read mixed upper- and lowercase letters. In English, for example, we use letter case cues to locate the start of sentences and to identify proper nouns. Text in all caps removes those cues, making the text more difficult to read. The “sameness” of all uppercase also makes it more difficult to differentiate letters and thus to understand the words.
For example, if the rare book store wanted to extract the first character of a customer's first name, the function call would be written
SUBSTRING (first_name FROM 1 FOR 1)
The substring being created begins at the first character of the column and is one character long.
You could then incorporate this into a query with
|| ‘. ‘ || last_name AS whole_name
FROM customer;
The results can be found in Figure 6-9.
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Figure 6-9
Output of a query including the SUBSTRING function
Date and Time Manipulation
SQL DBMSs provide column data types for dates and times. When you store data using these data types, you make it possible for SQL to perform chronological operations on those values. You can, for example, subtract two dates to find out the number of days between them or add an interval to a date to advance the date a specified number of days. In this section you will read about the types of date manipulations that SQL provides along with a simple way to get current date and time information from the computer.
The core SQL standard specifies four column data types that relate to dates and times (jointly referred to as datetime data types):
◊ DATE: A date only
◊ TIME: A time only
◊ TIMESTAMP: A combination of date and time
◊ INTERVAL: The interval between two of the preceding data types
As you will see in the next two sections, these can be combined in a variety of ways.
Date and Time System Values
To help make date and time manipulations easier, SQL lets you retrieve the current date and/or time with the following three keywords:
◊ URRENT_DATE: Returns the current system date
◊ CURRENT_TIME: Returns the current system time
◊ CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: Returns a combination of the current system date and time
For example, to see all sales made on the current day, someone at the rare book store uses the following query:
SELECT first_name, last_name, sale_id
FROM customer JOIN sale
You can also use these system date and time values when performing data entry, as you will read about beginning in Chapter 8.
Date and Time Interval Operations
SQL dates and times can participate in expressions that support queries such as “how many days/months/years in between?” and operations such as “add 30 days to the invoice date.” The types of date and time manipulations available with SQL are summarized in Table 6-3. Unfortunately, expressions involving these operations aren't as straightforward as they might initially appear. When you work with date and time intervals, you must also specify the portions of the date and/or time that you want.
Table 6-3 Datetime arithmetic
DATE ± integerDATE
DATE ± time_intervalTIMESTAMP
TIME ± time_intervalTIME
DATE - DATEinteger
Each datetime column will include a selection of the following fields:
When you write an expression that includes an interval, you can either indicate that you want the interval expressed in one of those fields (for example, DAY for the number of days between two dates) or specify a range of fields (for example, YEAR TO MONTH to give you an interval in years and months). The start field (the first field in the range) can be only YEAR, DAY, HOUR, or MINUTE. The second field in the range (the end field) must be a chronologically smaller unit than the start field.
Note: There is one exception to the preceding rule. If the start field is YEAR, then the end field must be MONTH.
To see the number of years between a customer's orders and the current date, someone at the rare book store might use
FROM sale
WHERE customer_numb = 6;
To see the same interval expressed in years and months, the query would be rewritten as
FROM sale
WHERE customer_numb = 6;
To add 7 days to an order date to give a customer an approximate delivery date, someone at the rare book store would write a query like
SELECT sale_date + INTERVAL ‘7’ DAY
FROM sale
WHERE sale_id = 12;
Notice that when you include an interval as a literal, you precede it with the keyword INTERVAL, put the interval's value in single quotes, and follow it with the datetime unit in which the interval is expressed.
The SQL OVERLAPS operator is a special-purpose keyword that returns true or false, depending on whether two date-time intervals overlap. The operator has the following general syntax:
SELECT (start_date1, end_date1)
OVERLAPS (start_date2, end_date2)
An expression such as
SELECT (DATE ’16-Aug-2013’, DATE ’31-Aug-2013’) OVERLAPS
(DATE ’18-Aug-2013’, DATE ‘9-Sep-2013’);
produces the following result:
Notice that the dates being compared are preceded by the keyword DATE and surrounded by single quotes. Without the specification of the type of data in the operation, SQL doesn't know how to interpret what is within the quotes.
The two dates and/or times that are used to specify an interval can be either DATE/TIME/TIMESTAMP values or they can be intervals For example, the following query checks to see whether the second range of dates is within 90 days of the first start date and returns false:
SELECT (DATE ’16-Aug-2013’, INTERVAL ’90 DAYS’)
(DATE ’12-Feb-2013’, DATE ‘4-Jun-2013’);
Note: Because the OVERLAPS operator returns a Boolean, it can be used as the logical expression in a CASE statement.
The EXTRACT operator pulls out a part of a date and/or ime. It has the following general format:
EXTRACT (datetime_field FROM datetime_value)
For example, the query
returns the current year.
In addition to the datetime fields you saw earlier in this section, EXTRACT also can provide the day of the week (DOW) and the day of the year (DOY).
CASE Expressions
The SQL CASE expression, much like a CASE in a general purpose programming language, allows a SQL statement to pick from among a variety of actions based on the truth of logical expressions. Like arithmetic and string operations, the CASE statement generates a value to be displayed and there-fore is part of the SELECT clause.
The CASE expression has the following general syntax:
WHEN logical condition THEN action
WHEN logical condition THEN action
ELSE default action
It fits within a SELECT statement with the structure found in Figure 6-10.
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Figure 6-10
Using CASE within a SELECT statement
The CASE does not necessarily need to be the last item in the SELECT clause. The END keyword can be followed by a comma and other columns or computed quantities.
As an example, assume that the rare book store wants to offer discounts to users based on the price of a book. The more the asking price for the book, the greater the discount. To include the discounted price in the output of a query, you could use
SELECT isbn, asking_price,
WHEN asking_price < 50
THEN asking_price * .95
WHEN asking_price < 75
THEN asking_price * .9
WHEN asking_price < 100
THEN asking_price * .8
ELSE asking_price * .75
FROM volume;
The preceding query displays the ISBN and the asking price of a book. It then evaluates the first CASE expression following WHEN. If that condition is true, the query performs the computation, displays the discounted price, and exits the CASE. If the first condition is false, the query proceeds to the second WHEN, and so on. If none of the conditions are true, the query executes the action following ELSE. (The ELSE is optional.)
The first portion of the output of the example query appears in Figure 6-11. Notice that the value returned by the CASE construct appears in a column named case. You can, however, rename the computed column just as you would rename any other computed column by adding AS followed by the desired name.
B9780123756978500066/f06-11-9780123756978.jpg is missing
Figure 6-11
Default output of a SELECT statement containing CASE
The output of the modified statement—
SELECT isbn, asking_price,
WHEN asking_price < 50
THEN asking_price * .95
WHEN asking_price < 75
THEN asking_price * .9
WHEN asking_price < 100
THEN asking_price * .8
ELSE asking_price * .75
END AS discounted_price
FROM volume;
—can be found in Figure 6-12.
B9780123756978500066/f06-12-9780123756978.jpg is missing
Figure 6-12
CASE statement output using a renamed column for the CASE value
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