Shared schedules

The subscriptions and snapshots that Linda has requested need to be created on the first of the month. Report Manager allows us to create shared schedules. These are predefined time frames that can be referenced at various places. If the schedule needs to be modified, then there is only place that the schedule needs to be changed. All the items that are using that shared schedule will be updated to the new time frame.

Let's set up a shared schedule for the subscriptions and snapshots to use. It will be for the first of the month and will run at 2 am.

Shared schedules
  1. Click on Site Settings at the right-hand side at the top of the screen.
  2. Click on the Schedules menu item on the left-hand side.
  3. Click on the toolbar item called New Schedule.
  4. Set the Schedule name property to First of Month at 2 am.
  5. Select the Month option button.
  6. Select the On calendar day(s) option button and set the value to 1.
  7. Click on the OK button.
    Shared schedules

There are many different combinations that can be created in this screen. Schedules can even be created to start on a particular date.


The option called Once is very handy for unit testing schedules since it will only execute once.

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