Creating a web application

Now that we have created the SQL Reporting Services Service and have it running on our SharePoint 2013 Server, we're ready to create our website that will host our reports. All these setup steps might be confusing, and they really are if you're trying to do them at once in one sitting.

To put it simply, the SharePoint is our platform. The application service that we created, SQL Reporting Application, is the infrastructure upon which we are going to run our web application/website.

Let's create our website:

  1. Open SharePoint 2013 Central Administration. Select the Application Management tab. Select Manage web applications under the Web Applications heading.
  2. Click on New on the ribbon panel on the Web Application tab.
  3. That displays the Create New Web Application dialog box. Select Create a new IIS web site.
  4. Name the new website SQL Reporting Website.
  5. Use the default port 80.
  6. Leave the Security Configuration, Claims Authentication Types, Sign In Page, and Public URL settings with their default values.
  7. On Application Pool Name, type SQL Reporting Website Pool.
  8. On the Database Name and Authentication, type your SQL Server name, in my case SQL2012-02. I leave the default database name, WSS_Content. This database will be created by the setup.
  9. Select the recommended database authentication, which is Windows authentication.
  10. On Service Application Connections, select SQL Reporting Application. That might already be selected by default if that's the only service application on the list. Click on OK when done.
  11. If the setup does not encounter any error, you'll receive a confirmation message that the web application has been created. Don't click on OK on the message just yet.
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