Adding a page header

All the reports that we develop on SSRS are considered documents, although in digital form, and thereby follow the same rules of whatever record management procedures we have in place at our companies.

We need to add identity to our SSRS reports; hence, we need to put some predefined metadata in a header and footer. Let's do the header first:

  1. On the report designer window, right-click on any empty space on the report surface, then go to Insert | Page Header. You can simply go to the menu and go to Report | Add Page Header.
  2. Let's add two rectangles on the header. Place them side-by-side. The rectangle in SSRS can serve as a container for other objects (such as textbox, image, lines, and another rectangle).
  3. On the right rectangle, drag a textbox object, which will hold our dummy address:
    Red Speed Bicycle LLC
    One Microsoft Way
    Redmond, WA 98052-6399

    Ok, that's not really a dummy address. You may remember that it's Microsoft's mailing address.

  4. Set the textbox height to allow the three lines of our address. The CanGrow property of the textbox is set to True by default.
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