Additional Formatting

There are few more options that we can tweak to improve our map design. We have the options to either move the elements around in the map, or remove them altogether. Let's remove our map scale and format the legend:

  1. In our map context, we don't really need Map Color Scale. Delete that by selecting the scale, then pressing the Delete key. You can also move it somewhere by grabbing-and-dragging it to any location.
  2. If you also notice that the size of the bubble in the legend is redundant, because the size of the distribution is already obvious in the map itself. Let's delete that.
  3. From the Map Layers pane select PolygonLayer1, and select Center Point Size Rule on its contextual menu.
  4. In the Legend tab, select nothing from the Show in this legend drop-down textbox. That removes the bubble size in the legend.
  5. Click on OK when done.
  6. Now, let's go to Center Point Color Rule. On the Legend tab, change the legend text to #FROMVALUE{C0} - #TOVALUE{C0}, which converts the sales number from numeric to currency format. The zero (0) value indicates we don't want to add decimals.

Now, let's preview our new map with the added tile layer and the changes we made on the scale and legend:

Additional Formatting
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