
High Availability and Disaster Recovery Concepts

In today’s 24×7 environments that are running mission critical applications, businesses rely heavily on the availability of their data. Although servers and their software are generally reliable, there is always the risk of a hardware failure or a software bug, each of which could bring a server down. To mitigate these risks, business-critical applications often rely on redundant hardware to provide fault tolerance. If the primary system fails, then the application can automatically fail over to the redundant system. This is the underlying principle of high availability (HA).

Even with the implementation of HA technologies, there is always a small risk of an event that causes the application to become unavailable. This could be due to a major incident, such as the loss of a data center, due to a natural disaster, or due to an act of terrorism. It could also be caused by data corruption or human error, resulting in the application’s data becoming lost or damaged beyond repair.

In these situations, some applications may rely on restoring the latest backup to recover as much data as possible. However, more critical applications may require a redundant server to hold a synchronized copy of the data in a secondary location. This is the underpinning concept of disaster recovery (DR). This chapter discusses the concepts behind HA and DR.

Level of Availability

The amount of time that a solution is available to end users is known as the level of availability, or uptime. To provide a true picture of uptime, a company should measure the availability of a solution from a user’s desktop. In other words, even if your SQL Server has been running uninterrupted for over a month, users may still experience outages to their solution caused by other factors. These factors can include network outages or an application server failure.

In some instances, however, you have no choice but to measure the level of availability at the SQL Server level. This may be because you lack holistic monitoring tools within the Enterprise. Most often, however, the requirement to measure the level of availability at the instance level is political, as opposed to technical. In the IT industry, it has become a trend to outsource the management of data centers to third-party providers. In such cases, the provider responsible for managing the SQL servers may not necessarily be the provider responsible for the network or application servers. In this scenario, you need to monitor uptime at the SQL Server level to accurately judge the performance of the service provider.

The level of availability is measured as a percentage of the time that the application or server is available. Companies often strive to achieve 99 percent, 99.9 percent, 99.99 percent, or 99.999 percent availability. As a result, the level of availability is often referred to in 9s. For example, five 9s of availability means 99.999 percent uptime and three 9s means 99.9 percent uptime.

Table 1-1 details the amount of acceptable downtime per week, per month, and per year for each level of availability.

Table 1-1. Levels of Availability


All values are rounded down to the nearest second.

To calculate other levels of availability, you can use the script in Listing 1-1. Before running this script, replace the value of @Uptime to represent the level of uptime that you wish to calculate. You should also replace the value of @UptimeInterval to reflect uptime per week, month, or year.

Service-Level Agreements and Service-Level Objectives

When a third-party provider is responsible for managing servers, the contract usually includes service-level agreements (SLAs). These SLAs define many parameters, including how much downtime is acceptable, the maximum length of time a server can be down in the event of failure, and how much data loss is acceptable if failure occurs. Normally, there are financial penalties for the provider if these SLAs are not met.

In the event that servers are managed in-house, DBAs still have the concept of customers. These are usually the end users of the application, with the primary contact being the business owner. An application’s business owner is the stakeholder within the business who commissioned the application and who is responsible for signing off on funding enhancements, among other things.

In an in-house scenario, it is still possible to define SLAs, and in such a case, the IT Infrastructure or Platform departments may be liable for charge-back to the business teams if these SLAs are not being met. However, in internal scenarios, it is much more common for IT departments to negotiate service-level objectives (SLOs) with the business teams, as opposed to SLAs. SLOs are very similar in nature to SLAs, but their use implies that the business do not impose financial penalties on the IT department in the event that they are not met.

Proactive Maintenance

It is important to remember that downtime is not only caused by failure, but also by proactive maintenance. For example, if you need to patch the operating system, or SQL Server itself, with the latest service pack, then you must have some downtime during installation.

Depending on the upgrade you are applying, the downtime in such a scenario could be substantial—several hours for a stand-alone server. In this situation, high availability is essential for many business-critical applications—not to protect against unplanned downtime, but to avoid prolonged outages during planned maintenance.

Recovery Point Objective and Recovery Time Objective

The recovery point objective (RPO) of an application indicates how much data loss is acceptable in the event of a failure. For a data warehouse that supports a reporting application, for example, this may be an extended period, such as 24 hours, given that it may only be updated once per day by an ETL process and all other activity is read-only reporting. For highly transactional systems, however, such as an OLTP database supporting trading platforms or web applications, the RPO will be zero. An RPO of zero means that no data loss is acceptable.

Applications may have different RPOs for high availability and for disaster recovery. For example, for reasons of cost or application performance, an RPO of zero may be required for a failover within the site. If the same application fails over to a DR data center, however, five or ten minutes of data loss may be acceptable. This is because of technology differences used to implement intra-site availability and inter-site recovery.

The recovery time objective (RTO) for an application specifies the maximum amount of time an application can be down before recovery is complete and users can reconnect. When calculating the achievable RTO for an application, you need to consider many aspects. For example, it may take less than a minute for a cluster to fail over from one node to another and for the SQL Server service to come back up; however it may take far longer for the databases to recover. The time it takes for databases to recover depends on many factors, including the size of the databases, the quantity of databases within an instance, and how many transactions were in-flight when the failover occurred. This is because all noncommitted transactions need to be rolled back.

Just like RPO, it is common for there to be different RTOs depending on whether you have an intra-site or inter-site failover. Again, this is primarily due to differences in technologies, but it also factors in the amount of time you need to bring up the entire estate in the DR data center if the primary data center is lost.

The RPO and RTO of an application may also vary in the event of data corruption. Depending on the nature of the corruption and the HA/DR technologies that have been implemented, data corruption may result in you needing to restore a database from a backup.

If you must restore a database, the worst-case scenario is that the achievable point of recovery may be the time of the last backup. This means that you must factor a hard business requirement for a specific RPO into you backup strategy. If only part of the database is corrupt, however, you may be able to salvage some data from the live database and restore only the corrupt data from the restored database.

Data corruption is also likely to have an impact on the RTO. One of the biggest influencing factors is if backups are stored locally on the server, or if you need to retrieve them from tape. Retrieving backup files from tape, or even from off-site locations, is likely to add significant time to the recovery process.

Another influencing factor is what caused the corruption. If it is caused by a faulty IO subsystem, then you may need to factor in time for the Windows administrators to run the check disk command (CHKDSK) against the volume and potentially more time for disks to be replaced. If the corruption is caused by a user accidently truncating a table or deleting a data file, however, then this is not of concern.

Cost of Downtime

If you ask any business owners how much downtime is acceptable for their applications and how much data loss is acceptable, the answers invariably come back as zero and zero, respectively. Of course, it is never possible to guarantee zero downtime, and once you begin to explain the costs associated with the different levels of availability, it starts to get easier to negotiate a mutually acceptable level of service.

The key factor in deciding how many 9s you should try to achieve is the cost of downtime. Two categories of cost are associated with downtime: tangible costs and intangible costs. Tangible costs are usually fairly straightforward to calculate. Let’s use a sales application as an example. In this case, the most obvious tangible cost is lost revenue because the sales staff cannot take orders. Intangible costs are more difficult to quantify but can be far more expensive. For example, if a customer is unable to place an order with your company, they may place their order with a rival company and never return. Other intangible costs can include loss of staff morale, which leads to higher staff turnover, or even loss of company reputation. Because intangible costs, by their very nature, can only be estimated, the industry rule of thumb is to multiply the tangible costs by three and use this figure to represent your intangible costs.

Once you have an hourly figure for the total cost of downtime for your application, you can scale this figure out, across the predicted lifecycle of your application, and compare the costs of implementing different availability levels. For example, imagine that you calculate that your total cost of downtime is $2,000/hour and the predicted lifecycle of your application is three years. Table 1-2 illustrates the cost of downtime for your application, comparing the costs that you have calculated for implementing each level of availability, after you have factored in hardware, licenses, power, cabling, additional storage, and additional supporting equipment, such as new racks, administrative costs, and so on. This is known as the total cost of ownership (TCO) of a solution.

Table 1-2. Cost of Downtime

Level of Availability

Cost of Downtime (Three Years)

Cost of Availability Solution













In this table, you can see that implementing five 9s of availability saves $525,474 over a two-9s solution, but the cost of implementing the solution is an additional $802,000, meaning that it is not economical to implement. Four 9s of availability saves $520,334 over a two-9s solution and only costs an additional $354,000 to implement. Therefore, for this particular application, a four-9s solution is the most appropriate level of service to design for.

Classification of Standby Servers

There are three classes of standby solution. You can implement each using different technologies, although you can use some technologies to implement multiple classes of standby server. Table 1-3 outlines the different classes of standby that you can implement.

Table 1-3. Standby Classifications



Example Technologies


A synchronized solution where failover can occur automatically or manually. Often used for high availability.

Clustering, AlwaysOn Availability Groups (Synchronous)


A synchronized solution where failover can only occur manually. Often used for disaster recovery.

Log Shipping, AlwaysOn Availability Groups (Asynchronous)


An unsynchronized solution where failover can only occur manually. This is only suitable for read-only data, which is never modified.


Image Note  Cold standby does not show an example technology because no synchronization is required and, thus, no technology implementation is required.


Your application’s level of availability is measured as a percentage of time that the application is available to users. The level of availability is often referred in nines. For example 99.9% uptime requirement is known as three 9s of availability. The higher the uptime requirement, the higher the cost of implementing the solution. Therefore, the level of uptime that you strive to achieve should be driven by SLAs and the cost of downtime.

Recover Point Objective is a measure of how much data it is acceptable to loose in the event of a disaster. For example, if your only DR solution is backups and backups are scheduled to be taken every hour, you can achieve a recovery point objective of one hour. Recovery time objective is a measure of how long it will take to recover a solution after a failure. For example if you have a recovery time objective of 30 minutes, then you must be able to restore service with half an hour.

It is important to determine the cost of downtime for your application, as this is one of the mane drivers to determine your level of availability. The cost of downtime consists of both tangible and intangible costs. Tangible costs can be calculated, whereas intangible costs need to be estimated.

Redundant infrastructure helps you to maintain availability of your applications and services. A redundant server will be classified as hot, warm or cold. A hot standby server is one which is kept synchronized with the live server and configured to allow automatic failover. This is suitable for HA scenarios. A warn standby server is one which is kept synchronized with the live server, but is not configured to failover automatically. Instead, an engineer must perform the failover manually. This is suitable for DR scenarios. A cold standby server is not kept synchronized with the live server and therefore cannot be failed over automatically. A cold standby server is suitable for DR scenarios where all data is read-only and never modified.

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