How to do it…

  1. So, in Setup, let's launch the Lightning App Builder:

  1. Click on Record Page, and click Next:

Selecting the Record Page template
  1. Select the object for which you are creating the record page, and select Account object:

  1. If you have any customized object, you can create one for the custom object also. Select the format you want, Header and Left Sidebar, and more:

  1. You can select any format that you want, or you can clone the Salesforce default page, Account Record Page Default, which is the default page that is assigned to the organization:

  1. For the record page, you are having 24 standard components. So, you can order it or customize it the way you want. Just for testing purposes, we'll be adding Rich Text, even above the highlights panel. Click Save. You will be asked to Activate, which means assigning it to the users, click on Not Yet, and it will be saved:

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