
It seems like just yesterday when I finished the previous edition of this book, but it was actually almost two years ago. When I decided to write that first book, I wasn’t prepared for just how difficult it was going to be. Even though this edition focuses on what’s new in the .NET Framework and the C# language, I reviewed all of the comments and content to see where I could improve and simplify. As always, even though I was the one responsible for the content, I couldn’t have done it without the help and support of others. First, I need to thank Brook for giving me the idea of writing that first book and Neil for allowing me to write this next edition. The rest of the editors at Sams, without whom the book would never have been published, were also great to work with. My technical editor Christopher also deserves a huge amount of thanks. Of course, without the entire C#, .NET Framework, and Visual Studio product teams, I wouldn’t have had anything to write about in the first place.

I wrote this book for the development community, which has given so much to me. Without its encouragement and support, I wouldn’t have been in a position to write this book at all. This includes everyone associated with the Microsoft MVP program and the Microsoft field evangelists, particularly Joe “devfish” Healy, Jeff Barnes, and Russ “ToolShed” Fustino.

Finally, of course, I have to thank Nathan for being so patient and understanding of the many long nights and weekends it took to finish this book. Although he is too young right now to understand why I spent so much time on the computer rather than playing with him, I hope he will appreciate it as he gets older. While the first book introduced him to computers at a very early age, watching me work on this book has only served to strengthen his intellectual curiosity and deepen his growing knowledge of the technical world around him. In spite of all that, I know he will be happy that this is done and I can start spending more playtime with him.

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