Q1:What is the difference between a text editor and a word processor?
A1: A text editor produces files with plain text in them. There are no formatting commands or other special symbols required by a particular word processor. Text files do not have automatic word wrap, bold print, italics, and so forth. Word processors usually can produce text files, but you must be careful to save your file as plain text.
Q2:My compiler has a built-in editor; is that the right thing to use?
A2: Almost all compilers will compile code produced by any text editor. The advantages of using the built-in text editor, however, might include the capability to quickly move back and forth between the edit and compile steps of the development cycle. Sophisticated compilers include a fully integrated development environment, enabling the programmer to access help files, edit, and compile the code in place, and to resolve compile and link errors without ever leaving the environment.
Q3:Can I ignore warning messages from my compiler?
A3: Absolutely not. Get into the habit of treating warning messages as errors. C++ uses the compiler to warn you when you are doing something you might not intend; heed those warnings and do what is required to make them go away.
Q4:What is compile-time?
A4: Compile-time refers to the actual time your compiler is running, as opposed to link-time (when the linker is running) or runtime (when the program is running).
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