Q1:Some new languages appear better than Perl. Is it about to become obsolete?
A1: Unlikely. Although some languages do certain things better, Perl is flexible enough to be used in a wide range of situations. Compiled languages are faster, and some people find HTML-embedded languages such as PHP and ASP more convenient for Web use. But Perl has such a large library of functions and third-party modules that it can be easily deployed across a range of applications.
Q2:I'm having problems installing DBI and DBD. What should I do?
A2: Some systems can be more difficult than others to install software on, although it has to be said that the DBI is usually straightforward. The World Wide Web has many discussion archives on Perl, DBI, and MySQL, their installation and use. Go to a search engine such as Google and search on the error text you receive. You should easily find a reference to the problem, and hopefully a solution.
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