The Difference Between Back and Exit

The Back button (the arrow pointing left) and the Exit button (the arrow pointing up) both move you back through your work to a screen you viewed earlier. Work through the following steps to learn firsthand the difference between the two:

  1. As you learned in Lesson 3, "Getting Around the Screen," go to the Create: Purchase Requisition: Item Overview screen.

  2. Click the Back tool button. You are returned to the Create: Purchase Requisition: Initial Screen. (You haven't left the process of creating a Purchase Requisition; you've simply backed up to an earlier screen.)

  3. Press Enter to go forward to the overview screen again.

  4. From the overview screen, click the Exit button. The first purchasing screen appears. In this case, you have exited the process of creating a purchase requisition.

  5. Click Exit as many times as necessary until you get to the starting SAP R/3 screen. If you go too far, SAP R/3 displays a dialog box asking if you want to log off (see Figure 4.1).

    Figure 4.1. If you click Exit enough times, you can log off.


    If You Get Lost… You can always get back to the initial SAP R/3 screen. Simply click the Exit button several times, and—no matter what—you can get back to a place you know. You will know you are on the main screen by its title, "SAP R/3."

  6. If the Log Off dialog box appears, click Yes to log off, or click No to cancel the Exit command. (For our purposes, click No.)


Use the Close Button You can log off SAP R/3 from any screen by clicking the Close (×) button.

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