Screen Buttons and Scrollbars

To learn about screen buttons and toolbars, you can go into Release Notes. (You don't really need to know anything about the Release Notes themselves, but they provide a convenient example that all users have access to.) Follow these steps:

  1. From the initial SAP R/3 screen, select Help, Release Notes. The Find Release Notes screen appears. Note that it has three screen buttons: Complete List, Key word search, and Attributes.

    Plain English

    Screen Buttons The buttons that appear in the row below the toolbar. You can click any of these buttons to get to another screen or to launch other processing. Screen buttons vary from screen to screen (unlike the toolbar buttons, which stay the same all the time).

  2. Click the Complete list button, and the Display Structure: Complete List of Release Notes Available screen appears (see Figure 4.2).

  3. Click the arrow beside Release Notes to "open up" that topic. (Clicking the arrow displays a topic's subtopics. Clicking the up arrow closes the topic again.)

  4. Keep clicking arrows until you get to a screen that looks like the one in Figure 4.3.

    Figure 4.2. The Display Structure screen is like a table of contents to a much larger document.

    Figure 4.3. Several levels of a list.

  5. The titles that don't have arrows have no subtopics. Double-click an individual topic to read its text. Figure 4.4 shows an individual topic.

Figure 4.4. Open a topic and read the information on it.

Notice the scrollbars that appear along the bottom and right sides of this screen. They are designed to make navigation of a large document easier. Read on to learn how to use the scrollbars.

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