Reporting with List Display

This lesson shows you how to display a list of documents. Because you normally need to see only part of a list, it shows you how to limit the list. Some people use this to limit their list, say, to requisitions for their division only. Follow these steps:

  1. From the Purchasing screen, choose Requisitions, List Display, General. The List Display of Purchase Requisitions screen appears (see Figure 11.1).

    Figure 11.1. You can narrow your request with this screen.


    Ranges You will often want to specify a range of values on this screen. Use the left column for the starting value and the right column for the ending value. Just use the Purchase Requisition number From and To fields for now.

  2. Type a range of requisition numbers here that you know contains the number of the requisition you created in Lesson 7. Then click the Execute button. SAP displays the list of purchase requisitions. Figure 11.2 shows a typical list.


    Matchcodes Note that some of the fields have matchcodes that you can use to look up values to insert. Some of the fields, even though they don't display the triangle, have possible entries available (Purchasing Group is one of these). You can choose to enter values in any field combination to limit the list display, or you can choose to display all records by not filling in any fields.

    Figure 11.2. The top of the list you requested.


    Stacked Fields There are several screen lines for each record in this list. SAP R/3 makes it easier for you to see which fields belong to which record by shading the lines in groups. Also, some field titles are abbreviated and are stacked as they were in Lesson 3, "Getting Around the Screen." Again, if you are unsure of what an abbreviated name means, click it and then click Field-Level Help.

  3. To get a better look at a requisition, click it and click the Display Requisition tool button. SAP R/3 displays a detail screen similar to the one in Figure 11.3 for the requisition you selected.

    Figure 11.3. You can also get to any of the other information screens related to this requisition by clicking the appropriate tool button or selecting from the Goto menu.

  4. Click the Back tool button to return to the List Display of Purchase Requisitions screen.

  5. From the List Display of Purchase Requisitions screen, click a line and then click the Detail icon. SAP shows the details of the selected requisition in a screen like the one in Figure 11.4.

  6. To close the dialog box, click the Close (×'29 button. Then click the Back tool button to return to the List Display of Purchase Requisitions screen.

Figure 11.4. You could click Next Requisn. to scroll through the items one at a time.

More Powerful Selections

Extended selection screens allow you to limit the list display in almost any way you can imagine. Assume that you are responsible for all plants between 400 and 500, except for 404 (which is somebody else's responsibility). You could fill in 400–500 as a range, and enter 404 as a single value exclusion.

Take another look at the List Display of Purchase Requisitions screen in Figure 11.1. You can use it to do some very powerful selections:

  1. Position your cursor on the Multiple Selection icon, and a Quick info box appears. Click Multiple Selection. The Multiple Selection dialog box appears (see Figure 11.5).

  2. Type whatever values you need into this screen. For example, ask the system to include entries for plant 337 and for any other plant in the range of 100 to 200 (except in the range 150–160). To do so, fill in value ranges for Plant as 100–200 and 150–160. Leaving your cursor in the 160 box, click the Options button. The Plant: Maintain Selection Options dialog box appears (see Figure 11.6). This box applies to whatever range your cursor was in when you clicked Options.

    Figure 11.5. The Multiple Selection dialog box.

    Figure 11.6. You can choose ranges to be included or excluded.

  3. Select the Outside Range option to exclude the range between the specified values. With the values shown, for example, you are telling SAP R/3 to exclude values in the range of 150 to 160.

  4. Click the check mark button to return to the Multiple Selection for Plant dialog box. The range you entered for exclusion appears in the Ranges section at the bottom of the dialog box, as shown in Figure 11.7.

Figure 11.7. An exclusion range.

This extended selection exists throughout SAP R/3. If you are responsible for products with certain numbers, employees at a certain location, or retail outlets in a certain area, this may be the tool you need to narrow your list displays.


Saving It You can save long or complex selections for use again later. You can also share them with other SAP R/3 users and use extended selections saved by others. See Lesson 13, "Using Variants," for more information.

In this lesson, you learned how to display lists of records. You also learned how to enter selection criteria to limit these lists. In the next lesson, you learn how to generate and print reports.

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