Adding and Editing Text

You can add text to most documents to highlight any special processing or conditions for which SAP R/3 doesn't provide fields. Some people use this in the same way they use sticky notes to draw attention to some unusual condition they need to remain aware of. To add text to a document, follow these steps:

  1. On the Purchasing screen, choose Requisition, Change. Type the requisition number and press Enter. The Change: Purchase Requisition: Item Overview screen appears (see Figure 14.1).

  2. Click the line item you want to attach a note to, and then click the Text Overview button to get to the text screen (see Figure 14.2). If you want to attach a short message to the requisition, enter it in this screen. (Different kinds of documents provide different numbers of types and text fields.)

  3. Type your note into a field provided and click the Save tool button.

    Figure 14.1. You can edit requisitions from here.

    Figure 14.2. You can add short text here.

  4. To enter a longer passage of text associated with the record, click the Long Text button. Any short text you've already entered for this record appears on the first line of the text editor that appears (see Figure 14.3).

    Figure 14.3. The short text you just entered is carried through to the first line.


    Keep Your Word Processor! This text editor probably won't replace your favorite word processor, but it's useful for entering text that must be associated with SAP documents. You could spend a lot of time learning all the things it can do, but the three basics are adding text, deleting text, and inserting text.

  5. Add and edit text in the text editor as follows:

    • Add text— Enter some text (refer to Figure 14.3). You can't type past the end of the line, so press Tab when you get close to the end. Type all your text, pressing Tab as necessary to move from field to field. When you finish entering text, click the Format button to flow the text lines together.

    • Delete text— Highlight the text you want to delete and click Delete. If necessary, click the Format button to flow the text back together.

    • Insert text— Move your cursor to the insertion point and click Insert. SAP breaks the text to make room for the new text (see Figure 14.4). Enter your text and click End Insertion to flow the text together.

      Figure 14.4. SAP provides empty lines for your new text.

    • Start a new paragraph— Press Enter if you want to put text on a new line. SAP moves down to the next line, and an asterisk appears to the left of the line to show that it's a separate paragraph. Lines after the asterisk won't be flowed in with the previous lines when you click Format. However, you can delete the asterisk and click Format if you decide you want to join the lines.


    It Doesn't Flow You must move to the next line by pressing Tab (not Enter) if you want to be able to flow the lines together when you finish. You also can move to the next line by clicking it.

  6. When you finish entering and editing the text, click the Back tool button to return to the short text screen. A check mark in the More Text box indicates that a long text message is associated with this purchase requisition (see Figure 14.5).

  7. SAP displays the message Text changes were transferred at the bottom of the screen. Click the Save tool button to save your changes; the message Purchase requisition xxxx changed appears.

Figure 14.5. This is the only place that SAP tells you of the text message.

In this lesson, you learned how to add to and change short text and long text messages in business documents. In the next lesson, you learn what master data is and how to view it or change it.

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