Kinds of Business Documents

In very general terms, there are two kinds of data in any system:

  • Master dataThis data is relatively fixed in your system. Your company could continue to run for days without creating new master data. Not all master data has the word master in its name. Customer Master, Personnel Master, and Chart of Accounts are all examples of master data. (These are discussed in more detail in Lesson 15, "Using Master Data.")

  • Transaction data— This data is made up of the normal day-to-day business transactions in a system. If you couldn't create these documents, your business would come to a stop. Purchase orders, invoices, and production orders are all examples of transaction data. With transaction data, there's usually a chain of documents involved in any process. For example, a document may start as an inquiry from a customer, be converted into a quotation, and then work its way through the system to finally become an invoice and a payment.

It's important to know where the documents you work with come from and go to so that you understand the implications of any errors or problems that might be found in the document. Table 22.1 lists the common SAP R/3 documents and their purpose, as well as the R/3 modules that use the information, its predecessor, and some subsequent documents. Information in each document may have been copied in from a predecessor document, or may have information carried forward into a subsequent document.


This List Isn't Definitive Many documents and relationships in SAP R/3 aren't included in this list. SAP R/3's Business Object Repository lists more than 170 different kinds of business objects. (A purchase order is an example of a business object.) Although this list isn't comprehensive, it covers the most common objects.

Table 22.1 The Most Common SAP R/3 Documents

Table 22.1. The Most Common SAP R/3 Documents
Name Description Used By Predecessor Subsequent
Bill of Materials Lists items needed to build a product PP, PM, MM   
Credit Memo Tells customers their account is credited SD, FI   
Customer Payment Records receipt of payment from customer FI Invoice  
Debit Memo Tells customers their account is debited SD, FI Invoice
Delivery Records delivery of goods SD, MM Sales Order  
Delivery, free of charge Records delivery of samples or items for complaint resolution SD, MM Inquiry  
Goods Issue Authorizes goods removed from stock MM, PP, SD, PM   
Goods Receipt Records receipt of goods from external supplier MM, FI, QM Purchase Order  
Inquiries Customer request for information SD  Quotation
Inspection Lot Request for inspection QM   
Invoice (1) Request for payment sent to customer SD, FI Sales Order  
Invoice (2) Request for payment received from a vendor FI Purchase Order  
Maintenance Notification Request for maintenance PM   
Maintenance Order Order authorizing service PM, MM, CO Maintenance Notification  
Material Reservation Reserves a material that is in stock PP, SD, PM   
Order Proposal order for your stock or production MM (MRP)   
Outline Agreement (1) Documents terms agreed with customer for use over a specified time period SD, MM  Release Order (theirs)
Outline Agreement (2) Documents terms agreed with vendor for use over a specified time period MM  Release Order (yours)
Picking List List of materials to be removed from stock MM  
Pricing and Condition Prices, discounts, surcharges, and so on SD  Sales Orders
Production Order Schedule of, production of, goods PP, QM Sales Order, Planned Order Production Proposal Delivery
Planned Order Production slot reserved to fill a customer's order MM (MRP) Sales Order Purchase Requisition
Purchase Order Order for goods or services from a vendor MM, FI, QM Purchase Requisition Goods Receipt
Purchase Requisition Request to MM from business unit for goods or services MM Plan Order Purchase Order
Q-Info Record Vendor's status (blocked, allowed) for a material QM Quality Assurance Agreement  
Quality Assurance Agreement Agreement with vendor that allows procurement of a given material QM  Q-Info Record
Quotation (1) Vendor's offer to supply goods and materials at specified terms SD RFQ Purchase Order
Quotation (2) Your offer to supply goods and materials at specified terms SD Inquiry Sales Order
Release Order Used with outline Agreement to request product MM Outline agreement  
Return Records customer number, date, reason, and so on SD Delivery  
RFQ Records product amount, vendor, and so on MM  Purchase Order
Sales Order Records customer number, date, line items SD, MM, FI Quotation Delivery, Invoice
Time Tickets Shop floor paper for worker to fill in the time an operation took PP, FI, HR, PM   

Each kind of document has variations in how it can be created or processed. For example, a purchase order can be created from scratch, from a requisition, from the MRP process, and so on.

In this lesson, you learned about the most common documents, that documents are often shared between SAP R/3 modules, and that most documents either trigger subsequent documents or are triggered by earlier documents. In the next lesson, you learn what the industry solutions are and how they may affect you.

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