Chapter 4. Handling Application Layout

What You’ll Learn in This Hour:

  • Core layout concepts

  • Panels

  • Attached properties

  • Decorators

  • How to choose the right panel for the job

Deciding how to arrange pieces of an application on the screen can be a daunting task. Additionally, the challenge of this task can be amplified by the technical difficulties of supporting diverse screen resolutions, window size changes, and other real-world layout issues. One of the great advantages of building applications with WPF is that the framework has deep support for intelligently managing these types of situations.

In this hour, we take a look at the layout options available in WPF by digging deeper into the Font Viewer from Hour 3.

Understanding Layout

Before we discuss the Font Viewer layout, it’s important to understand some basic concepts and terminology that will affect much of what you do.

Layout Panels and Decorators

Much of building a typical user interface in WPF consists of creating various types of controls, such as Button and TextBox. Panels are a special family of classes having the distinguishing capability of being able to arrange controls on the screen. For example, you might use a Grid to arrange a collection of Label and TextBox controls into a typical input form. In a different situation, you might use a DockPanel to “dock” your application’s Menu at the top of the Window and fill the remaining area with your main UI. Sometimes, you don’t need to arrange a control, but rather to extend its functionality or appearance. Another family of classes, related to panels, derives from the Decorator base class and fulfills this common need. The most common Decorator is Border, which draws a border around its enclosed control.

When it comes to panels and decorators, you can choose from a variety of options. We explore several of them in further detail later in this hour as well as discuss using nested panels for building more complex layouts.

By the Way

The term control is used to speak generally of elements that derive from the System.Windows.Controls.Control base class. Controls have a rich set of functionality that includes features such as mouse and keyboard input, data binding, layout, styles, and animation.

By the Way

An application developer can use other means to organize controls. It is common to use elements such as TabControl, GroupBox or Expander to aid in layout. These controls typically work in conjunction with panels or decorators to organize highly complex UIs. We discuss these in Hours 12, “Building a Contact Manager,” and 13, “Presenters and Views.”


Almost all the WPF elements that you will work with as you build interfaces derive from the System.Windows.FrameworkElement base class and inherit some common layout related properties. These properties serve to fine-tune the way the element is positioned within its parent. Let’s work with the basic properties Margin, VerticalAlignment and HorizontalAlignment.

Using Alignment and Margin

In this section, we create a simple application with a Grid and one child control, a Button. As we progress, we’ll change some of the basic properties that Button inherits from FrameworkElement to discover how the overall layout is affected.

  1. Open Visual Studio and create a new WPF Application project called AlignmentAndMargin.

  2. Enter the following XAML in the Window1.xaml file:

    <Window x:Class="AlignmentAndMargin.Window1"
            Title="Alignment and Margin"
            <Button Height="35"
                    Width="100" />
  3. Run the application and notice that the Button is centered both horizontally and vertically within the Window.

  4. Exit the application and make the following change to the Button element:

    <Button Height="35"
            HorizontalAlignment="Left" />

    Notice how the designer updates the location of the button so that it is aligned to the left side of the window.

  5. Now add a VerticalAlignment:

    <Button Height="35"
            VerticalAlignment="Bottom" />
  6. Try different combinations of horizontal (Left, Right, Center, Stretch) and vertical (Top, Bottom, Center, Stretch) alignment to see how they affect layout differently.

  7. Now we will add some Margin to all the sides:

    <Button Height="35"
            Margin="20" />
  8. Using two numbers, you can specify left and right margins with the first and top and bottom margins with the second:

    <Button Height="35"
            Margin="20 10" />
  9. Use four numbers to specify left, top, right, and bottom margins, respectively:

    <Button Margin="20 5 40 75" />

    You can use spaces or commas to separate the parameters and double values for fine-grained control.

    <Button Margin="20,5.75,40,75"/>
  10. Continue to experiment with various combinations of these core layout properties.

After completing this task you should feel comfortable with some of the layout properties intrinsic to all FrameworkElements. These properties will be of great use in combination with various panels as you begin to master WPF.

Using Panels to Create Dynamic Layouts

Panels, as mentioned previously, are the core means by which a WPF developer declares UI layout. Take another look at the MainWindow.xaml in the Font Viewer sample application. Two different panels are used in combination to create the general UI structure: DockPanel and StackPanel. Run the application and resize the window several times. Notice how the DockPanel keeps certain elements docked and the StackPanel keeps the TextBlock controls stacked vertically. The specified margins are also maintained.

By the Way

All layout described here is done using XAML, but the same layout can be accomplished by using code. Every Panel has a Children collection. This collection can be used to add or remove controls from the panel’s layout at runtime.

Keeping It Simple with StackPanel

StackPanel is the simplest and one of the most useful layout controls for WPF. By default, it organizes its child elements by stacking them one on top of the other, like a list. StackPanel also has an Orientation property that can be set to Horizontal, causing the panel to stack its children from left to right.

Using a StackPanel

Let’s take a look at how StackPanel functions in the context of a real application. This shows us the variety of options that WPF provides, even for simple layout scenarios. We’ll investigate how changing Orientation can drastically change layout and how other properties affect the Font Viewer in more minute ways.

  1. Open the Font Viewer application and run it. Observe the layout of the four differently sized sample text regions.

  2. Close the application and change the StackPanel’s opening tag to this:

    <StackPanel Margin="8 0 8 8"

    Notice the change in the designer. Run the application and resize the window horizontally. The contents of the StackPanel are stacked from left to right and clipped by the window boundaries.

  3. Close the application and remove the StackPanel's Orientation attribute. This is obviously not what we want.

  4. Now add a HorizontalAlignment of Right to one or more of the TextBlock elements that are inside the StackPanel. Notice how this changes layout. The elements are still stacked vertically but within the list, they align themselves to the right.

  5. Try adding a VerticalAlignment of Bottom to the first TextBlock. Notice that the layout does not change. Now, change the StackPanel's Orientation back to Horizontal. The elements are now laid out from left to right, with the first element being vertically positioned near the bottom of the screen whereas the rest are at the top.

  6. Experiment by changing the Margin on any of the TextBlock elements.

StackPanel is a good place to start when you need to lay out a list of elements. Though it is a simple option, StackPanel provides a diverse array of combinations when using its Orientation property in conjunction with the Alignment and Margin of its children.

By the Way

Interestingly, StackPanel is often used internally as the default layout for a number of other WPF controls. One example of such a control is ListBox, which we will look at in later hours.

Organize Your UI with DockPanel

WPF provides developers with a powerful layout option embodied in the DockPanel. This control is capable of attaching its children to any of its four sides and is often used as the root layout control of an application’s UI. We have followed this pattern in developing the Font Viewer, but before we can discuss how DockPanel works in this environment, let’s look at a very important related topic.

Attached Properties

It is common in layout scenarios for controls to specify additional information about their layout that is specific to the panel they are hosted in. For example, in the Font Viewer, the list of fonts needs to tell the DockPanel that it should be placed along the left side. To provide the DockPanel with this information, we use an attached property: DockPanel.Dock. Attached properties are simply a way of connecting additional information to an element. This data can then be used by another source. In the preceding example, DockPanel declares a Dock property that can be attached to any of its children. When the DockPanel lays out its child controls, it queries each one of them for this information and uses that to organize the view appropriately. Attached properties always follow the form Source.Property; where “Source” is the class that declares (and will use) the property and “Property” is the name of the property being set.

Mastering DockPanel

Now that we understand the basics of attached properties, we can use them in the context of our sample application. In this exercise we use attached properties to learn how Dock affects the children of a DockPanel.

  1. Begin by examining the MainWindow.xaml in the Font Viewer. Notice that the root panel is a DockPanel with four child elements: Border, ListBox, TextBox, and StackPanel. All these elements, except the StackPanel, have a DockPanel.Dock value set. Run the application or view the designer to see how the panel has arranged the items. Notice that the StackPanel fills the leftover space in the DockPanel after all other controls are docked.

  2. Rearrange the DockPanel’s children so that the ListBox is declared above the Border. Notice how the docking remains the same but the layout is slightly altered, with the ListBox taking precedence over the Border for space.

  3. Change the Border's Dock property to Bottom and the ListBox's Dock property to Right. Run the application and resize the window several times (see Figure 4.2).

    An alternative layout with the DockPanel.

    Figure 4.2. An alternative layout with the DockPanel.

  4. Change the Border's Dock property to Right and set its Width to 160. Notice that both the ListBox and the Border are docked to the right. Whichever one is first in the list takes precedence, and any Margin that is applied still takes effect.

  5. Revert all your changes so that you are back to the original layout. Reorder the last two elements in the list so that the StackPanel is above the TextBox. Remove the DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" from the TextBox and add it to the StackPanel. Notice that the TextBox now fills all the remaining space. Whichever element is last in the list will be used to fill the remaining space.

  6. Change the DockPanel’s start tag to this:

    <DockPanel Margin="8"

    Notice that the TextBox no longer fills the remaining space in the DockPanel.

By the Way

Because attached properties do not actually live on the object they are being set on, they can be a little unintuitive to set in code. WPF follows a pattern of using “Get” and “Set” static methods on the defining class to fulfill this need. For example, this is how you would set the Dock on a Button in code:

DockPanel.SetDock(theButton, Dock.Right);

The DockPanel is a powerful option for laying out a user interface. It is more complex than the StackPanel, but offers a great deal more “intelligence” in its layout mechanism. A vast assortment of arrangements can be handled with the DockPanel and/or the StackPanel. But if you cannot accomplish what you are aiming for, it’s likely the Grid will meet your needs.

Leveraging the Grid for Ultimate Layout Control

The Grid is WPF’s all-purpose layout panel. It can achieve most of the same behavior as the previous controls and much more. This power comes with a price; the requirement of additional XAML and more attached properties. Let’s see how the Grid works.

Example 4.1. Simple Grid Layout

<Grid ShowGridLines="True"
        <RowDefinition />
        <RowDefinition />
        <ColumnDefinition />
        <ColumnDefinition />

    <Button Content="0,0" />

    <Button Grid.Column="1"
            Content="0,1" />

    <Button Grid.Row="1"
            Content="1,0" />

    <Button Grid.Row="1"
            Content="1,1" />

Using a Grid

  1. Open Visual Studio and create a new WPF Application project called UseAGrid.

  2. In Window1.xaml, replace the default Grid with the markup in Listing 4.1. Run the application and observe the layout behavior by resizing the window several times.

  3. Note that the resulting Grid has two rows and two columns. This is a result of the RowDefinitions and ColumnDefinitions elements. Also, observe how the attached properties determine what row and column the buttons will be placed in. Row and column indexes begin at zero and default to this value if not specified. This is why the Button with no declared Grid.Row or Grid.Column appears in row and column zero. It is for the same reason that only one parameter needs to be specified on all but the last Button.

  4. Change the RowDefinitions and ColumnDefinitions to match the following code:

        <RowDefinition Height="50" />
        <RowDefinition />
        <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
        <ColumnDefinition Width="2*" />
  5. Run the program and resize the window several times. Notice that the top row maintains a height of 50 device-independent pixels and that the second column is always twice as wide as the first. You can place exact heights and widths on rows and columns, respectively. You can also indicate proportional sizing using the “*” notation.

  6. Change the first RowDefinition to this:

    <RowDefinition Height="auto" />
  7. Run the program. Notice that the first row is automatically sizing to the default size of its content—in this case Buttons.

  8. Try adding additional rows and columns of buttons. Mix and match the different options for height and width. For example, you could define something like this:

    <ColumnDefinition Width="34" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width="1.5*" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width="2*" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width="auto" />

    In this case, the first column would be 34 pixels wide, the last column would auto size to content and the middle columns would split the remaining space with the ratio 1.5:2.

  9. Experiment by changing the vertical and horizontal alignment of the buttons as well as their Margin.

Hopefully this has given you a basic understanding of how to use a Grid to handle the layout of controls. You can do quite a lot more with a Grid. Take a look at Listing 4.2 and its depiction in Figure 4.3.

A more intricate Grid.

Figure 4.3. A more intricate Grid.

Did you Know?

When using a Grid for layout, you may want to set the Grid’s ShowGridLines property to True. This will draw the imaginary lines on the Grid so that you can be sure that your controls are being laid out properly. Before finishing the design of your UI, remember to remove this setting.

Example 4.2. Advanced Grid Layout

<Window x:Class="AdvancedGrid.Window1"
    <Grid TextBlock.FontSize="48">
            <RowDefinition />
            <RowDefinition Height="250" />
            <ColumnDefinition Width="2*" />
            <ColumnDefinition Width="auto" />
            <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
            <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />

        <Button Grid.RowSpan="2"
                Content="2 Rows" />

        <GridSplitter Grid.Row="0"
                      ResizeDirection="Columns" />

        <Button Grid.Column="2"
                Content="2 Columns" />

        <Button Grid.Row="1"
                Content="1,2" />
        <Button Grid.Row="1"
                Content="1,3" />

The AdvancedGrid code demonstrates some further features of the Grid. Notice that besides just specifying the row and column of a control, we can also make child controls span multiple rows or columns. With these additional attached properties, the layout possibilities of the Grid are virtually limitless.


The GridSplitter is a special control capable of letting a user resize rows or columns of a Grid at runtime. You must place the control within a Grid, between the rows or columns you want to be resizable. Use the ResizeDirection property to indicate what the control will resize (rows or columns) and use ResizeBehavior to declare how the splitter will specifically interact with its own row/column as well as those around it. For example, will it resize its own column, or just the next one? A preferred practice is to place the GridSplitter in a row/column by itself and set the ResizeBehavior to PreviousAndNext. This makes the GridSplitter easier to manage and understand.

Did you Know?

Often, building real-world applications involves complex UI layout. Even the versatile panels discussed so far are frequently incapable of expressing an entire layout on their own. For most scenarios you will need to combine multiple different panels. In fact, WPF was designed for building highly composited user interfaces by making it easy to nest controls and panels in one another.

Understanding How WrapPanel Works

The WrapPanel is used less often than StackPanel, DockPanel, and Grid, but offers useful functionality nonetheless. Essentially, a WrapPanel is like a StackPanel, but it has the ability to “wrap” what it is stacking to the next line or column if it runs out of space.

  1. Open the Font Viewer application in Visual Studio.

  2. Locate the opening and closing StackPanel tags. Change these tags to WrapPanel.

  3. There is no change observed in the designer, so run the application.

  4. Resize the window in the horizontal direction several times. Notice that the WrapPanel attempts to place the TextBlocks on the same line, but when there is not enough space, it wraps them to the next line.

  5. WrapPanel, like StackPanel, has an Orientation property. Set the Orientation to Vertical. Run the application and try resizing the window in the vertical direction.

Exploit Canvas for Precision Layout

Canvas is different from all the Panels we have discussed so far. This difference lies in the fact that Canvas does not add any special dynamic layout behavior to its child controls. A canvas must have an exact Width and Height, and all its child elements must have an exact size and position as well. Canvas arranges controls at strict Left (x) and Top (y) positions using attached properties. Try out the XAML in Listing 4.3, visualized in Figure 4.4. Resize the window and try adding alignment; you’ll notice that these things have no effect on layout. Margin, however, will offset the control from its location.

Using a Canvas.

Figure 4.4. Using a Canvas.

By the Way

As an alternative to using Top and Left on elements displayed in a Canvas, you can use Bottom and Right. Using these attached properties causes the Canvas to position elements from its bottom and right borders, measuring the distance to the right or bottom border of the element being arranged.

Did you Know?

Occasionally, a Canvas (or any Panel) will contain elements that overlap, but that need to be drawn in a specific order. Use the special attached property, Panel.ZIndex, to specify the virtual Z coordinate of the element. Controls with higher ZIndex values are drawn on top of controls with lower values. If no ZIndex is specified, the child control will be rendered based on the order it was added to the panel’s Children collection.

Watch Out!

Although most panels will size to fit their children, if no size is declared for a Canvas it will collapse to zero.

Example 4.3. Exact Positioning with Canvas

<Window x:Class="ExactPositionCanvas.Window1"
    <Canvas Width="200"
        <Button Canvas.Left="50"
                Height="35" />
        <Button Canvas.Right="25"
                Width="35" />
        <Button Canvas.Bottom="5"
                Width="75" />

Watch Out!

Avoid using Canvas for most Control layout scenarios. Using exact positioning and sizing undercuts the power of WPF’s dynamic layout mechanisms. The Canvas was originally designed for the layout of Drawings and not Controls. It is best to stick to this practice when possible.

Enhancing a UI with Decorators

Decorators, as mentioned previously, add graphical decoration or behavior to other elements. A Decorator always has one Child that it decorates (although this child can be a Panel containing many other Controls).

Let’s look at two of the most common Decorators that you will use or encounter in WPF programming: Border and Viewbox.

  1. Begin by creating a new WPF Application called UsingDecorators. Enter the code from Listing 4.3 in Window1.xaml.

  2. Surround the Canvas with a Border, like this:

    <Border BorderThickness="2"
        <Canvas ...>
  3. BorderThickness and CornerRadius can each accept four parameters, indicating how the properties should be applied on each side or corner of the border. Additionally, BorderThickness can be declared with two parameters, signifying the left and right in the first parameter and the top and bottom in the second. Try this:

    <Border BorderThickness="10 5 20 3"
            CornerRadius="20 30 0 0">
        <Canvas ...>
  4. There are a lot of great uses for the Border control. Let’s use it in conjunction with another Decorator, Viewbox. Change the code to this:

    <Border BorderThickness="10 5 20 3"
            CornerRadius="20 30 0 0">
        <Viewbox Margin="10">
            <Canvas ...>
  5. Adding the Viewbox causes the designer to stop displaying the layout preview. (This is a current limitation of the VS designer.) Run the application and resize the window several times to see the effect the Viewbox has on its content. Notice that it scales its child to fit all available space, as shown in Figure 4.5.

    Combining Border, Viewbox, and Canvas.

    Figure 4.5. Combining Border, Viewbox, and Canvas.

By now you should be familiar with the two most important decorators in WPF. Each of these decorators has a unique capability controlled by a specific set of properties. We have presented the most basic properties here. For another example of using a Border, take a look at the Border used for displaying instructions in the Font Viewer application. Experiment with the use of BackgroundColor and Padding. In the case of Viewbox, other properties allow further control of its behavior. Spend some time investigating properties like StretchDirection and Stretch. By altering these values, you can control exactly how the Viewbox’s content is scaled.

Building Up a Layout

Laying out a user interface can be a tricky task. WPF provides a variety of tools to help you succeed, but you can easily become overwhelmed by the sheer number of possibilities. More often than not, a typical user interface will combine multiple Panels together to create the desired effect. Even in our simple font utility, you can see how we combined a DockPanel and a StackPanel to achieve our goals. Following is a list of recommendations to help you in your interface design:

  • Begin by using the simplest and most explicit Panel.

  • Do not be afraid to combine multiple Panels to achieve the effect you desire.

  • Pay close attention to the runtime behavior of your layout. You may need to change your strategy to accommodate window resizing.

  • Try to choose layout options that allow for flexible sizing. Avoid setting hard-coded Height and Width properties when possible. Instead, if necessary, consider using MinHeight, MinWidth, MaxHeight, and MaxWidth. These properties give WPF’s layout engine some flexible parameters by which it can work, rather than force it into a brittle layout strategy.

  • If using a graphical UI tool such as the VS Designer or Expression Blend, keep a close eye on the Margin properties of your elements. Sometimes these tools get confused and alter these values in strange ways, resulting in unexpected layout behavior.

  • Use Canvas only as a last resort. This panel was designed primarily for rendering Drawings, not UI. Using Canvas for ordinary layout scenarios can defeat the purpose of the WPF dynamic layout capabilities. If you want a similar effect, use a Grid control in combination with Margin set on its children. This creates a sort of relative canvas effect.


In this hour we explored many of the WPF layout options. We looked at several of these elements within the context of our first application, the Font Viewer. Hopefully you have taken the time to experiment with the variety of settings available through attached properties and the common layout properties of FrameworkElement. Using these properties with a combination of Panels, Decorators, and other elements will give your Windows application a rich and dynamic layout capable of displaying almost any user interface you can imagine.



Are the Panels and Decorators listed in this hour the only options for WPF layout?


No. Numerous ways of managing the layout of controls on a screen exist. One common way is by grouping items in tabs with a TabControl. You can also create your own custom panels by inheriting from Panel and overriding the proper methods, but that is outside of the scope of this book.


The Grid is such a powerful layout option. Why use any of the other panels when I can accomplish the same things with the Grid?


In many cases, using the Grid to accomplish a similar design as another panel will result in more verbose markup. Often it is difficult to ascertain the intention of this markup. If you want docking behavior, be explicit and use a DockPanel rather than a Grid. The same goes for using other Panels. Always choose the simplest and most explicit means that will accomplish your design.




What are the three layout related properties present on all descendents of FrameworkElement?


What is an attached property?


What is the difference between a Panel and a Decorator?



VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment, and Margin are layout affecting properties on all FrameworkElements. FrameworkElements also have a number of width and height related properties that indirectly affect layout.


An attached property is a property that is declared by one control and attached to another. It allows the inclusion of additional information with a control for later use by an external source.


A Panel has a collection of Children that it arranges according to various rules, based on the type of panel. A Decorator, on the other hand, has only one Child to which it applies some additional set of behavior.


  1. Rebuild the Font Viewer with a different set of panels than were used in the original design.

  2. Rebuild the Font Viewer using a single grid to lay out the entire application. Use one GridSplitter to allow dynamic resizing of the ListBox’s width and a second GridSplitter to allow resizing of the TextBox’s height.

  3. Investigate the SDK to learn about BulletDecorator. This is a lesser-known decorator, but useful in some specific scenarios.

  4. Using the search engine of your choice, look up “WPF Radial Panel” or “WPF Custom Panel” to learn about how to create your own custom panels or to see what others have already built.

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