Chapter 16

[16:1] Parallel Collections: Overview – Scala Documentation A. Prokopec, H. Miller -

[16:2] Parallel Collections: Measuring Performance, Scala Documentation A. Prokopec, H. Miller -

[16:3] The Actor Model: Towards Better Concurrency D. Bereznitsky - Java Edge 2009 -

[16:4] Scala for the impatient §14.17 Partial Functions C Horstmann - Addison-Wesley 2012

[16:5] Programming in Scala; a Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide 2nd edition §30.3 Treating native threads as actors M. Odersky, L. Spoon, B. Venners - Artima 2008

[16:6] Deprecating the Observer Pattern I. Maier, T Rompf, M. Odersky - Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne

[16:7] Introducing Akka J. Boner - Typesafe 2012 -

[16:8] Akka Essentials §4 Typed Actors M. K. Gupta - Packt Publishing 2012

[16:9] Akka Essentials §6 Supervision and Monitoring: Supervision M. K. Gupta - Packt Publishing 2012

[16:10] Concurrent Programming with Futures, Finagle - Twitter Inc. 2004 -

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