DK variations

While all use a squatting movement that targets the glutes and quads along with the hamstrings, these variations to the barbell back squat use weights held in different ways to offer an easier version or one that challenges other muscles more. Master your squatting execution first with the dumbbell squats before tackling the barbell front squat.


Without the need for a barbell, this variation can be done at home. If you are new to squatting, start with this easier version. Holding a weight at the front skews the load to the upper back and allows the torso to be more upright.

preparatory stage

Plant your feet shoulder-width apart. With both hands, hold the dumbbell in front of your chest, under your chin. Keep your forearms near vertical.


Breathe in and push your hips back, bending at the knee and squatting deeply. Keep your knees wide, tracking in line with your toes; don’t let them knock in.


Drive out of the squat to return to the standing position, breathing out as you do so. Keep your abs engaged throughout. Repeat stages 1 and 2.


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Using a pair of dumbbells, this squatting movement offers another easier variation. Holding the weights at your sides and naturally carrying them into the squat offers more work for muscles of the forearms, arms, and upper back.

preparatory stage

Stand tall with your feet roughly shoulder-width apart and parallel. Hold the dumbbells with straight arms at your sides. Look ahead and tense your torso.


With the core engaged, breathe in and flex at the hips and knees to squat, with the knees aligned over the feet. Look ahead and keep your arms hanging vertically.


Breathe out as you drive out of the squat to return to the standing position, keeping your abs engaged at all times. Repeat stages 1 and 2.


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If you find the barbell back squat aggravates your lower back or you have a shoulder injury, this variation might suit you instead. This version challenges the muscles of the upper back more due to the load shifting from back to front.

preparatory stage

Stand tall with your feet roughly shoulder-width apart. Lift the barbell and allow it to settle at the top of your shoulders in line with your collar bones.


Breathe in, engage your core, and “sit” into a deep squat, keeping your torso as upright as possible. Hold a forward gaze and keep the barbell still.


Breathe out as you push through your feet and stand up, extending your legs at the hip and knee with your core engaged. Repeat stages 1 and 2.


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Squatting is a multi-joint exercise that challenges muscles around the knee, hip, and torso; improved mobility and balance and stronger muscles benefit day-to-day life.

DK Force lines in the quadriceps

The quadriceps is not one muscle, but several divisions of muscle working together; these divisions have varying lines of force, or pull, depending on when they are most needed throughout a range of motion of an action. For example, in a squat exercise, different divisions of the quadriceps come into play more at particular points of the squatting movement. Overall, then, the divisions of the quadriceps work in synchronicity.


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