dumbbell rear deltoid fly

This fly exercise trains the rear deltoid muscle while also challenging the muscles of the upper back. As with the front raise, you can also perform this movement with cables or resistance bands.

the big picture

Raising and lowering dumbbells from low to high and from the front to the side of your body (in a flying movement) targets the rear division of your deltoid. Move the weights with control rather than throwing them out and letting them fall back. If you experience any shoulder discomfort, try switching to the cable or the resistance-band variation (overleaf).

Beginners can start with 4 sets of 8–10 reps; discover other variations on and other targeted sets in the training programs.


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your torso tilted forward, and let your arms hang naturally in front of your body with the dumbbells securely in your hands. Ensure your head remains in a neutral position.


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stage one

Inhale to engage your abs. Breathe out as you use your rear deltoids and upper-back muscles to fly the dumbbells out to the sides. Start slowly, then accelerate as you move to the top position; stop when your arms are roughly parallel to the floor. To add a challenge, hold for 1 second.


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Upper body and arms

This exercise places tension on the rear (posterior) deltoid, as well as muscles of the upper back, such as the trapezius. The core muscles alongside the spinal extensors will play an important role in stabilizing your torso and spine. This exercise is most challenging toward the top of the movement, so ensure you use a weight that you can control and perform with good technique.

stage two

Keeping tension in your shoulders, breathe in to lower your arms with control, resisting the load. Pause for 1 second in this bottom position to help reduce momentum going into your next rep and to reset your breathing. Repeat stages 1 and 2.


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DK Common mistakes

Lifting too much weight makes it harder to get the mechanics of the action right; a better bet for harder work is to boost your sets. The rear deltoid is a small muscle, so it takes focus to feel the work.

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