front plank with rotation

Known by many as the “mountain climber,” this exercise works multiple muscles—of the legs, core, and arms—at the same time while also giving you a cardio workout if you up the tempo. The twisting movement strengthens the muscles of the core, especially the oblique muscles.

the big picture

For this exercise, you’ll need to raise your hips into the plank position and hold your body in this straight line throughout as you twist to each side. By keeping tension through your arms, upper back, torso, and lower body, you help stabilize your lower back and protect it from injury.

Beginners can start with 4 sets of 8–10 reps; discover other targeted sets in the training programs. If you find this exercise too difficult, try holding the starting plank position without rotating.

preparatORY STAGE

Lie on the floor in a prone position with your upper body supported by your forearms. To get into the starting position, raise your hips up to form a straight line from your head down to the ankle.


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stage one

Breathe out. From the plank position, raise one foot while flexing at the knee and track that foot across the body to the opposite side. When you have rotated as far as you can, return to the plank. Keep your core engaged and a neutral spine throughout.


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Core and arms

As the knee drives across the body, the external obliques work concentrically to produce the rotation of the torso on the side of the supporting leg, and eccentrically on the other side. The arms and shoulders hold tension to help support the position of the upper body. The spinal erectors of the lower back hold the spine’s neutral position and help avoid any arching.


The quads of the supporting leg remain engaged to help stabilize the body so that you can initiate the knee drive from the hips. Engaging the hip flexors powers the knee across the body to the opposite side.

stage two

Breathe in as you reset your position. Repeat stages 1 and 2 for the desired number of reps, then return your hips to the floor in the prone position. Then, to work evenly, perform an equal number of reps on the opposite leg.


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DK Common mistakes

Don’t let your neck jut forward; keep your eyes fixed on the floor and a neutral head position. Be sure to keep your shoulders over your elbows.

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