side plank with rotation

This easy-to-do-at-home exercise strengthens the core and tones the waistline by working the muscles at the sides of the torso: the obliques. Be sure to breathe slowly throughout and to exercise one side, then the other.

the big picture

As with the front plank, your body is held in a straight line with abdominal muscles engaged throughout, but this time you’re positioned on alternating sides. Keep your knees and chest facing forward throughout; rotate only from your hips.

Beginners can start with 4 sets of 8–10 reps; discover other targeted sets in the training programs.

preparatORY STAGE

Lie on one side with your feet stacked together and your upper body supported on your lower forearm. Fold your other arm across your chest. Lift your hips off the floor, holding a straight line from your head to your ankle.


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stage one

Rotate your hips down toward the floor; be sure to keep your chest facing forward and rotate only at the hips. Twist only as far as you can go without moving at the chest and knee.


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The hip flexors, hip adductors, and hip abductors work to maintain the position of your lower body and help keep a neutral spine throughout the range of this movement.

Upper body

As you rotate your torso, the external and internal obliques will be working synergistically on both sides (top and bottom) to help facilitate the twist and keep your torso stabilized and strong throughout this short range of motion. You use these muscles all the time in daily life. The rotation in this exercise will strengthen them to maintain healthy spine alignment during strength training, as well as everyday activities.

stage two

Return your hips to the starting position, keeping your chest facing forward. Next, rotate your hips toward the ceiling, then back to the starting position. Repeat stages 1 and 2. Repeat on the other side.


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DK Common mistakes

Incorrect body set-up (alignment is crucial) and sagging hips won’t help you achieve tension from head to toe. Work to keep your hips off the floor.

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