
There are numerous individuals who have contributed to this book, sometimes in ways that they may not even be aware of. While I cannot name and thank each person individually, please know that you have made a difference in my life.

Of special note are certain people who directly made this book come to life. Dr. Richard Ward, Dean and Director of Criminal Justice at Sam Houston State University, has been a mentor for years. From my days as a police officer, you exposed me to the desire to grow academically and intellectually, and to understand the gravity of terrorism in relation to public safety. Your insight and work product was and is an inspiration. Joseph N. DuCanto, Esq., also deserves special mention, as he provided a critical opportunity by serving as the general counsel of his security services firm. I learned a lot about the business of security, and the legal exposures of such through the years I served your firm.

In addition, I want to thank my friends and colleagues at Calumet College of St. Joseph. Of note are President Dennis Rittenmeyer, Ph.D.; Vice President of Academic Affairs, Michele Dvorak, Ed.D.; Graduate Director David Plebanski, Ph.D.; Law Enforcement Management Director Michael J. McCafferty, J.D.; Assistant Professor Dean Angelo, Ed.D.; Professor Emeritus K. James McCaleb, Ph.D.; Dean of Students, James Adducci, J.D.; Public Safety Institute Executive Director Geoff Anderson; Associate Directors John Tsolakos and Dr. Gary Jones; Supervisor Nick Zivanovic; Coordinator of Graduate Student Services Mary Severa; and Director of Public Relations Rada Indjich.

This same regard is for my doctoral dissertation committee for their help in framing this work—which hopefully builds on the foundation established in the dissertation. Drs. Wayne Kerstetter, Jess Maghan, Melissa Marschall, Evan McKenzie, and particularly the committee chairman, Richard Johnson, your insights and direction are most appreciated. Your efforts and insights will never be diminished or forgotten.

To my friends and colleagues in the security and policing industries, I wish you safety and God speed as you work to protect your clients, communities, and ultimately, this country. While I do not “know” most of your identities, I do know your work. For those I do know as individuals, there are simply too many people to name. Either way my respect and regard go out to you. Indeed, your work often goes unnoticed and unappreciated. In some measure, this book is dedicated to your work. My regards also extends to those at the International Association of Professional Security Consultants (IAPSC), ASIS International, and the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP). In addition, special regards to Daniel S. McDevitt and Thomas Elward, who I had the pleasure to work with at SecureLaw Ltd. Your work product and knowledge was and is both professional and insightful.

My regards to those at Butterworth-Heinemann, especially Mark Listewnik, Jeff Freeland, Kelly Weaver, and Pam Chester, and to other editors and support personnel, your help and work is most appreciated. In particular, my thanks and regards to Ellen Persio for your editing. You have greatly improved this document.

Finally and most importantly, to my wife, Rose Ann, my mother and family; thanks again for helping me through another book. It seems that they do not get any easier. The help, encouragement, and support of my loving wife make this book both possible and more worthwhile. My thanks and love is with you all.

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