Public Key Encryption

Public key encryption (also called asymmetric encryption) has an important difference from private key encryption. Public key encryption uses two different keys: one key for encryption and another key for decryption. Why don’t they simply call this two-key encryption and call private key encryption one-key encryption? While it is well known that security experts like to invent jargon to justify their high consultancy fees, there is also a logical reason for this naming, which lies in the way the two types of encryption are used.

While private key encryption assumes that both the encrypting and decrypting parties already know the private key, public key encryption provides a method to securely issue a key to someone and have that individual send you information that only you can decrypt. It works like this: Our system creates a public/private key pair. We send the public key to someone who uses it to encrypt a message. She sends the encrypted message to us, and we decrypt the message with the private key. (Note: The private key is not the same as the key used in private key encryption.) Even if an intruder gains possession of the public key, he cannot use it to decrypt the encrypted message because only the private key can decrypt the message, and this is never given away. In contrast with private key encryption, the keys used in public key encryption are more than simple strings. The key is actually a structure with eight fields: two of the fields are used for encrypting with the public key, and six are used for decrypting with the private key. The public key is obtained by extraction from the private key, which is why the private key can be used for both encryption and decryption. Figure 1-4 shows how public key encryption and decryption work, using the example of a system requesting a credit card number from a user.

Public key encryption and decryption

Figure 1-4. Public key encryption and decryption

Public key encryption is slower than private key encryption and cannot process large amounts of data. The RSA algorithm (RSA refers to the initials of the people who developed it: Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman) can encrypt a message of only 116 bytes (58 unicode characters). A common use for public key encryption is for securely passing a private key, which is then used for encrypting and decrypting other information.

Add public key encryption to the security library

In this exercise, you will add public key encryption functions to your security library.

  1. In Visual Studio .NET, open the project CH01_EncryptionEMS StartEMS.sln.

  2. Open SecurityLibrary.vb. Add the following code:

    Namespace PublicKey
      Module PublicKey
        Function CreateKeyPair() As String
          'Create a new random key pair
          Dim rsa As New RSACryptoServiceProvider()
          CreateKeyPair = rsa.ToXmlString(True)
        End Function
        Function GetPublicKey(ByVal strPrivateKey As String) As String
          'Extract the public key from the
          'public/private key pair
          Dim rsa As New RSACryptoServiceProvider()
          Return rsa.ToXmlString(False)
        End Function
        Function Encrypt(ByVal strPlainText As String, _
          ByVal strPublicKey As String) As String
          'Encrypt a string using the private or public key
          Dim rsa As New RSACryptoServiceProvider()
          Dim bytPlainText() As Byte
          Dim bytCipherText() As Byte
          Dim uEncode As New UnicodeEncoding()
          bytPlainText = uEncode.GetBytes(strPlainText)
          bytCipherText = rsa.Encrypt(bytPlainText, False)
          Encrypt = Convert.ToBase64String(bytCipherText)
        End Function
        Function Decrypt(ByVal strCipherText As String, _
        ByVal strPrivateKey As String) As String
          'Decrypt a string using the private key
          Dim rsa As New RSACryptoServiceProvider()
          Dim bytPlainText() As Byte
          Dim bytCipherText() As Byte
          Dim uEncode As New UnicodeEncoding()
          bytCipherText = Convert.FromBase64String(strCipherText)
          bytPlainText = rsa.Decrypt(bytCipherText, False)
          Decrypt = uEncode.GetString(bytPlainText)
        End Function
      End Module
    End Namespace
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