
Controllers act as a central place to handle the events originating from various views. It helps us to take care of the cross-view interactions to build the application flow.


In the Ext JS framework, a controller does the following:

  • Uses Ext.util.Observable mixin which acts as the foundation for raising events and registering handlers for the events.
  • Loads the models, views, stores, and other dependencies mentioned in the requirements, before creation.
  • Calls the constructor.
  • Creates getter methods for: model, store, and view.
  • Creates getter methods for the ref objects.
  • Creates the components referred in the ref config, if references are to be cached (default behavior, unless forceCreate is set to true). If the component is not cached and autoCreate is set to true on the ref object, then the component is created and added to the cache.

Sencha Touch

In the Touch framework, a controller does the following:

  • Uses the Ext.util.Observable mixin.
  • Creates getter methods for ref objects.
  • Creates the components referred in the ref config. If the component is not cached and autoCreate is set to true on the ref object, then the component is created and added to the cache.

The previous list highlights the differences in the controller implementation on two frameworks. Though the effort is on to implement a consistent interface and behavior across the two frameworks, there are still differences that need to be addressed.


Profile is applicable only to Sencha Touch and it helps us to build the application which can work on multiple devices. A profile must be created for every device where we handle the device specific layouts and behaviors.

Every profile must extend the class and must implement the isActive method. During the application's initialization, the framework goes through all the profiles mentioned in the profiles config on the Ext.application class and executes their isActive method, one-by-one. The first profile for which the isActive method returns true is considered as an active profile. A profile-specific controller, model, view, and store needs to be set on the profile class using the controllers, models, views, and stores properties. Let us see what changes we will have to make to our touchapp to support profiles.

Say, we are going to support two profiles—Desktop and Phone. All the behavior that we built in the previous chapter needs to be there for the Desktop profile. For Phone, we would have a different layout. The following are the steps that we would have to go through to make use of a profile:

  1. Create a profile folder under the app folder.
  2. Define a Desktop profile class and save the following code inside the Desktop.js file inside the profile folder:
    Ext.define('AM.profile.Desktop', {
        extend: '',
        config: {
          controllers: ['Users', 'Departments'],
          views: ['user.List', 'department.List'],
          stores: ['', ''],
          models: ['AM.model.User', 'AM.model.Department']
        isActive: function() {
        launch: function() {
            var config = {
           layout: 'fit',
            items: [{
              xtype: 'departmentlist',
              docked: 'left',
              width: 400
            }, {
              xtype: 'userlist'


    Note that we have implemented the isActive method, which returns true if the detected device is the desktop. Additionally, we have implemented the launch method, which contains the code that was inside the app.js file. This way, the layout that we would create would apply to the desktop only.

  3. Define another profile for Phone and keep the following code inside Phone.js in the profile folder:
    Ext.define('AM.profile.Phone', {
        extend: '',
        isActive: function() {
            return false;		//We do not support always return false


    Since we do not have much to support on the phone, we are returning false from the isActive method.

  4. Replace the content of app.js with the following code:
      name: 'AM',	
      profiles: ['Desktop', 'Phone']


    Note that we have removed the launch method's implementation from the application and moved it to the launch method of the Desktop profile. We have listed out the two profiles.

  5. Create a desktop folder under the controller and view folders and move the controller JS files from appcontroller to appcontrollerdesktop and from the appview to the appviewdesktop folders.
  6. Change the class names of the controllers and views to include desktop in their names. For example, AM.controller.Users will change to AM.controller.desktop.Users.

After making all the changes, the folder structure should look as follows:


Run the application on your desktop browser and you will see the same output that we saw in the previous chapter. If the application is run on a phone, no view is rendered.

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