
Application glues models, views, controllers, and stores to assemble a complete functional application.

Ext JS

In Ext JS, the class does the following:

  • Extends
  • Sets the path on the loader. This helps us in loading the application classes from folders other than the app folder.
  • Loads the Viewport class if autoCreateViewport is true. When set to true, the application will load the Viewport.js file from the appview folder.
  • Registers the onReady method where it instantiates and calls the init method on all the controllers.
  • Enables QuickTips if enableQuickTips was set to true.
  • Creates the Viewport if autoCreateViewport is true.
  • Calls the launch method of the application.
  • Fires the launch event.
  • Calls the onLaunch method of each of the controllers.

Sencha Touch

In Touch, the class does the following:

  • Extends the class
  • Enables loader so that the dependencies can be loaded
  • Loads the profiles, if any
  • Instantiates controllers and loads their dependencies
  • Instantiates stores
  • Identifies the active profile and if there is an active profile, sets the current profile with it
  • Loads the dependencies of all the profiles configured for the profile
  • Calls the init method on all the controllers
  • Calls the launch method of the active profile
  • Calls the launch method of the application
  • Calls the launch method of all the controllers
  • Redirects the user to the appropriate controller method call based on the configured routes
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