


Title Page



About the Editor

About the Contributors

Part I: Introduction

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 UAV versus UAS

1.2 Historical Perspective on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

1.3 UAV Classification

1.4 UAV Applications

1.5 UAS Market Overview

1.6 UAS Future Challenges

1.7 Fault Tolerance for UAS

Chapter 2: Performance Tradeoffs and the Development of Standards1

2.1 Scope of Sense and Avoid

2.2 System Configurations

2.3 S&A Services and Sub-functions

2.4 Sensor Capabilities

2.5 Tracking and Trajectory Prediction

2.6 Threat Declaration and Resolution Decisions

2.7 Sense and Avoid Timeline

2.8 Safety Assessment

2.9 Modeling and Simulation

2.10 Human Factors

2.11 Standards Process

2.12 Conclusion

Chapter 3: Integration of SAA Capabilities into a UAS Distributed Architecture for Civil Applications

3.1 Introduction

3.2 System Overview

3.3 USAL Concept and Structure

3.4 Flight and Mission Services

3.5 Awareness Category at USAL Architecture

3.6 Conclusions


Part II: Regulatory Issues and Human Factors

Chapter 4: Regulations and Requirements

4.1 Background Information

4.2 Existing Regulations and Standards

4.3 Sense and Avoid Requirements

4.4 Human Factors and Situational Awareness Considerations

4.5 Conclusions


Chapter 5: Human Factors in UAV

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Teleoperation of UAVs

5.3 Control of Multiple Unmanned Vehicles

5.4 Task-Switching

5.5 Multimodal Interaction with Unmanned Vehicles

5.6 Adaptive Automation

5.7 Automation and Multitasking

5.8 Individual Differences

5.9 Conclusions

Part III: SAA Methodologies

Chapter 6: Sense and Avoid Concepts: Vehicle-Based SAA Systems (Vehicle-to-Vehicle)

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Conflict Detection and Resolution Principles

6.3 Categorization of Conflict Detection and Resolution Approaches


Chapter 7: UAS Conflict Detection and Resolution Using Differential Geometry Concepts

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Differential Geometry Kinematics

7.3 Conflict Detection

7.4 Conflict Resolution: Approach I

7.5 Conflict Resolution: Approach II

7.6 CD&R Simulation

7.7 Conclusions

Chapter 8: Aircraft Separation Management Using Common Information Network SAA

8.1 Introduction

8.2 CIN Sense and Avoid Requirements

8.3 Automated Separation Management on a CIN

8.4 Smart Skies Implementation

8.5 Example SAA on a CIN – Flight Test Results

8.6 Summary and Future Developments


Part VI: SAA Applications

Chapter 9: AgentFly: Scalable, High-Fidelity Framework for Simulation, Planning and Collision Avoidance of Multiple UAVs

9.1 Agent-Based Architecture

9.2 Airplane Control Concept

9.3 Flight Trajectory Planner

9.4 Collision Avoidance

9.5 Team Coordination

9.6 Scalable Simulation

9.7 Deployment to Fixed-Wing UAV


Chapter 10: See and Avoid Using Onboard Computer Vision

10.1 Introduction

10.2 State-of-the-Art

10.3 Visual-EO Airborne Collision Detection

10.4 Image Stabilization

10.5 Detection and Tracking

10.6 Target Dynamics and Avoidance Control

10.7 Hardware Technology and Platform Integration

10.8 Flight Testing

10.9 Future Work

10.10 Conclusions


Chapter 11: The Use of Low-Cost Mobile Radar Systems for Small UAS Sense and Avoid

11.1 Introduction

11.2 The UAS Operating Environment

11.3 Sense and Avoid and Collision Avoidance

11.4 Case Study: The Smart Skies Project

11.5 Case Study: Flight Test Results

11.6 Conclusion




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