Part 1

How to Set Prices for Maximum Profits

image In the first chapters, you’ll learn:

  • Just how much money you can make—or lose!—from your pricing decisions.
  • Why most companies stink at it.

The biggest pricing problem for small to medium-sized companies is that you don’t often have extra time and a consulting budget to make the best pricing decisions. If researching the best price means weeks of work, a migraine headache, and a desire to slit your wrists rather than read even one more demand chart, then you’re more likely to join your competitors in making pricing mistakes. You’ll see those problems in Chapter 2.

But, now you don’t have to make their mistakes. You’ve got this book and its worksheets (found in the appendix and online at this book’s companion web site).

Setting Profitable Prices is a very practical book, because my interest in pricing is practical. Yes, I’m an academic who teaches pricing and marketing at a university. But that’s a new career for me. I’ve previously spent decades marketing for large and small companies, and decades as an entrepreneur. I’m only interested in pricing theory if it provably works.

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