Measuring Tools
Measuring and marking tools are something you’ll want to have on hand when
working on sewing projects. You can choose from a variety of tools, based on your
personal preference. Here are a few of the essentials:
1. A seam gauge is a small ruler with a sliding
marker. It’s used to measure out even hems
or evenly spaced pleats or tucks.
2. Washable cloth-marking pencils are used
to mark on fabric and can be removed with
water. These are used for transferring
guidelines on patterns to the cut pieces.
3. A clear, plastic ruler is used for basic mea-
suring, marking buttonholes, lining up the
grain, and marking pleats. It is also used with
a rotary cutter to make long, straight cuts.
4. A water-erasable marker is used in the
same way as a marking pencil. It is also used
to mark while fitting a garment on a person.
Be cautious not to iron over these marks
the heat will set them in the fabric, making
them permanent!
5. A flexible tape measure is used for taking
measurements of the body so you can
create properly sized garments. It’s usually
60 inches (152.4 cm) in length and has
centimeter markings on the opposite side.
7Chapter 1: Before You Begin
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