Your Turn

Exercise 1: Snapshots

Get comfortable working with snapshots in VirtualBox.

  1. Take a new snapshot of the machine, called “Ready for Practice”. This way you won’t have to reinstall the tree command and the Guest Additions.

  2. Power down the machine, and restore your original “After Installation” snapshot. Don’t create a new snapshot of the current state.

  3. Boot the machine and execute the tree command. It should tell you it’s not found.

  4. Power down the machine, and restore the “Ready for Practice” snapshot once again.

  5. Boot the machine and execute the tree command from the terminal. The command now works.

Exercise 2: Review

Review the following concepts from the previous chapter and work with them on your Ubuntu virtual machine for practice:

  1. List the contents of your home directory.

  2. Create a file called greetings.txt in the ~/Desktop folder containing any text you want.

  3. List the running processes using ps -ef.

  4. Use the sudo command to create a directory called /var/website.

  5. Install the unzip and curl programs with the apt tool.

  6. Download the supporting files and resources for this book using curl like you did in Downloading Files. You’ll want these available on your virtual machine as you work through the rest of the book.

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