Appendix 1
Command Quick Reference

This is a quick reference of all commands used in this book. Some of these commands need to be installed via the package manager to use them. You can use this list to refresh your memory, or use it to quiz a friend and test their knowledge of various CLI tools.

  • apt: Package manager for Ubuntu

  • awk: Pattern scanning and text processing language

  • bash: The Bash shell

  • bc: An arbitrary precision calculator language

  • bg: Background a job

  • bind: Define a keybinding in Bash

  • brew: Open-source macOS package manager

  • cat: Concatenate files and print on the standard output

  • cd: Change directory

  • chmod: Change file mode bits

  • chown: Change file owner

  • column: Columnate lists

  • cp: Copy files and directories

  • curl: Transfer a URL

  • cut: Remove sections from each line of files

  • date: Print or set the system date and time

  • df: Report file system disk space usage

  • dig: DNS lookup utility

  • direnv: Environment variable manager for your shell

  • dirs: Display the directory stack

  • du: Estimate file space usage

  • echo: Display a line of text

  • entr: Run arbitrary commands when files change

  • env: Run a program in a modified environment or display environment variables

  • exit: Cause normal process termination

  • export: Create an environment variable

  • fc: Fix a previous command by opening it in your visual editor

  • fg: Foreground a task

  • file: Determine file type

  • find: Search for files in a directory hierarchy

  • fzf: Command-line fuzzy finder

  • git: Distributed version control system

  • grep: Print lines matching a pattern

  • head: Output the first part of files

  • history: Show the command history

  • host: DNS lookup utility

  • htop: Interactive process viewer similar to top

  • http: HTTPie, a command-line tool similar to curl

  • ifconfig: View or configure a network interface

  • ip: Show/manipulate routing, network devices, interfaces, and tunnels

  • jobs: List current background jobs

  • jq: Command-line JSON processor

  • jrnl: Command-line journal written in Python

  • kill: Send a signal to a process

  • less: View file or text one page at a time

  • ln: Make links between files

  • ls: List directory contents

  • make: GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs

  • man: An interface to the online reference manuals

  • mkdir: Make directories

  • more: View file or text one page at a time

  • mv: Move or rename files

  • nano: A terminal-based text editor

  • nc: Netcat: Create arbitrary TCP and UDP connections

  • nohup: Run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty

  • npx: Node.js utility used to download and run a Node.js-based executable program

  • pandoc: Library for converting from one markup format to another

  • pgrep: Look up or signal processes based on name and other attributes

  • ping: Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts

  • pkill: Look up or signal processes based on name and other attributes

  • popd: Remove a directory from the directory stack

  • printenv: Print all or part of the environment

  • ps: Report a snapshot of the current processes

  • pushd: Add a directory to the directory stack

  • pwd: Print name of current/working directory

  • pip3: A tool for installing and managing Python packages

  • pygmentize: Colorize source code

  • python3: Interpreter for version 3 of the Python programming language

  • ranger: Visual file manager

  • rm: Remove files or directories

  • screen: Screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation

  • script: Save a log of the terminal session

  • sed: Stream editor for filtering and transforming text

  • seq: Print a sequence of numbers

  • set: Set a shell variable

  • siege: An HTTP/FTP load tester and benchmarking utility

  • sleep: Delay for a specified amount of time

  • sort: Sort lines of text files

  • source: Load a shell configuration file

  • stat: Display file or file system status

  • sudo: Execute a command as another user

  • tail: Output the last part of files

  • time: Run programs and summarize system resource usage

  • top: Display Linux processes

  • touch: Change file timestamps

  • traceroute: Print the route packets trace to network host

  • tree: List contents of directories in a tree-like format.

  • unalias: Remove an alias

  • unset: Unset a variable

  • unzip: List, test, and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive

  • which: Locate a command on the PATH

  • while: Looping construct in Bash

  • whois: Look up domain name information

  • xargs: Build and execute commands from standard input

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