
  1. abbreviations' list
  2. abusive loan practices
  4. accountabilities
  5. accounts receivable
  6. ACLEDA Bank Plc
  7. adverse selection
  8. Afghanistan
  9. Africa
  10. African Development Bank
  11. Agri Group Loan
  12. agriculture
    1. loan types
    2. shocks
  13. Albania
  14. alcohol
  15. Algeria
  16. Alter Modus
  17. amortization
  18. Andhra Pradesh
  19. Angola
  20. animal protection
  21. animal testing
  22. Annan, Kofi
  23. appendices
  24. Argidius Foundation
  25. Asia Pacific
  26. Asian Development Bank (ADB)
  27. asset liability management
  28. asset managers
  29. assets under management (AUM)
    1. see also microfinance investment vehicles
    2. definition
    3. statistics
  30. asymmetrical information
  31. audits
  32. Austria
  33. Austrian Development Bank (OeFB)
  34. Azerbaijan
  1. balance sheets
  2. Banco Fie
  3. Bangladesh
  4. bank accounts, statistics
  5. bank lines
  6. Bank Rakyat
  7. banking licenses
  8. banks
    1. see also loans
    2. historical background
    3. politics
    4. runs on banks
    5. types
  9. Belgium
  10. beyond the reach of microfinance
  11. bilateral contracts, investments
  12. bilateral DFIs
  13. biodiversity
  14. BIS
  15. black lists
  16. Bloomberg
  17. BlueOrchard
  18. boards
  19. Bolivia
  20. bonds
  21. Bono
  22. Bosnia‐Herzegovina
  23. bottom‐up/top‐down selection processes, investments
  24. Brazil
  25. bribes
  26. budgets
  27. Bulgaria
  28. business ideas
  29. business management capacity
  30. business networks
  31. business reports, microfinance institutions (MFIs)
  1. Cambodia
  2. capital
    1. see also financial services; loans
    2. costs
  3. capital adequacy requirements
  4. Caribbean
  5. Caribbean Development Bank
  6. cash
  7. cattle
  8. Central Asia
  9. Central Bank of Bangladesh
  10. central banks
  11. ceramics
  12. CERISE Social Performance Indicators (SPI4)
  13. charities
  14. child labor
  15. child mortality rates
  16. Chile
  17. China
  18. CIA World Factbook
  19. civilian law
  20. client protection
  21. climate change
  22. closed‐end funds
  23. clothing needs
  24. collateral
    1. see also repayments
  25. Colombia
  26. commercial banks
  27. commercial law
  28. competitive advantages
  29. complaint resolution mechanisms
  30. Congo
  31. Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)
    1. see also Progress Out of Poverty Index
  32. consumer loans
  33. contagion
  34. contingency reserves
    1. see also default rates
  35. conventional investments
  36. Cooperative Rural Bank of Bulacan (CRBB)
  37. corporate governance
  38. corporate social responsibility
  39. corruption
  40. costs
    1. see also capital…; expenses; fixed…; operating…
  41. country risk
  42. coupons
  43. covenants, investments
  44. craftwork
  45. Crecer
  46. credit bureaus
    1. see also creditworthiness; loan officers
    2. definition
    3. reports
  47. credit committees, due diligence
  48. credit cooperative system
  49. credit funds, historical background
  50. credit rating agencies
  51. credit ratings
  52. credit rationing
  53. credit risk
  54. credit risk insurance
  55. credit theory, traditional credit theory
  56. credit unions, historical background
  57. creditworthiness
    1. see also credit bureaus
    2. interest rates
  58. Crezcamos
  59. currencies
  60. currency hedging
  61. currency risks
  62. current assets
  63. customer care
  64. Cyrano
  1. De Soto's notion of ‘dead capital’
  2. ‘dead capital’
  3. debt capital
    1. see also investments; loans
  4. debt to equity ratios
  5. default rates
    1. see also contingency reserves; creditworthiness; restructured loans
    2. asset classes
    3. reasons
  6. Deloitte
  7. democratization
  8. deposit‐taking MFIs
  9. deposits
  10. desertification
  11. Deutsche Kreditbank (DKB)
  12. Developing World Markets
  13. Development Bank of Latin America
  14. development banks
    1. see also development finance institutions
  15. development finance institutions (DFIs)
    1. see also bilateral…; development banks; microfinance institutions; multilateral…; regional…
    2. definition
  16. Dexia Microcredit Fund
  17. disbursements185
  18. disposable income
    1. see also income
  19. diversification
  20. donations
  21. double bottom line (DBL)
    1. see also financial performance; impact investments; social performance; triple…
    2. definition
    3. statistics
  22. Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI)
  23. due diligence
  24. Dutch Development Bank (FMO)
  1. East Asia
  2. Eastern Europe
  3. economic growth factors
  4. economic pyramid
    1. see also poverty
  5. economically active poverty
  6. ecosystems
  7. education
    1. see also training
    2. goals
  8. Edyficar
  9. effective interest rate, definition
  10. efficiencies, operating costs
  11. efficient frontiers, portfolios
  12. employment
  13. energy resources
  14. environmental impacts
    1. see also sustainable development
  15. environmental, social and governance (ESG)
  16. equity
    1. see also investments
  17. ethical investments
  18. Ethiopia
  19. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  20. European Investment Bank
  21. expenses
    1. see also costs
  22. exports, statistics
  1. family expenses
  2. famines
  3. Fanconi, Peter
  4. feedback
  5. filters, investments
  6. Finance in Motion
  7. financial cooperatives
  8. financial economy
    1. definition
    2. influencing factors
    3. stability mechanisms
  9. financial inclusion
    1. see also inequalities
  10. financial infrastructure
    1. see also microfinance…
  11. financial orientation, microfinance institutions (MFIs)
  12. financial performance
    1. see also profits
    2. statistics
  13. financial services
    1. see also capital; microfinance
    2. definition
  14. finished goods
  15. First MicroFinanceBank (FMFB)
  16. Fitch credit rating agency
  17. fixed assets
  18. fixed costs
  19. fixed‐interest investments
  20. focus groups
  21. food
  22. food inflation
  23. Ford Foundation
  24. forests
  25. foundations
  26. fraud
  27. fridges
  28. fund of funds
  29. fund managers
    1. see also investments; microfinance investment vehicles
    2. regulations
    3. roles
  30. funding, microfinance institutions (MFIs)
  31. furniture manufacturers
  32. future prospects, microfinance
  1. G‐20
  2. Gabon
  3. gambling
  4. game theory
  5. Gates, Bill
  6. GDP
  7. gender issues
    1. geographic statistics
    2. goals
    3. poverty contexts
  8. Geneva
  9. geographic locations
    1. see also individual locations
    2. risk
  10. Georgia
  11. German Development Bank (KfW)
  12. Germany
  13. Ghana
  14. global financial crisis from 2007
  15. Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI)
  16. global partnerships
  17. glossary
  18. government bonds
  19. governments
    1. see also public–private partnerships
  20. Grameen Bank
    1. historical background
  21. ‘green loans’
  22. group loans
    1. see also loans
  1. haircuts
    1. see also restructured loans
  2. Hattha Kaksekar Ltd (HKL)
  3. health
    1. goals
    2. loan benefits
    3. micro entrepreneurs
    4. statistics
  4. hedge funds
  5. hedging
  7. homelessness
  8. Honduras
  9. house maps
  10. housing
  11. human concerns, types
  12. human rights
  13. hunger
  1. Imon International
  2. impact investments
    1. see also double bottom line; financial performance; microfinance…; social performance
    2. definition
  3. imports, statistics
  4. Incofin
  5. income
    1. see also disposable income; sales
    2. breakdown
    3. buffers
    4. pyramid
    5. sources
    6. statistics
  7. India
  8. individual needs, Maslow's hierarchy of needs
  9. Indonesia
  10. industrial countries
    1. commitment needs
  11. industrialization
  12. industry‐type statistics
  13. inequalities
    1. see also financial inclusion
  14. inflation
  15. infrastructure needs
  16. innovations
  17. institutional investors
    1. see also banks; foundations; insurance companies; investments; pensions
    2. background
    3. statistics
  18. insurance companies
  19. insurance services
    1. see also credit risk; health; life
    2. types
  20. Inter‐American Development Bank
  21. interest rate risk
  22. interest rates
    1. components
    2. critique
    3. determinants
    4. high rates
    5. historical background
    6. inflation rates
    7. statistics
    8. sustainable rates
  23. internal investment committees
  24. international equity/debt
  25. International Finance Corporation (IFC)
  26. International Labour Organization (ILO)
  27. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  28. inventories
  29. investments
    1. see also conventional…; development finance institutions; foundations; fund managers; impact…; institutional…; portfolios; retail…
    2. default rates
    3. definition
    4. incentives in microfinance
    5. microfinance in the overall portfolio
    6. processes
    7. regulations
    8. shortfalls
    9. statistics
    10. types
    11. value chain
  30. Ireland
  1. Jim Yong Kim
  2. joint ventures
  3. J.P. Morgan
  4. justice needs
  1. Kenya
  2. Kenya Women Microfinance Bank Limited (KWFT)
  3. Kirgizstan
  1. land degradation
  2. late payments, loans
  3. Latin America
    1. see also individual countries
  4. leases
  5. legal systems
    1. see also civilian law; commercial law; property law; regulations
  6. liabilities, breakdown
  7. Libor
  8. life insurance
  9. LifeBank foundations
  10. liquidity premiums
  11. liquidity requirements
  12. LiveBank foundation
  13. living standards
  14. loan agreements and pricing policies, investments
  15. loan officers
    1. see also credit bureaus
    2. profiles
    3. roles
  16. loan pricing
    1. see also interest rates
  17. loan registers
  18. loans
    1. see also banks; capital; group…; microloans; progressive…
    2. applications
    3. balances per region
    4. bilateral contracts
    5. costs
    6. coupons
    7. covenants
    8. definition
    9. historical background
    10. methodologies
    11. range
    12. rural/urban client contrasts
    13. statistics
    14. terms
    15. types
  19. Lord, Richard
  20. Luxembourg
  1. M‐CRIL social rating agency
  2. M‐Pesa
  3. Madagascar
  4. malaria
  5. mandatory insurance
  6. mandatory savings, definition
  7. marine resources
  8. market efficiencies
  9. market entry barriers
  10. market gardeners
  11. market overview
    1. see also assets under management
    2. Peru
  12. market participants, microfinance
  13. market research
  14. market risk see systematic risk
  15. market stalls
  16. Markowitz, Harry M.
  17. Maslow's hierarchy of needs
  18. maternal health
  19. Máxima, Queen of the Netherlands
  20. mean‐variance portfolios
  21. meetings with MFIs
  22. mergers and acquisitions
  23. micro enterprises
  24. micro entrepreneurs
    1. definition
    2. geographic statistics
    3. loan types
    4. needs and requirements
    5. rural/urban client contrasts
    6. statistics
    7. success stories
    8. willingness to repay
  25. Micro Finance Transparency (MFTransparency)
  26. micro‐, small‐and medium‐sized enterprises (MSMEs)
  27. Microcredit Summit Campaign Report
  28. microcredits
  29. microfinance
    1. see also financial services; fund managers; impact investments; value chain
    2. administrators
    3. critique
    4. definition
    5. goals
    6. historical background
    7. statistics
    8. trust
    9. types
  30. Microfinance Information Exchange Market (MIX Market)
  31. microfinance institutions (MFIs)
    1. see also development finance institutions; Grameen Bank
    2. bottom‐up selection processes
    3. definition
    4. goals
    5. historical background
    6. non‐financial services
    7. ratings
    8. returns
    9. selection processes
    10. service types
    11. statistics
    12. types
  32. microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs)
    1. see also assets under management; investments
    2. definition
    3. interest rates
    4. possible pitfalls
    5. statistics
    6. types
  33. MicroFinanza social rating agency
  34. microloans see loans
  35. MicroRate social rating agency
  36. Middle East
  37. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
    1. critique
  38. minimum capital requirements
  39. mission, microfinance institutions (MFIs)
  40. mission drift, microfinance institutions (MFIs)
  41. MIX Market see Microfinance Information Exchange Market
  42. mobile phones
  43. money laundering
  44. money lenders/relatives
  45. Mongolia
  46. monitoring processes, investments
  47. Montenegro
  48. Moody's credit rating agency
  49. moral hazard
  50. Morningstar government bond index
  51. mortality rates
  52. MSCI EM
  53. MSCI World
  54. multilateral DFIs
  55. mutual monitoring
  1. Nash equilibrium (NE)
  2. net asset values (NAVs)
  3. Netherlands
  4. Nicaragua
  5. Nigeria
  6. non‐bank financial institutions (NBFIs)
  7. non‐deposit taking MFIs, regulations
  8. non‐financial services
    1. see also education; gender issues; health; technical assistance
  9. non‐governmental organizations (NGOs)
    1. see also microfinance institutions
    2. definition
  10. non‐prudential regulation, definition
  11. Northern Africa
  1. OECD
  2. Oikocredit
  3. OPEC Fund for International Development
  4. open‐end funds
  5. operating costs
    1. geographic locations
    2. statistics
  6. operations
  7. over‐indebtedness of clients
  8. Overseas Private Investment Corp.
  9. overview of the book
  1. Pakistan
  2. pawnshops
  3. pensions
  4. Peru
  5. philanthropy
    1. see also charities; venture…
  6. Philippines
  7. photo credits
  8. physiological needs
    1. see also clothing…; food; water
  9. Planet Rating social rating agency
  10. plant diseases
  11. politics
  12. pornography
  13. portfolio at risk (PAR)
  14. portfolios
    1. see also investments
    2. microfinance in the overall portfolio
    3. modern portfolio theory (MPT)
    4. sample portfolios
    5. top‐down selection processes
  15. Portman, Natalie
  16. postal banks
  17. poverty
    1. see also extreme…; moderate…
    2. definitions
    3. fighting poverty
    4. future prospects
    5. levels
    6. needs and requirements
    7. pyramid
    8. statistics
  18. poverty assessment tool (PAT), definition
  19. Prasac
  20. prejudices and reservations
  21. prevention measures, default rates
  22. principal–agent problems
  23. PRIs see United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment
  24. privacy of client data
  25. private equity
  26. product design, definition
  27. profit‐oriented MFIs
  28. profits
    1. see also financial performance; returns
    2. statistics
  29. Progress Out of Poverty Index (PPI), definition
  30. progressive loans
  31. property law
  32. protagonists
  33. providers, liabilities
  34. prudential regulation, definition
  35. public–private partnerships
  1. Raiffeisen, Friedrich Wilhelm
  2. Raiffeisen Group
  3. Rania al‐Abdullah, Queen of Jordan
  4. real economy
    1. definition
    2. local influencing factors
  5. real estate insurance
  6. recovery rates, investment defaults
  7. referees
  8. references/reading list
  9. regional DFIs
  10. regulations
    1. see also supervision
    2. central aspects
    3. goals
    4. international standards
    5. reasons
    6. value chain
  11. remuneration
  12. renewable energy
  13. repayments
    1. see also collateral
    2. willingness to repay
  14. ResponsAbility
  15. restructured loans
    1. see also haircuts
  16. retail investors
  17. retail liabilities
  18. return on assets (RoA), statistics
  19. return on equity (RoE), statistics
  20. returns
    1. see also financial…; profits; risk‐adjusted…; social…
  21. rice agriculture
  22. risk management
  23. risk types, investments
  24. risk‐adjusted returns
    1. see also returns
  25. risk‐aversion properties, women
  26. risk‐return ratios, investments
  27. risk‐sharing benefits, public–private partnerships
  28. rural clients
  1. Sachs, Jeffrey
  2. Safaricom
  3. safety/security needs
  4. sales
    1. see also income
  5. sanitation
  6. satellite data
  7. Sauty, Johann
  8. savings
    1. historical background
    2. product types
  9. savings cooperatives
  10. SBS
  11. Scheurle, Patrick
  12. Schulze‐Delitzsch, Hermann
  13. Schumpeter, Joseph
  14. self‐actualization needs, Maslow's hierarchy of needs
  15. self‐determination goals, microfinance
  16. self‐esteem
  17. self‐regulation trends
  18. shame thresholds, gender issues
  19. Share Microfin
  20. shareholders
    1. see also equity; investments
  21. Sharpe ratios
  23. sketch house maps
  24. Smart Campaign
    1. definition
  25. SMEs see micro‐, small‐and medium‐sized enterprises
  26. social capital
  27. social impact, definition
  28. social intermediation
  29. social needs, Maslow's hierarchy of needs
  30. social performance
    1. see also education; food; health; housing; poverty; technical assistance; Universal Standards…
    2. critique
    3. definition
    4. measures
    5. statistics
  31. Social Performance Impact Reporting and Intelligence Tool (SPIRIT)
  32. Social Performance Task Force (SPTF)
  33. social rating agencies
  34. socially neutral investing (SNI)
  35. socially responsible investments (SRIs), definition
  36. socio‐economic factors, loans
  37. solar panels
  38. Somalia
  39. South Asia
    1. see also individual countries
  40. specialized MFI banks
  41. sponsors
  42. Standard & Poor's credit rating agency
  43. startup MFIs
  44. state banks
  45. Staudacher, Andrea
  46. Stearns, Rich
  47. Stiglitz and Weiss' model of credit rationing
  48. Sub‐Saharan Africa
  49. subsidies
  50. Sudan
  51. suicides in India
  52. supervision
    1. see also regulations
  53. supply channels
  54. sustainable development
    1. see also environmental impacts
    2. background
  55. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  56. Sustainable Finance Geneva (SFG)
  57. sustainable interest rates
  58. sustainable investing (SI), definition
  59. Swift, Jonathan
  60. Swiss Investment Fund for Emerging Markets (SIFEM)
  61. Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF)
  62. Switzerland
  63. SWOT analysis
  64. Symbiotics
  65. Symbiotics Microfinance Index (SMX)
  66. synergy effects
  67. systematic risk
  1. Tajikistan
  2. Tameer Bank
  3. Tanzania
  4. taxes
  5. technical assistance (TA)
    1. see also training
    2. definition
  6. technologies
  7. telecommunications
  8. thematic funds
  9. tiers of MFIs
  10. tobacco
  11. total expense ratio (TER)
  12. trade balances, statistics
  13. training
    1. see also education; technical assistance
  14. transaction banks
  15. transaction services
  16. transnational companies
  17. transparency
  18. Triodos
  19. triple bottom line (TBL)
    1. see also double…; impact investments; microfinance
    2. definition
  20. Triple Jump
  21. trust, loans
  22. TVs
  1. Uganda
  2. ultra‐high net worth individuals (UHNWIs)
  3. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
  4. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
  5. United Nations Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)
  6. United Nations Global Compact
  7. United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRIs)
  8. United Nations (UN)
    1. see also Millennium Development Goals; Sustainable Development Goals
    2. Rio de Janeiro summit in 1992
    3. Rio de Janeiro summit in 2012
  9. Universal Standards of Social Performance Measurement (USSPMs)
    1. definition
    2. overview
  10. University of Zurich's Center for Microfinance
  11. unsystematic risk
    1. see also diversification
  12. urban clients
  13. USA
  14. USAID
  1. value chain
    1. see also United Nations…
  2. venture philanthropy
  3. Vietnam
  4. volatilities
    1. see also risk…
  5. voluntary savings, definition
  1. washing machines
  2. water
  3. weapons/nuclear energy
  4. well‐being
  5. willingness to repay, loans
  6. women see gender issues
  7. World Bank
  8. World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
  9. World Economic Forum (WEF)
  10. World Trade Organization (WTO)
  11. WWB Colombia
  12. XAC Bank
  1. Yunus, Muhammad
  1. Zurich
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