
  • “About-them” mind-set, 20
  • ACTION sales model, 205–206
  • Add-on Selling (Domanski), 113
  • “Ah Counters,” 213–214
  • Airmont, Scott, 128
  • Altucher, James, 174
  •, 181
  • Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette (Tuckerman and Dunman), 99
  • Annoying phrases, 214
  • Answer to objection, 61–62
  • The Art of Deception (Mitnick), 54
  • The Art of Sales podcast, 43, 68, 84, 150
  • Asking attitude, 188–189
  • Asking for a decision, 121–124
  • Asking gets action, 191–192
  • Assistants:
    • calendar information, 205
    • name(s) of, 97, 110
    • reference made to, 14
    • responsibilities of, 105–106
    • working with, 56
  • Assistants, working with:
  • Assumptive problem questions, 157–159
  • Attitudes:
  • Authority, 205
  • Avoidance behavior, 6
  • Bad weather days, 79
  • Bartashy, Mike, 239–240
  • Bay, Jason, 83–84
  • Bechtel, Michael, 149
  • Becker, Hal, 79
  • BEing, 218–219
  • Benefits:
  • Benefit vs. free, 27
  • Bergoust, Eric, 226
  • Berkley, Susan, 216
  • Big thinkers:
    • calling big opportunities, 223
    • calling high in an organization, 223–224
    • setting bigger call objectives, 224–225
  • Blissful Prospecting, 83
  • Blount, Jeb, 10, 132
  • Books, sending to prospects, 81
  • Boolean search terms, 43–44
  • Bornancin, Brandon, 87–88
  • Brainstorming, 58
  • Brett, George, 77
  • Brush-off, 150
  • Buffington, Perry, 215
  • Business By Phone Inc., 36
  • Buyers:
  • Buying process in progress, 7
  • Call-backs, 201
  • Caller ID, 232
  • Calls, opening, 14
  • Call summary ending:
    • need and interest, 202
    • next-call agenda, 203
    • what each will do, 202–203
    • when to talk next, 203
  • Can I Have 5 Minutes of Your Time? (Becker), 79
  • Carnegie, Dale, 125–126
  • CEO Guest: Dan Hoemke Shares How to Sell to the Top (podcast), 150
  • Cheap Psychological Tricks (Buffington), 215
  • Cialdini, Robert, 54, 181, 184
  • Cold calling:
  • Combo prospecting, 80
  • Combo Prospecting (Hughes), 80
  • Commitment:
    • of prospects, 205
    • vs. close, 187
  • Commitment for next action, 187–197
  • Commitment on every call:
  • Company newsletter, 42
  • Competitor vulnerability, 44–45
  • Contact marketing, 85
  • Contact name, 14
  • Content marketing, 5
  • Cost reductions, 28–29
  • Covey, Steven, 63
  • Customers, contacting previous, 40
  • Customer experiences, 31–32
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) systems, 32
  • Customer service, 56
  • Cutting costs, 28–29
  • Daehling, Greg, 101–102
  • Database, 40
  • Davis, Matt, 233
  • Dead week, 78
  • DeBender, Jim, 113
  • Decision makers, opening statements to, 119–121
  • Delivery of script, 133–134
  • Developing Strong Value Propositions (Konrath), 32
  • Differentiation, 29–31
  • Direct mail, 81
  • Direct numbers, 86–88
  • Domanski, Jim, 112–113, 127
  • “Don’t say” list, 118–119
  • Dunman, Nancy, 99
  • Electronic messages, on LinkedIn, 47
  • Elias, Craig, 37, 38
  • Email:
    • before calling, 82–83
    • in combination with voicemail, 95–96
    • to find the buyer, 231
    • following calls where they hang up on you, 152–153
    • guessing addresses, from online resources, 42
    • on LinkedIn, 47
  • Email habit, 236–237
  • Email marketing, 5
  • Executive assistants, 34. See also Assistants
  • Executives, 34
  • ExecVision, 57, 215
  • Expectations, 65
  • Extreme listening, 174–175
  • Eye contact by phone:
    • about, 174
    • encouragement statements, 174
    • verbal nods, 174
  • Facebook, 50–51
  • Fanatical Prospecting (Blount), 10
  • Fear, 194
  • Feil, Larry, 237
  • Fellow alumni, 234–235
  • Fenton, Richard, 68
  • Filetype searches, 43
  • Flannery, David, 39
  • Flip the Script (Klaff), 141
  • Follow-up calls, 79–80
  • Follow-up call success, 200–202
    • call back commitment, 201
    • to do between now and next call, 201
    • homework assignments, 201–202
  • “For future reference” (phrase), 154
  • Fortin, Jim, 218–220
  • Free vs. benefit, 27
  • Furyk, Jim, 131–132
  • Future opportunities, 8
  • Gabrielse, Gary, 153–154
  • Galper, Ari, 147
  • Gardner, Chris, 150
  • Gatekeepers. See also Assistants; Assistants, working with; Screeners
  • Get the Meeting (Heinecke), 85
  • Glengarry Glen Ross (movie), 188
  • Go for No (Waltz and Fenton), 68
  • Google, 87
  • Google Earth, 43
  • Google Maps, 43
  • Google news alert, 44–45
  • Greenleaf, Robert, 176
  • Hammer, Adam, 68
  • Hashtags:
    • intelligence gathering with, 47–48
    • searching social media for, 50
  • Heinecke, Stu, 85
  • Help desk, 56–57
  • High achievers, 65
  • Hoemke, Dan, 150–151
  • Horna, Kim, 138
  • Hot streak, 226
  • “How are you today” question:
  • How to Get a Meeting with Anyone (Heinecke), 85
  • “How to Get New Business from Your Best, and Easiest Sources,” 40
  • Hughes, Tony, 80
  • Human resources, 56
  • Hunter, Mark, 132, 237
  • Hyman, Ben, 148–149
  • Iannarino, Anthony, 132
  • IBM, 87
  • Iceberg theory of questioning, 160–162
  • Identification, 54
  • Inadequacy, as buying motivator, 33
  • Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Cialdini), 54, 181
  • Information needed on next call, 206
  • Instagram, 50–51
  • Instructional statements, 162
  • Intelligence, from prospects systems, 98
  • Intelligence gathering:
  • Interest/need, 205
  • Interruptions:
  • Introductions, 134
  • Investor relations, 56
  • Isaacson, Travis, 78
  • IT desk, 56–57
  • It’s Called Work for a Reason—Success Is Your Own Damn Fault (Winget), xii
  • Job postings, 42
  • Jones, Sean, 10–11, 132
  • Justification statement, 54–55
  • “Just” term, 119
  • Kendall, Rick, 149
  • Killam, Patrick, 232
  • Klaff, Oren, 141–142
  • Klayman, Steve, 220
  • Knighton,Charles, 111
  • Konrath, Jill, 32, 87
  • Langer, Ellen, 54
  • Last resort messages, 100–101
  • Lee, Bill, 81
  • Line of questioning, 156–157
  • LinkedIn, 45–48
    • connecting with assistants on, 110
    • finding direct lines with, 87
    • searching for fellow alumni on, 234–235
  • Listening, 171–176
  • Listening to talking ratio, 175
  • Lott, Janelle, 139
  • Lumpy mail, 86
  • McClintock, Tim, 75
  • McGurk, Shannon, 115
  • Mackay, Harvey, 39
  • Mackay 66 tool, 39
  • Mailroom, 57
  • Managers, 34
  • Margolis, Josh, 159
  • Marketing:
    • contact, 85
    • content, 5
    • email, 5
    • sales vs., 6
    • without telephone prospecting, 5
  • Mason, Tom, 102–103
  • Mayer, Ann, 75
  • Medina, Angie, 86
  • Meet the Press (TV program), 183
  • Mental ability, 217–218
  • Messages:
  • Mission statements, 41–42
  • Mitnick, Kevin, 54
  • Moore, Ryan, 106–107
  • Motivation, getting and staying, 217–229
  • Muir, James, 193–194
  • Multimedia messages, 83–85
  • Name(s):
  • Need, questions regarding, 162
  • Needs, pains, problems and desires quantification, 162–163
  • Nelson, Tim, 42–43
  • New Sales. Simplified. (Weinberg), 6, 139–140
  • Next call:
  • Next step recommendation, 177–185
    • about, 177
    • information from prospects before, 178
    • people-are-interested-in-other-people principle, 182–183
    • principle of consistency, 183–184
    • principle of preconditioning, 185
    • process of, 179–181
    • sales recommendation, 184
    • social proof, 181–182
    • vs. pitching, 178
    • “you are absolutely going to love this,” 184–185
  • Notes, 97, 205–206
  • “Not interested” response, 152
  • Numbers game of cold calling, 9
  • Objectives, 63–71
  • “Oh” question, 162
  • Olson, Jared, 149–150
  • “One more question” technique, 160
  • Online information:
    • about us, 41
    • company newsletter, 42
    • company site searches, 42
    • e-mail addresses, 42
    • filetype searches, 43
    • job postings, 42
    • mission statements, 41–42
    • other online resources, 43–44
    • press releases, 41
    • prospect website, 41–43
    • street view, 43
  • Opening statements, 117–129
  • Opening statement process, 134–136
  • Oriental Trading Company, 86
  • Overview, 206
  • Own vs. buy, 193
  • Pain and gain, 27
  • PAP (persistence, attitude, and process), 237–238
  • Parinello, Anthony, 224
  • People-are-interested-in-other-people principle, 182–183
  • Peoples, David, 224
  • “The Perfect Close,” 193–194
  • Persistence, 101–102
  • Personal information, 110–111
  • Personal motivators, 23
  • Phelps, Michael, 65
  • Pitch Anything (Klaff), 141
  • Planting seeds, 69–71
  • Ponnwitz, Rob, 11
  • Possible next-call objectives, 205–206
  • Possible value, easy ways to provide, 27–28
  • Possible Value Propositions (PVPs), 19–34
    • benefits of, 156
    • buyer pain and gain, 27
    • defining, 25–26
    • easy ways to provide, 27–28
    • events that lead to, 36–37
    • in social engineering, 56
    • understanding prospects’ motivations, 22–27
    • use of, 135–136
    • in voicemail message, 96
  • PR (public relations), 56
  • Pre-call planning:
    • intelligence gathering, 35–51
    • possible value proposition creation, 19–34
    • Smart Call objectives, 63–71
    • smart ideas before call, 73–88
    • social engineering to gather intelligence, 53–62
  • Press releases, 41
  • Price discussion, 153
  • Primary objectives, 65–67
  • Principle of Consistency, 183–184
  • Problems, solutions for, 135
  • Profiting by Phone (Domanski), 113
  • Prospecting:
    • end of call, 200
    • ingredients for, x–xi
    • by phone, 7
    • practice for, xii
  • Prospect website, 41–43
  • Public relations (PR), 56
  • Purchasing, 56
  • The Pursuit of Happyness (Gardner), 150
  • PVPs, see Possible Value Propositions (PVPs)
  • Questions. See also Smart Questions
    • ask, 54
    • early price, 153
    • “how are you today” question, 127–129
    • last resort, 206–207
    • “Oh” question, 162
    • “one more question” technique, 160
    • opening statement leading to, 136
    • regarding need, 162
    • responding to assistants’, 109
    • vs. presenting, 155
    • “why not try this” question, 193
  • Rain Group, 7
  • Recording calls:
  • Rejection:
  • Research, 15
  • Resistance after opening statement, 145
  • Resistance to smart calls, 145–154
    • about, 145
    • early price question, 153
    • early resistance case study, 153–154
    • pattern interrupt, 146
    • responding when happy with present supplier, 148–150
    • response to “not interested,” 152
    • response to try to rush, 151–152
    • response when they hang up on you, 152–153
    • “send me some literature” request, 150–151
    • simplicity, 147
    • softening statement, 147
    • sounding dumb, 148
    • “why should I consider you” trap, 151
  • Resistant Reflex Responses (RRRs), 145
  • Results:
    • discussing, in opening statement, 136
    • selling, 20–22
  • Return call, message prompting, 101–102
  • Richard, Steve, 57, 215
  • Richter, Sam, 43, 87
  • Risk aversion, 226–227
  • Roberts, John, 164
  • Roosevelt, Eleanor, 67
  • Roush, Al, 232
  • RRRs (Resistant Reflex Responses), 145
  • Ruffing, John, 44
  • Russert, Tim, 183
  • Sales:
    • practice for, xii
    • vs. marketing, 6
  • Sales departments, 56
  • Sales Differentiation (Salz), 31
  • Sales intel industry, 49
  • Sales intelligence, x
  • Sales Management. Simplified. (Weinberg), 6
  • Sales Navigator, 47
  • Sales process and techniques, x–xi
  • Sales recommendation, 178
  • Sales reps:
    • high vs. low-performing, 225
    • talk to, 59
  • Sales skills, 8
  • Sales statistics, 73–74
  • #SalesTruth (Weinberg), 6
  • Salz, Lee, 31
  • Screeners. See also Assistants; Assistants, working with; Gatekeepers
  • Script, delivery of, 133–134
  •, 87–88
  • Secondary objectives, 67–71
  • Seeds, planting, 69–71
  • Selling more as a kid, 227–229
    • active lifestyle, 228–229
    • attitude, 228
    • childlike curiosity, 229
    • creativity and imagination, 228
    • high ambitions, 228
    • laughter, 228
    • no responses, ignoring, 227
    • risk taking, 227–228
  • Selling to Big Companies (Konrath), 87
  • Selling to the Top (Peoples), 224
  • Selling to VITO (Parinello), 224
  • Sending information:
    • handwritten address, 112
    • literature and support material, 112
    • to prospects, 80–82
    • sending unusual items before calling, 85–86
    • ugly material, 112–113
  • The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), 63
  • Shady tactics, 103
  • Shanto, Tibor, 109
  • Sinclair, Gordon, 195
  • Small talk, 127–128
  • Smart Call/Calling:
    • beneficiaries of, xi–xii
    • quality game, 9
    • telephone prospecting, 4–8
    • three steps of, 11–12
    • vs. cold calling, 12–15
  • Smart Call/Calling, creating and placing:
  • Smart Call/Calling interest-creating opening statement:
  • Smart Call/Calling objectives:
  • Smart Call/Calling opening, 92–93
  • Smart Call/Calling recommendation process:
    • get commitment, 180
    • paraphrase understanding, 179
    • recommend results, 180
    • social proof, 181–182
    • transition from questioning, 179
    • words of others, 181–183
  • Smart Call/Calling reviews, case studies, and makeovers:
  •, x, 216
  • Smart Calling Companion Course, ix–x, 48, 57, 66, 83, 170, 197, 215, 216
  • Smart Calling Inner Circle Coaching, 10
  • Smart Calling Intel Engine, 43–44
  • Smart Calling Report (training letter), 112, 150
  • Smart Ideas prior to call, 73–88
  • Smart information, 97
  • Smart Questions, 155–170
    • about, 155
    • about present supplier, 167–168
    • annoyance determination, 165–166
    • assumptive problem questions, 157–159
    • benefits questions vs. inane leading ones, 168–169
    • cheesy questions, 163
    • decision-making process, 165
    • fuzzy phrases clarification, 167
    • getting more information from, 169–170
    • iceberg theory of questioning, 160–162
    • loaded benefit question, 159
    • personalization of, 164
    • possible benefits to create questions, 156–157
    • quantifying needs, pains, problems and desires, 162–163
    • question and answer quality, 167
    • questioning mistake, 166
    • questions to avoid, 167–168
  • Smart Voicemail Message, 142–143
  • Smith, Mark, 235
  • Smith, Sydney, 172
  • Social engineering:
  • Social engineering to gather intelligence, 53–62
  • Social intelligence, 6
  • Social media, in combo prospecting, 80
  • Social networks, 49–51
  • Social proof, 241
  • Social selling, 5, 80
  • Softening statement, 147
  • Soft-sell approach, 15
  • Sounding cheesy, sleazy, salesy (like a salesperson), 3, 119, 211–213
  • Sounding dumb, 148
  • Sounding smooth, 34
  • Speak to Influence (Berkley), 216
  • Specialties, 134–135
  • Spending ceiling, 194
  • Spitzman, Toni, 95–96
  • Spreda, Tim, 173
  • Stand for sales, 215–216
  • Status alignment, 141–142
  • Stein, Jay, 237–238
  • Street view, on Google, 43
  • Strong, Lisa, 108
  • Success tips, 231–238
    • buyers, follow, 233
    • buyers, way to find, 231
    • calling card, 232
    • calling fellow alumni, 234–235
    • compliments in referral opening, 235
    • decision makers, how to locate, 233
    • decision-making organization chart, 233
    • “does that sound familiar?,” 236
    • email to find the buyer, 231
    • on hold readiness, 233
    • interruptions, creating, 236–237
    • letting the phone ring longer, 235–236
    • notes, on what is said and is meant, 237
    • PAP (persistence, attitude, and process), 237–238
    • referrals from within prospect’s company, 233–234
    • Smart Calling Success story, 232
    • voicemail greetings, 234
  • Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive (Mackay), 39
  • Switzer, Brian, 6–7
  • “Teach me” (phrase), 149
  • TeleConcepts Consulting, 113
  • Telephone communication, effective, 211–216
  • Telephone prospecting, 3–15
    • answering the telephone, 10
    • benefits of, 4–8
    • cold calling vs. Smart Calling, 4
    • creation and execution of, x–xi
    • immediate opportunities, 8
    • and length of call, 9, 65–67
    • rejection avoidance, x
    • return calls, 91–92
  • “Tell me more about that” reply, 173
  • Thanks, 121
  • Theory of contrast, 194–195
  • Thies, Crystal, 46
  • Time of opening statement, 139–140
  • Time to call, unconventional:
    • after or before hours, 78–79
    • bad weather days, 79
  • Timing, 205
  • Toastmasters, 213–214
  • Tone of voice, 110, 128, 129
  • Totland, Ed, 126
  • Trite phrases, 26
  • Tuckerman, Nancy, 99
  • Turnbull, Shawn, 55
  • Turner, Mike, 75–76
  • Twain, Mark, 171
  • Twitter, 50
  • Unconventional technique, 141
  • Unlock the Game (Galper), 147
  • Users:
    • Possible Value Propositions (PVPs), 55–56
    • of products or services, 34
  • Valenta, Ales, 226
  • Value, meanings of, 33–34
  • Vanguard Cleaning Systems, 11
  • Voice, tone of, 110, 128, 129
  • Voicemail, 91–103
  • Voicemail, how to be smart with:
    • about, 91–92
    • be prepared, 94
    • call back immediately, 98
    • call back promise, 95
    • calls as different times of day, 98
    • directions in notes, 97
    • goal of leaving, 92–94
    • here’s my number, 99
    • how many messages to leave, 95–96
    • intelligence from prospect system, 98
    • just hit reply, 101–102
    • last resort message, 100–101
    • listening to, 96–97
    • listening to voicemail message, 96–97
    • live voice, 98
    • message review, 99
    • message standing out, 99–100
    • phone number twice, 99
    • prompting a return call, 101–102
    • repeat calls message, 96
    • shady tactics, 103
    • unreturned mail message, 102–103
  • Wall Street Journal, 39
  • Waltz, Andrea, 68
  • Wants of buyers, 24
  • Weasel words, 140
  • Weekends, 79
  • Weinberg, Mike, 6, 139–140
  • Weinhaus, Evonne, 149
  • Welsh, Tom, 111
  • What to avoid:
    • apologizing for wanting for help, 121
    • “can you help me” (phrase), 120–121
    • “thanks for taking my call” (phrase), 121
  • Wildcard searches, 86–88
  • “Will” term usage, 124–125
  • Window of dissatisfaction, 37–38
  • Winget, Larry, xii
  • Win or lose options, 226–227
  • Wirsing, Jeff, 149
  • Wise, Walter, 79
  • Wittwer, Janette, 75
  • Womply, 235
  • “Won Sales Analysis” tool, 38
  • Words, nonthreatening, 193
  • WorldCom, 37
  • Wrapping up calls, 199–207
  • Young, Paul, 75
  • “Your Voice Is Not Optional” (webinar), 216
  • YouTube, 51
  • Zimmerman, Alan, 217–218
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