Glossary of Terms

This appendix contains a list of acronyms, abbreviations, and initials used throughout this book.

The first column in this table indicates whether the second column is an acronym (A), abbreviation (Ab), or initialism (I).
I 3NF Third Normal Form
I 5G Fifth Generation (of Cellular Networking)
I AGI Artificial General Intelligence
I AI Artificial Intelligence
I AKA Also Known As
I AML Anti-Money Laundering
I AMQP Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
I API Application Programming Interface
I APU Accelerated Processing Unit
I BCBS Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
I BI Business Intelligence
A BLOB Binary Large Object
I BME Biomedical Engineer
I BPU Brain Processing Unit
I CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
I CFO Chief Financial Officer
I CI/CD Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery
A CLOB Character Large Object
I CNN Convolutional Neural Network
A COP Conditions of Participation
I CPA Certified Public Accountant
I CPU Central Processing Unit
A DAG Directed Acyclic Graph
I Db2 Database 2
I DBA Database Administrator
I DBMS Database Management System
I DDL Data Definition Language
I DDW Departmental Data Warehouse
I DIKW Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom
I DMZ Demilitarized Zone
I DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid
I DPU Deep Learning Processing Unit
Ab Dr. Doctor
A DRIP Data Rich, Information Poor
I DVD Digital Versatile Disc
A EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
I EDW Enterprise Data Warehouse
I EKG Electrocardiogram
I ELT Extract, Load, and Transform
I EPU Emotion Processing Unit
I ETL Extract, Transform, and Load
I EUR Euro
A FAQ Frequently Asked Question
A GAN Generative Adversarial Networks
I GBP Great Britain Pound
I GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
I GPS Global Positioning System
I GPU Graphics Processing Unit
I HDFS Hadoop Distributed File System
A HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
A HTAP Hybrid Transaction/Analytical Processing
I HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
I IA Information Architecture
I IaaS Infrastructure as a Service
I IBM International Business Machines Corporation
I ID Identifier
Ab III The Third
I IMF International Monetary Fund
I IoT Internet of Things
I IPU Intelligence Processing Unit
I IRS Internal Revenue Service
A ISO International Standards Organization
I IT Information Technology
I JDBC Java Database Connectivity
I JFK John F. Kennedy International Airport
I JMS Java Message Service
A JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
A JPG Joint Photographic Experts Group
Ab Jr. Junior
A JSON JavaScript Object Notation
I KBE Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
I KPI Key Performance Indicator
I KYC Know Your Customer
I LCV Lifetime Customer Value
A LEO Low Earth Orbit
I LGA LaGuardia Airport
A LIME Locally Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations
I LTE Long-Term Evolution
A MACEM Model Agnostic Contrastive Explanations Method
I MDP Minimum Desirable Product
I MEKP Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide
I ML Machine Learning
I MMF Minimum Marketable Feature
I MMP Minimum Marketable Product
I MMR Minimum Marketable Release
Ab Mr. Mister
Ab Mrs. Missus
I MVOT Multiple Versions of the Truth
I MVP Minimally Viable Product
A NAS Network Attached Storage
A NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
I NFS Network File System
A NoSQL Not Only Structured Query Language or Non-Structured Query Language
I NPU Neural Processing Unit
I NY New York
I NYC New York City
I ODS Operational Data Store
I OLTP Online Transaction Processing
A OSAPI Ownership, Stability, Abstraction, Performance, Interfaced
A OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
A PaaS Platform as a Service
Ab Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy
I PHI Protected Health Information
I PII Personally Identifiable Information
I QA Quality Assurance
I RDA Return on Data Assets
A RESTful Representational State Transfer
I RNN Recurrent Neural Networks
I ROA Return on Assets
I ROI Return on Investment
A SaaS Storage as a Service or Software as a Service
I SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
A SAN Storage Area Network
I SLA Service Level Agreement
A SOLO Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes
I SQL Structured Query Language
Ab. Sr. Senior
I SVC Salvadoran Colón
I SVOT Single Version of the Truth
A SWAT Special Weapons and Tactics
I TPU Tensor Processing Unit
I U.S. United States of America
I USD United States Dollar
I UX User Experience
A VAN Vehicle Area Network
A VIIP Visual Impairment Intracranial Pressure
A VIN Vehicle Identification Number
Ab WK Week
I XBD European Unit of Account 17
I XDR Special Drawing Rights
I XPT Platinum
I XML eXtensible Markup Language
I XTS Code Reserved for Testing
I XXX No Currency
A YARN Yet Another Resource Negotiator
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