
Ten years ago Dave Evans became one of my go-to guys for delivering a fresh stream of case studies from his work for famous brand clients. You see, I was responsible for the competitive job of programming ad:tech, the leading digital marketing conference. I had to snap up the best speakers, like Dave, before my competition could.

Dave had serious marketing chops. His combined experience with rocket science (true!) and consumer marketing gave him insights that wouldn’t even dawn on his peers.

He’s a secret weapon for you now that you’ve smartly chosen this updated version of his solid classic on social marketing.

Dave’s teaching style is reassuringly methodical and inspires you to throw yourself into trying new strategies that frankly can’t be ignored in a world where your grandma is now your friend on Facebook.

Social conversation is the most powerful form of communication. It’s a marketer’s duty to be part of that conversation now. Yet it’s imperative to choose the “right” social channels to leverage, based on your brand’s needs, your collective corporate assets and talents, and knowing where your customers and prospects expect you to be.

This book is a touchstone you’ll use to confidently decide where you’ll be present in the social sphere and what you can selectively ignore without a “gotcha.”

Further, you’ll discover the principles of social marketing in a simple, experiential process. Loaded with examples, the “hour a day” structure gives you the confidence that you’ve surveyed an exhaustive list of options. It’s a practical book that allows the uninitiated as well as the experienced business pro to convert more prospects to customers faster and to delight and grow your existing customer base more quickly.

The sweetest is last….

Do not miss the worksheets in the back of this book. Hah! These are cheat sheets! You are going to look like such a pro in front of your boss and your peers. Your ultimate social media plan is going to be unassailable, bulletproof, and impressive.

Enjoy the process. There’s nothing more fascinating than social media in the world of marketing today.

—Susan Bratton

Chair Emeritus, ad:tech Conferences and CEO, Personal Life Media, Inc.

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