Appendix A: Worksheets

This appendix contains the worksheets for Parts II, III, and IV of the book. They are arranged in sequential order. If you have questions on these exercises, please refer to the corresponding chapter. The worksheets in this appendix can be used either directly or as templates for a set of worksheets of your design. For updates and more information about the book, to download the electronic copies of the worksheets, or to follow the discussion about this book, please see

Worksheets: Part II

Chapters 4–7

Chapter 4: Week 1: Web 2.0, The Social Web

Monday: Using Blogs and Wikis

Blogs to Visit: Check Off as You Visit.

Questions to Answer:

For each of the previous blogs:

What is the central theme?


Who would read this on a regular basis? Why?


Are the contributors potential customers? If so, what other blogs do they read?


What could you add to this conversation?


Are you being drawn in? Are you starting to follow posts via comments and winding up in unexpected places?


How could you use this in your business?


Wikis to Visit: Check Off as You Visit.

Questions to Answer:

For each of the previous blogs:

Are the entries evolving over time? Is there evidence of participation?


Who is in charge?


Is the Updates section or Discussion page visible? If not, does this change your view of the end result? If so, how?


How could you use this in your business?


Tuesday: Multimedia

Multimedia Sites to Visit: Check Off as You Visit.

Questions to Answer:

For each of the websites listed previously:

What services are provided at this site?


Who would use this site on a regular basis? Why?


What content could you add to these sites?


Are you being drawn in? Are you following posts?


What is the social motivation for the site?


Why did the person who posted this content post it?


What did you come away with as a result of reading this post?


Wednesday and Thursday: Microblogs, Tagging, and RSS

Microblog Services to Visit: Check Off as You Visit.

Questions to Answer:

What is the attraction to following the activities of others?


How could you use the previously-listed services in your business?


Tagging Services to Visit: Check Off as You Visit.

Questions to Answer:

What is the value of tagging and sharing tags with others?


How could you use tagging in your business?


RSS Sites to Visit: Check Off as You Visit and Subscribe to These Feeds.

Things to Do:

  • Locate the RSS/Atom subscription icons for each of the suggested services.
  • Subscribe by adding these to your Feeds list.
  • Take a look at your feeds tomorrow and see what’s new.

Friday: Social Networks

Social Sites to Visit: Check Off as You Visit.

Questions to Answer:

How are brands using Facebook? How are customers or others participants responding?


On both Facebook and LinkedIn, as well as any other sites you looked at, what brands are advertising? What is being advertised? Does it fit? Or is purely an awareness play? Look in particular at Facebook’s ads.


Compare the social and business sites. What is the common element?


How could you use the social sites in your business?


How could you use the business sites in your business?


Chapter 5: Week 2: The Social Feedback Cycle

Monday: Define Campaign Objectives

Questions to Answer:

What is the name of the product or service (or brand) with which you will be working?


What is the business objective of the social media campaign you are planning to create?


What objectives are you setting for this campaign? For each objective, identify one or more metrics and note the success value, the failure value, and the current value (if applicable).

Metric Success Value Failure Value Current Value

_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________

In a short summary, write out your definition of success.



Tuesday: The Awareness Phase

Questions to Answer:

Identify each of the awareness channels you are using currently or have used in the recent past. List them all and then for each channel identified, note the success value, the failure value, and the current value.

Channel Success Value Failure Value Current Value

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________

For each channel identified, what did you have to do to justify its use? When will this decision be reviewed?

Channel Basis for Use and Next Review

_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________

Wednesday: The Point of Sale

Questions to Answer:

Identify each of the point-of-sale channels you are using currently or have used in the recent past. List them all in the table provided here or make a similar one of your own. Then, for each channel identified, note the success value, the failure value, and the current value.

Channel Success Value Failure Value Current Value

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________

For each channel identified, what did you have to do to justify its use? When will this decision be reviewed?

Channel Basis for Use and Next Review

_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________

Look at Your List and Consider:

Do they all have quantitative success goals? Are they delivering?


Which of these are you using offensively? Which are used defensively?


Which of these are driven by direct market forces?


What conditions would have to exist in the minds of your customers that would change the tactics you have identified?


Thursday: Gathering Insights and Friday: Your Social Feedback Cycle

Visit each of the following, and search for information related to your firm or organization. Check off the item as you complete it.

Visit Google Alerts ( and set up an account at Google Alerts and request notices for terms or phrases that are important to you in the context of your business and marketing plan.

Based on this, what did you find? Write out the conversations or phrases that stood out, and explain why.





Review What You’ve Gathered This Week: Check Off Each Item When Complete.

  • Monday: Business objectives and success measures
  • Tuesday: Awareness efforts and performance metrics
  • Wednesday: Point-of-sale efforts and performance metrics
  • Thursday: Summary of social intelligence

Create Your Social Feedback Cycle

Using the following funnel, note the placement of the various campaign elements you identified this week along with what you’ve learned through your social media intelligence efforts. (Figure A-1)

Figure A-1: The social feedback cycle and the social web


Chapter 6: Week 3: Touchpoint Analysis

Monday: Gather Your Touchpoint Data

Questions to Answer:

What are your primary brand, product, or service promises?


How are these promises related to the needs of your customers?


How are these promises supported?


What is the actual delivery mechanism that validates each promise?


What are the actual customer experiences that demonstrate successful delivery?


What channel has been used to convey each particular aspect of your promise or brand?


How important to your customers are each of the promises and points and delivery?


Tuesday: Organize Your Data

Structure Your Analysis: Check the Box That Applies to Your Choice.

  • Organize by channel
  • Organize by function
  • Organize by customer
  • Organize by _____________________________________________________

Questions to Answer:

Why did you choose this organizational approach?


How will the results be used to guide improvement over time?


How can you tap the social web to drive this improvement?


Wednesday: Evaluate and Rank Your Data

Part 1: Assessing Touchpoints

For Each Touchpoint Identified:

Rank its relative contribution on a 10-point scale in regard to talk value. (1 = low value; 10 = high.)

Rank its performance or similar selected measure, again on a 10-point scale. (1 = low value; 10 = high.)

Touchpoint Talk Value Performance Score Notes

Part 2: Plotting Touchpoints

With measures and grades in hand, plot each touchpoint by its relative performance. (Figure A-2)

Figure A-2: Your touchpoint map


Thursday: Analyze Your Data

Questions to Answer:

What are your lowest talk-generating touchpoints?


What are your highest talk-generating touchpoints?


Which of your high-talk touchpoints are low-performing?


Which of your high-talk touchpoints are high-performing?


Friday: Plan Your Next Steps

Find the most important touchpoints from the perspective of generating conversations on which you are simultaneously performing most poorly.

Questions to Answer:

What is the issue? Is this the wrong audience or a poor customer experience?


Did you set the right expectation? Over-promise? Under-deliver?


Who else is involved? Who are your internal constituents?


Which of the required actions are directly within your control?


How are you going to fix this?


Chapter 7: Week 4: Influence and Measurement

Monday and Tuesday: Make Your Calls

Using your script and call sheet, make your calls and record the notes from each call.

Contact Phone Date Score Influencer Notes

Wednesday: Score Your Calls

Calculate Your Net Promoter Score

1. Add up the number of customers who gave you a 9 or 10 and compute the corresponding percentage by dividing this into the total number of calls you made. This is your Promoter score.

2. Add up the number of customers who gave you a 6 or less and compute the corresponding percentage by dividing this into the total number of calls you made. This is your Detractor score.

3. Subtract the Detractor score from the Promoter score. Your Net Promoter Score is the difference.

Your Promoter score: ________

– Your Detractor score: ________


Your Net Promoter score: ________

Thursday: Choose Your Metrics and Friday: Wrapping It Up

Based on Table 7-1, track down the sources of the metrics that apply to your business. List these sources of data you need and your purpose for requesting them.

Metric Purpose Source Notes

Open Your Browser and Go to the BlogPulse Website. Check Off Each Item When Complete:

  • Look for posts about your company.
  • Look for posts about your competitors.
  • Look for posts about the companies you interviewed in your Net Promoter Score exercise.

Question to Answer:

What did you find?






Social Feedback Cycle

Starting with the social feedback cycle that you created last week, look at the specific comments you found using BlogPulse or when searching support forums or other private communities.

Questions to Answer:

Are these comments helpful to your marketing effort, or are they creating obstacles that you have to overcome?


How many of these specific comments can you relate to campaigns that you’ve run in the past? Are these recurring themes?


Is there a conversation that you found that references a customer service experience or a change in product design?


Have any of your prior marketing messages referenced or addressed this same thing?


Touchpoint Analysis

Look at your touchpoint map and consider the following questions.

Questions to Answer:

How many of the touchpoints or experiences created are reflected in your search of social content?


How do your digital touchpoints drive social conversations?



Look at your individual Net Promoter survey responses. Check the most applicable box:

  • If your Net Promoter responses are distinctly middle-of-the-road—6s, 7s, and 8s—then it’s likely that you have also found relatively little talk or content on the social web.
  • If you have 9s and 10s—or 0s, 1s, and 2s—you probably found a lot more. This is a direct indication of how much the social web is impacting you.
  • If you’re in the middle, the impact is less notable: This means you are missing out. Raise the performance of your touchpoints, and participate on the social web to get the conversations going.


Finally, look at the metrics you’ve selected and complete the following:

  • Integrate these with your Net Promoter Score, social feedback cycle, and touchpoint map. How do the metrics you’ve selected provide quantitative insight into each of these items?
  • Create the shell for your report card and dashboard based on the data you expect to begin collecting.
  • Build relationships with the sources of the data you’ll ultimately need.

Worksheets: Part III

Chapters 8–12

Chapter 8: Week 1: Build a Social Media Campaign

Monday: Combining Touchpoints and Feedback

Questions to Answer:

What marketing channels are you using now to generate awareness?


What channel is your top performer in terms of ROI? How are you measuring this?


What are you doing at the point of sale?


Which of your identified touchpoints are working? Which are not?


Which touchpoints represent your top three?


Are your strongest experiences driven by marketing or operations?


Which three touchpoints could you do without?


Of the three that don’t seem to matter, why do they exist?


Tuesday: Applying Social Media Metrics

Questions to Answer:

Using Table 8-1 and the work you did last week, list the metrics that you will use in your dashboard and report card. For each, list the source. Use the following form, or create a spreadsheet based on the example shown in Figure 8-2. Adapt as needed to hold the data you’ve identified.

Metric Source

________________________________ ____________________________________
________________________________ ____________________________________
________________________________ ____________________________________
________________________________ ____________________________________
________________________________ ____________________________________
________________________________ ____________________________________

Wednesday: Social Media Channels

Questions to Answer:

What are the top three objectives of your social campaign?


What other forms of media are you using, and how will social media benefit you?


Does your Net Promoter Score suggest that you should start with an outreach campaign or a learning campaign?


Choosing among social platforms, social content, and social interactions, which is most likely to provide the support you need and fit into the marketing program you have in place now?


Thursday: Refining Your Plan

Questions to Answer:

What are the primary social media opportunities you’ve found?

Are they primarily awareness-, consideration-, or purchase-related?

Opportunity Awareness Consideration Purchase

___________________________________ ❑ ❑ ❑
___________________________________ ❑ ❑ ❑
___________________________________ ❑ ❑ ❑
___________________________________ ❑ ❑ ❑
___________________________________ ❑ ❑ ❑

Consider the following questions and use the following table to record your answers:

  • Which social media channels and groups seem to be best fits given what you’ve seen so far?
  • How do these choices fit with your current marketing efforts?
  • What are the metrics that you are collecting now, and what are the sources for the additional metrics needed?

Social Media Channel Relation to Current Effort Metrics Source

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________
_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________

Friday’s One-Hour Exercise

This Week’s Checklist:

  • Have you identified the sources of the metrics you need?
  • Are your report card and dashboard sustainable?
  • Has the data services team or similar provider agreed to provide the metrics you need on an ongoing basis?
  • Is the process for getting these metrics one that you can automate?
  • Do you have a plan in place to adopt or continue your Net Promoter measurements?

Questions to Answer:

Which, if any, of the social media components you’ve now covered are you using now?






If you could add two or three more, which would you add next? Why?






Chapter 9: Week 2: Social Platforms

Monday: Build a Social Network

List the networks and organizations you are in now and answer each of the following:

  • For each, why do you participate in this network or social group?
  • What do you expect to get out of it?
  • In the past 30 days, how much time and effort have you put in?
  • Within the online social networks you visited, how is advertising done? Who is advertising and what are they advertising? What products and services are being talked about? What are members saying?

Network Motive Ads and Member Conversations

_______________ _______________ ______________________________
_______________ _______________ _______________________________
_______________ _______________ _______________________________
_______________ _______________ _______________________________
_______________ _______________ _______________________________
_______________ _______________ _______________________________

Tuesday: Participate in the Social Web

Complete the Following:

List the online networks you are now part of, including any you joined today:






For each of these, check when you have done the following:

  • Completed your profile
  • Posted content
  • Added one or more friends

Wednesday: Social Application Platforms

Complete the Following:

Visit the Dell support forums, and check off the following as you complete the item.

  • Take a look at the New to the Community section, under Groups.
  • Jump into the photo/video discussions. Look at the topics, and in particular notice the number of replies to the various posts.
  • Click the posters’ names and see what information is displayed about those members: you’ll find this link in the Author column. Note that you will need to be a registered member (no cost) to complete this step.
  • Take a look at the Owners’ Clubs for Alienware, XPS, and Streak. What is happening in these communities?

Thursday: Understand Customer Communities

Sites to Visit: Check Off as You Visit.

Questions to Answer:

How visible are you, and what is the role of your personal presence?


Which was easiest to join? Most difficult? Which made it the easiest and which the most difficult to sort out what to do?


What tools are available? Blogs? Ratings? Comments? Friends? Which of these are appealing to you? Why? Which seem to be getting the most use?


How are these tools being used? What are members doing?


Friday: Work with Social Platforms

Questions to Answer:


What can you learn from existing personal social networks?


How can you leverage existing business social networks?


  • Add these to your marketing plan.


Is there an opportunity to use a social tool such as Product Pulse, Social Vibe, or a similar off-the-shelf, member-driven social media component?


  • Add appropriate elements to your plan.

Community Development

Is there an opportunity to appropriately create a direct presence for your brand in a specific social network?


Would your customers readily build relationships with you and with each other through a community?


Is there a current social space that falls short in meeting the needs of your customers now?


  • Are answers to any of these “yes”? If so, identify the connection points between a social platform and your current marketing plan.


How would you use a community platform, and how would this change your current marketing efforts?


What is the approval process that you would need to go through internally to make this a reality?


Chapter 10: Week 3: Social Content—Text, Photos, Audio, and Video

Monday: Explore Corporate Blogs

Blogs to Visit: Check Off as You Visit.

Questions to Answer:

What about these examples seems to be the most useful?


How is disclosure handled? How does disclosure strengthen the blog and its message?


How often is new content posted? Which items posted generate the most comments (or the most passionate comments)?


How does the company handle the discussion within the comments? Does the company participate?


How could you use a blog as a part of your own marketing effort? Who would write it? Who would read it?


Tuesday: Experience Microblogs

Sign up for Twitter.

If you’d prefer, you may sign up for any alternate microblogging service.

Wednesday: Consider Photo and Video Sharing

Sites to Visit: Check Off as You Visit.

Thursday: Experience Audio and Video Podcasting

Podcasts to Sample: Check Off as You Visit and/or Subscribe.

Friday: Create Your Social Media Marketing Plan

Looking at your notes of this week, answer the following:

What are the most challenging aspects of your current marketing program in terms of overcoming objections, driving new users, or driving additional purchases?


Which of these aspects lend themselves to assistance via video, photos, or a podcast?


Which of these lend themselves to the kinds of content that your customers would create? Which would be best if you made the content and then gave it to your existing customers to share or comment on?


What are the most promising multimedia applications that would add depth to the blog you created in the prior chapter?


Chapter 11: Week 4: Social Content—Ratings, Reviews, and Recommendations

Monday: Understand Consensus and Marketing

List five books you’ve read recently:






Questions to Answer:

For each, did you like it? Why or why not?


For each, did you recommend this book? Why or why not?


For any, did you write a review—anyplace—for this book? If so, what did you say about it? If not, why not?


Tuesday: Win the Popularity Contest

Sites to Visit: Check Off as You Visit.

Questions to Answer:

Look at the home page. Do you see the newest or the most popular content first?


How does this change the mix of content that you actually view at each site visited?


Looking at the top 10 items on each home page, which has more content covering topics you’ve never heard of?


How many of the topics—on either site—are also present in the headlines on your favorite news site?


Which site offers the most unexpected versus expected content?


Wednesday: Apply Recommendations

Blogs to Visit: Check Off as You Visit.

Questions to Answer:

Which sites made it easiest to share content? To rate content? To share the ratings?


On which sites did you actually share the most content?


If the tools on the sites that made it easiest to share content had been available on all of the sites you looked at, would you have shared more content?


Thursday: Get There Faster

Pick Three Clients at the Bazaarvoice Website:

1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________

Things to Do: Check Off as You Go.

  • Look at the product reviews. You may have to navigate to a specific product, or there may be a link to top-rated items present on the home page. Think about the advantages and disadvantages of having direct access to top-rated products.
  • If a sort-by-ratings feature is available, use it. Think about the impact of the role of ratings and your ability to navigate them in terms of contribution to shopping-cart value. If this feature is missing, ask yourself what difference it makes to your overall shopping experience.
  • Look at the reviews associated with the various ratings. Do the reviews tend to support the ratings and vice versa? Is the combination of ratings and reviews more valuable than either alone?

Friday: Build Your Plan

Questions to Answer:

Based on your current digital marketing efforts, could you add Digg or Delicious buttons to encourage recommendations and sharing?


How could ratings, reviews, and recommendations be applied to your business?


Chapter 12: Week 5: Social Interactions

Monday: Events and Calendars

Blogs to Visit: Check Off as You Visit.

Questions to Answer:

For each site you visited:

How quickly were you able to find events?


Was sponsored content presented? If so, how relevant was it?


How many pages did you look at in total? Was all of the information you needed presented on a single page?


Which sites encouraged you to add your own ratings and reviews?


Were the ratings and reviews of ordinary people presented equally to those of professional or celebrity critics?


Which sites offered feeds or alerts?


Which sites offered the ability to import your existing preferences related to the type of event you were seeking?


How could you use the services you visited today to promote marketing events that you may be planning?


Tuesday: Mobile and Location-Based Media

Services to Visit: Check Off as You Visit.

Activities: Check Off as You Complete.

  • Exercise 1: Check in

1. Sign up for Foursquare or Gowalla or any other location-based service you’d like to try.

2. Once you’ve signed up, log in to your account.

3. Check in on your chosen service following the instructions provided. In general, this is a simple process: Go somewhere (like your office or living room) and search. Be sure GPS is turned on. Then check in.

  • Exercise 2: Add your venue

1. If you have a business that you’d like to add to Foursquare, enter the name of your venue in the search box on your account page and then click Search.

2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. If your venue is not already listed, you can add it by clicking Add A Venue and then claiming that location. (If you discover that your venue is already listed, ask your summer intern for the password!)

Wednesday: Status Notices and Activity Streams

Questions to Answer:

How many Urgent emails?


How many Important emails?


How many Not Important emails?


How many Spam emails?


What is the ratio of Urgent to the total?


What is the ratio of Important to the total?


What is the ratio of Not Important to the total?


What is the ratio of Spam to the total?


Thursday: Activity Feeds

Complete the Following at FriendFeed:

1. Go to FriendFeed:

2. Create an account.

3. Search for people whose activities and content you’d like to keep track of (search for “evansdave” to find me) and add them to your subscription list. You will now see the activities of these people.

4. Using the Services menu, add to your feed the services (social sites) that you have established. These people will see your activities.

Friday: Social Information and Marketing

Questions to Answer:

What events have you planned that could be listed and promoted through a service such as Eventful?


If you added a link to Eventful’s Demand It page, could you build a schedule around that?


How can you use location-based services?


How can you apply feeds to your business use of the social web?


Worksheets: Part IV

Chapters 13 & 14

Chapter 13: Week 1: Objectives, Metrics, and ROI

Monday: Your Business Objectives

Check Off Each Item as You Complete It.

  • Look at the business objectives and success metrics you defined when you created your social feedback cycle. Add to these the larger business objectives that define your company or organization’s success goals for the coming years.
  • Connect each of your specific goals and success metrics set in Chapter 5 to one or more of your overall goals.
  • Define each of the success metrics, and identify the source of the data you’ll need to support this metric.

Tuesday: Your Audience

  • Using standard age groups and demographics, identify each of the audience segments you are interested in with regard to your social media campaign.
  • Briefly describe what each of your specific segments does when online.
  • For each segment in your audience, create a profile of the typical behaviors you expect. Do they create content or comment on posts and articles, or is your audience the read-only type?

Segment Description Expected Behavior

______________________ ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Wednesday: Content Metrics

Talk-Generators: Check Off Each Item as You Complete It.

  • Look back at Figure 13-1 and the definition of your audience and your business objectives. Confirm that there is something for people to talk about and that the audience is likely to be talking about it.
  • List the specific features or unique attributes of your brand, product, or service.
  • Create the same list, except do it for one or more of your competitors.

My product or service

Audience Segment Talkworthy Feature, Benefit, or Other Item of Interest

_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________

Competitor’s Product or Service _________________________________

Audience Segment Talkworthy Feature, Benefit, or Other Item of Interest

_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________

The Conversation: Check Off Each Item as You Complete It.

  • Using the services suggested, search for these items and write down (or summarize) what you find.
  • Trace the posts that you found back to their source. See if you can identify the type of audience member who contributed each item, and ensure that you accounted for this segment in yesterday’s exercise.
  • Integrate this data and its sources into the metrics section of your social media dashboard and report card you created in Chapter 8.
  • Optional: If you have access to Radian6, Alterian SM2, Netbase, or similar, perform the same exercise using these tools.

Item Summary of Conversation

_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________
_______________ _____________________________________________________

Thursday: Relevance Metrics

Check Off Each Item as You Complete It.

  • Look back at the conversational data you collected yesterday. Does any of this reference your brand, product, or service? Is it positive or negative? Create a baseline that will help you establish a loyalty indicator.
  • Look at your web analytics. Do the metrics such as time spent and bounce rate exist? If they do, collect them and establish a baseline. If they do not, talk with your IT or web team and see if you can get them. Using the metrics you have, create a baseline for time spent and bounce rate so that you can track changes.
  • Look at any metrics available to you that indicate a strong sense of participation or attachment. Are people participating in the way you’d like them to participate?
  • Integrate this data and its sources into the metrics section of your social media dashboard and report card that you created in Chapter 8.
  • Use this data to create your baselines for your selected measures.

Friday: Impact Metrics

Check Off Each Item as You Complete It.

  • Looking at your web analytics, review your referrer data. Add to this any applicable internal data you may have that helps you identify the arrival of specific audience segments.
  • Look at the average time spent on your site and the bounce rate, but limit it to the commerce portions of the site and the informational pages that directly support commerce.
  • Look at actual conversions, the number of reviews created, and any recommendations. In short, look at anything that helps support the difference in people visiting your site with and without exposure to social media.
  • Integrate this data and its sources into the metrics section of your social media dashboard and report card.
  • Use this data to create the baselines for your selected measures.

Chapter 14: Week 2: Present Your Social Media Plan

Monday: Affirm Your Business Objectives

List and Define Your Business Objectives.

Objective Current Efforts Current Status and Measures

______________________ ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________ ______________________

List and Define Your Audience.

Segment Likely Social Media Channel Best Practices and Notes

________________ ________________________ ________________________
________________ ________________________ ________________________
________________ ________________________ ________________________
________________ ________________________ ________________________
________________ ________________________ ________________________
________________ ________________________ ________________________
________________ ________________________ ________________________

In Your Campaign, How Will You Ensure Transparency?



Tuesday: Define the Opportunity and Choose Your Methods

Complete Each of the Following:

Net Promoter

Based on your Net Promoter Score, indicate by campaign whether it will be a listening campaign or an outreach campaign.

Campaign Objective Listening Outreach ________________________ ________________________ ❑ ❑

________________________ ________________________ ❑ ❑

________________________ ________________________ ❑ ❑

________________________ ________________________ ❑ ❑

________________________ ________________________ ❑ ❑


Based on your touchpoint map, identify the three most important talk-generators.

Touchpoint Positive Negative _______________________________________________________ ❑ ❑

_______________________________________________________ ❑ ❑

_______________________________________________________ ❑ ❑

_______________________________________________________ ❑ ❑

_______________________________________________________ ❑ ❑

Challenges and Opportunities

For each negative issue or challenge, briefly describe how you will engage other teams or departments to address it.

Issue and Action Needed Requires Assistance From

________________________________ ____________________________________
________________________________ ____________________________________
________________________________ ____________________________________
________________________________ ____________________________________
________________________________ ____________________________________
________________________________ ____________________________________

Wednesday: Select Your Channels

Selected Channel Service Providers Concept Cost

__________________ __________________ __________________ ________
__________________ __________________ __________________ ________
__________________ __________________ __________________ ________

Thursday: Select Your Metrics

Objective Success Metric Source Confirmed __________________________ __________________________ ❑

__________________________ __________________________ ❑

__________________________ __________________________ ❑

__________________________ __________________________ ❑

__________________________ __________________________ ❑

__________________________ __________________________ ❑

Friday: Write and Present Your Plan

Check Off Each Item as You Complete It.

  • Check each of the primary sections of your plan.
  • Verify the facts, sources of data, and similar details.
  • Set a future meeting time and then present your plan.

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