
Approval-seekers, 19

Blogging, 11, 5456

Brand development, 77

Brand indicators, 88

Broadcast message, 154155

CEO blog, 55

CGC. See Consumer generated content

CGM. See Consumer generated media

Changelings, 18

Collaboration, 154

Commercial blogs, 5556

Consumer generated content (CGC), 10

Consumer generated media (CGM), 10

Consumer Review Fairness Act, 93

Consumer reviews, 5662

Content marketing, 5253

Creative outlet, 154

Culture, 9399

Customer care/service/support, 78

Customized message, 154155

Deniers, 18

Digital marketing, 73

Digital social media, 28

Dippers, 18

Director blog, 55

Earned media, 5354

Echo chambers, 149

e-fluencers. See Influencers

Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM), 17

Ethnography, 91

Event blog, 55

eWOM. See Electronic word-of-mouth

Feedback, 5662

Financial indicators, 89

Ghosts, 18

Go Fun Yourself campaign, 36

Harvard Business Review journal, 35

Image messages, 67

Influencer identification tools, 89

Influencers, 4952

Information bubbles, 149

Informers, 18

Legal issues, 9293

Lurkers, 18

Me-too followers, 153

Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), 128

NERC. See Natural Environment Research Council

Netnography, 91

New York Post, 140

Online advertising, 41

Online communities, 6265

and social networks, 89

OOHA. See Out-of-home advertising

Open graph, 15

Operational issues

grammar and spelling, 107

management and staff, 101105

shop-floor operations, 105106

suitability, 106107

third party platforms, 109113

Out-of-home advertising (OOHA), 40

Owned media, 5354

Paid media, 5354

Participation, 16

Peacocks, 18

Pew Research Center, 2223, 25, 29

Positivism, 94

Press releases, 56

Proactive service and support, 6869

Product blog, 55

Programmatic network advertising, 41

Promotional blog, 56

Psychological motivation, 16

Quizzers, 18

Ranters, 18

Reactive service and support, 69

Return on investment (ROI), 8085

Revenue generation, 77

Right brand and product, 115125

Right culture, 136143

Right implementation, 125136

ROI. See Return on investment

Segmentation model, 150

Self-media, 154

Social graph, 15

Social hosting, 6970

Social listening, 9091

Social media

categories, 78

common types, 5

constituent parts, 7

consumers, 31

definitions of, 4

digital, 28

four levels of content, 6

participation, 16

personas, 1819

psychological motivation, 16

reasons for, 1320

users in, 30

Social media calendar, 107108

Social media cloud, 2122

Social media marketing

in advertising, 4041

dark message, 4446

description of, 3942

examples of, 4344

right brand and product, 115125

right culture, 136143

right implementation, 125136

Thinkbox research, 42

in traditional marketing, 43

X-factor feedback, 115

Social media marketing mix, 154

Social media marketing models

blogging, 5456

consumer reviews, 5662

content marketing, 5253

earned media, 5354

feedback, 5662

influencers, 4952

online communities, 6265

owned media, 5354

paid media, 5354

social networking, 6265

social service and support, 6869

social sharing, 6568

viral marketing, 4649

Social media matrix, 19

Social media metrics, 87

Social media monitoring tools, 89

Social media sites, 2021

organizations, brands/products, 3038

Social networking, 6265

online communities and, 89

Social proof, 17

Social service and support, 6869

Social sharing, 6568

Social sharing, 9

Social site-specific tools, 89

Social voice, 107

Sprout Social Index, 32

Strategic social media marketing

culture impact, 9399

legal issues impact, 9293

measure and monitor, 8592

objectives of, 7680

overview of, 7176

return on investment, 8085

Technorati Media, 31

Textual messages, 67

Third party platforms

description of, 109110

drawbacks in using, 110113

reasons for using, 110

UGC. See User generated content

Ultras, 18

User generated content (UGC), 1011

Video messages, 6768

Viral marketing, 4649

Virgins, 18

Website analytics tools, 89

Window shoppers, 153

Word-of-mouth marketing, 4647

X-factor feedback, 115

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