
All the students, trainees, and audiences at any event at which I have spoken—if you hadn’t asked the questions, I would not have had to find the answers.

All those practitioners, writers, bloggers, and researchers who do the work that keeps people like me informed.

All those organizations that have asked me to monitor or participate in their digital marketing efforts—you learn more in an hour at the sharp end than you do in weeks of reading the theory.

Those colleagues who have supported and encouraged me in writing this, and other books. It is a constant grievance of mine that academia values papers read by only a few over textbooks that help educate thousands.

All those at Business Expert Press who helped make this book happen.

To the Exeter team for converting my British-English manuscript to American-English and adapting it to the house style of BEP—both of which are rather alien to me. If there’s anything British still in that’s because I insisted on it.

And finally Rudyard Kipling for the quotes at the beginning of each chapter. Now there’s a man who could tell a yarn.

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