Simple debugging tricks and techniques

We saw the power of the simple print statement in the previous example. In a similar way, other simple techniques can be used to debug programs without requiring to resort to a debugger.

Debugging can be thought of as a step-wise process of exclusion until the programmer arrives at the truth—the cause of the bug. It essentially involves the following steps:

  • Analyze the code and come up with a set of probable assumptions (causes) that may be the source of the bug.
  • Test out each of the assumptions one by one by using appropriate debugging techniques.
  • At every step of the test, you either arrive at the source of the bug—as the test succeeds telling you the problem was with the specific cause you were testing for; or the test fails and you move on to test the next assumption.
  • You repeat the last step until you either arrive at the cause or you discard the current set of probable assumptions. Then you restart the entire cycle until you (hopefully) find the cause.

Word searcher program

In this section, we will look at some simple debugging techniques one by one using examples. We will start with the example of a word searcher program that looks for lines containing a specific word in a list of files—and appends and returns the lines in a list.

Here is the listing of the code for the word searcher program:

import os
import glob

def grep_word(word, filenames):
    """ Open the given files and look for a specific word.
    Append lines containing word to a list and
    return it """

    lines, words = [], []
    for filename in filenames:
        lines += open(filename).readlines()

    word = word.lower()
    for line in lines:
        if word in line.lower():

    # Now sort the list according to length of lines
    return sorted(words, key=len)

You may have noticed a subtle bug in the preceding code—it appends to the wrong list. It reads from the list "lines," and appends to the same list, which will cause the list to grow forever; the program will go into an infinite loop when it encounters even a single line containing the given word.

Let's run the program on the current directory:

>>> parse_filename('lines', glob.glob('*.py'))

On any day, you may find this bug easily. On a bad day, you may be stuck on this for a while, not noticing that the same list being read from is being appended to.

Here are a few things that you can do:

  • As the code is hanging and there are two loops, find out the loop that causes the problem. To do this, either put a print statement between the two loops, or put a sys.exit function, which will cause the interpreter to exit at that point.
  • A print statement can be missed by a developer, especially if the code has many other print statements, but sys.exit can never be missed of course.

Word searcher program – debugging step 1

The code is rewritten as follows to insert a specific sys.exit(…) call between the two loops:

import os
import glob

def grep_word(word, filenames):
    """ Open the given files and look for a specific word.
    Append lines containing word to a list and
    return it """

    lines, words = [], []
    for filename in filenames:
        lines += open(filename).readlines()

    sys.exit('Exiting after first loop')
    word = word.lower()
    for line in lines:
        if word in line.lower():

    # Now sort the list according to length of lines
    return sorted(words, key=len)

When trying it out a second time, we get this output:

>>> grep_word('lines', glob.glob('*.py'))
Exiting after first loop

Now it's pretty clear that the problem is not in the first loop. You can now proceed to debug the second loop (we are assuming that you are totally blind to the wrong variable usage, so you are figuring out the issue the hard way, by debugging).

Word searcher program – debugging step 2

Whenever you suspect a block of code inside a loop to be causing a bug, there are a few tricks to debug this, and confirm your suspicion. These include the following:

  • Put a strategic continue just preceding the block of code. If the problem disappears, then you've confirmed that the specific block or any next block is the issue. You can continue to move down your continue statement until you identify the specific block of code that is causing the issue.
  • Make Python skip the code block by prefixing it with if 0:. This is more useful if the block is a line of code or a few lines of code.
  • If there is a lot of code inside a loop, and the loop executes many times, print statements may not help you much, as a ton of data will be printed, and it would be difficult to sift and scan through it and find out where the problem is.

In this case, we will use the first trick to figure out the issue. Here is the modified code:

def grep_word(word, filenames):
    """ Open the given files and look for a specific word.
    Append lines containing word to a list and
    return it """

    lines, words = [], []
    for filename in filenames:
        lines += open(filename).readlines()

    # Debugging steps
    # 1. sys.exit
    # sys.exit('Exiting after first loop')
    word = word.lower()
    for line in lines:
        if word in line.lower():

    # Now sort the list according to length of lines
    return sorted(words, key=len)

>>> grep_word('lines', glob.glob('*.py'))

Now the code executes, making it pretty clear that the problem is in the processing step. Hopefully, from there it is just one step to figure out the bug, as the programmer has finally got his eye on the line causing the issue by way of the process of debugging.

Word searcher program – final code

We have spent some time figuring out issues in the program by following a couple of debugging steps documented in the previous sections. With this, our hypothetical programmer was able to find the issue in the code and solve it.

Here is the final code with the bug fixed:

def grep_word(word, filenames):
    """ Open the given files and look for a specific word.
    Append lines containing word to a list and
    return it """

    lines, words = [], []
    for filename in filenames:
        lines += open(filename).readlines()

    word = word.lower()
    for line in lines:
        if word in line.lower():

    # Now sort the list according to length of lines
    return sorted(words, key=len)

The output is as follows:

>>> grep_word('lines', glob.glob('*.py'))
['for line in lines:', 'lines, words = [], []', 
  'lines += open(filename).readlines()',
  'Append lines containing word to a list and', 
  'and return list of lines containing the word.', 
  '# Now sort the list according to length of lines', 
  "print('Lines => ', grep_word('lines', glob.glob('*.py')))"]

Let's summarize the simple debugging tricks that we've learned so far in this section, and also look at a few related tricks and techniques.

Skipping blocks of code

A programmer can skip code blocks that they suspect of causing a bug during debugging. If the block is inside a loop, this can be done by skipping execution with a continue statement. We've seen an example of this already.

If the block is outside of a loop, this can be done by using if 0, and moving the suspect code to the dependent block, as follows:

if 0:# Suspected code block
     perform_suspect_operation1(args1, args2, ...)

If the bug disappears after this, then you're sure that the problem lies in the suspected block of code.

This trick has its own deficiency, in that it requires indenting large blocks of code to the right, which once the debugging is finished, should be indented back. Hence it is not advised for anything more than five or six lines of code.

Stopping execution

If you're in the middle of a hectic programming session, and you're trying to figure out an elusive bug, having already tried print statements, using the debugger, and other approaches, a rather drastic, but often fantastically useful, approach is to stop the execution just before or at the suspected code path using a function, sys.exit expression.

A sys.exit(<strategic message>) expression stops the program dead in its tracks, so this can't be missed by the programmer. This is often very useful in the following scenarios:

  • A complex piece of code has an elusive bug depending upon specific values or ranges of input, which causes an exception that is caught and ignored, but later causes an issue in the program.
  • In this case, checking for the specific value or range and then exiting the code using the right message in the exception handler via sys.exit will allow you to pinpoint the problem. The programmer can then decide to fix the issue by correcting the input or variable processing code.

    When writing concurrent programs, wrong usage of resource locking or other issues can make it difficult to track bugs like deadlocks, race conditions, and others. Since debugging multithreaded or multiple process programs via the debugger is very difficult, a simple technique is to put sys.exit in the suspect function after implementing the correct exception-handling code.

  • When your code has a serious memory leak or an infinite loop, then it becomes difficult to debug after a while, and you're not able to pinpoint the problem otherwise. Moving a sys.exit(<message>) line from one line of code to the next until you identify the problem can be used as a last resort.

External dependencies – using wrappers

In cases where you suspect the problem is not inside your function, but in a function that you are calling from your code, this approach can be used.

Since the function is outside of your control, you can try and replace it with a wrapper function in a module where you have control.

For example, the following is generic code for processing serial JSON data. Let's assume that the programmer finds a bug with processing of certain data (maybe having a certain key-value pair), and suspects the external API to be the source of the bug. The bug may be that the API times out, returns a corrupt response, or in the worst case, causes a crash:

import external_api
def process_data(data):
    """ Process data using external API """

    # Clean up data—local function
    data = clean_up(data)
    # Drop duplicates from data—local function
    data = drop_duplicates(data)

    # Process line by line JSON
    for json_elem in data:
        # Bug ?

One way to verify this is to dummy or fake the API for the specific ranges or values of the data. In this case, it can be done by creating a wrapper function as follows:

def process(json_data, skey='suspect_key',svalue='suspect_value'):
    """ Fake the external API except for the suspect key & value """

    # Assume each JSON element maps to a Python dictionary

    for json_elem in json_data:
        skip = False
        for key in json_elem:
            if key == skey:
                if json_elem[key] == svalue:
                    # Suspect key,value combination - dont process
                    # this JSON element
                    skip = True
        # Pass on to the API
        if not skip:
def process_data(data):
    """ Process data using external API """

    # Clean up data—local function
    data = clean_up(data)
    # Drop duplicates from data—local function
    data = drop_duplicates(data)

    # Process line by line JSON using local wrapper

If your suspicion is indeed correct, this will cause the problem to disappear. You can then use this as a test code, and communicate with the stakeholders of the external API to get the problem fixed, or write code to make sure that the problem key-value pair is skipped in data sent to the API.

Replacing functions with their return value/data (mocking)

In modern web application programming, you are never too far away from a blocking I/O call in your program. This can be a simple URL request, a slightly involved external API request, or maybe a costly database query and such calls can be the sources of bugs.

You may find either of the following situations:

  • The return data from such a call could be the cause of an issue.
  • The call itself is the cause of an issue, such as I/O or network errors, timeouts, or resource contentions.

When you encounter problems with costly I/O, replicating them can often be a problem. This is because of the following reasons:

  • The I/O calls take time, so debugging this costs you a lot of wasted time, not allowing you to focus on the real issue.
  • Subsequent calls may not be repeatable with respect to the issue, as external requests may return slightly different data every time.
  • If you are using an external paid API, the calls may actually cost you money, so you cannot exhaust a lot of such calls on debugging and testing.

A common technique that is very useful in these cases is to save the return data of these APIs/functions, and then mock the functions by using their return data to replace the functions/APIs themselves. This is an approach similar to mock testing, but it is used in the context of debugging.

Let's look at an example of an API that returns business listings on websites, given a business address including details like its name, street address, city, and so on. The code looks like this:

import config

search_api = 'http://api.%(site)s/listings/search'

def get_api_key(site):
    """ Return API key for a site """

    # Assumes the configuration is available via a config module
    return config.get_key(site)

def api_search(address, site=''):
    """ API to search for a given business address
    on a site and return results """

    req_params = {}
        'key': get_api_key(site),
        'term': address['name'],
        'searchloc': '{0}, {1}, {1}'.format(address['street'],
    return % locals(),

def parse_listings(addresses, sites):
    """ Given a list of addresses, fetch their listings
    for a given set of sites, process them """

    for site in sites:
        for address in addresses:
            listing = api_search(address, site)
            # Process the listing
            process_listing(listing, site)

def process_listings(listing, site):
    """ Process a listing and analzye it """
     # Some heavy computational code
     # whose details we are not interested.


The code makes a few assumptions, one of which is that every site has the same API URL and parameters. Note that this is only for illustration purposes. In reality, each site will have very different API formats including its URL and the parameters it accepts.

Note that in this last piece of code, the actual work is being done in the process_listings function, the code for which is not shown, as the example is illustrative.

Let's say you are trying to debug this function. However, due to a delay or error in the API calls, you find you are wasting a lot of valuable time in fetching the listings themselves. What are some of the techniques that you can use to avoid this dependency? Here are a few things that you can do:

  • Instead of fetching listings via API, save them to files, to a database, or an in-memory store, and load them on demand.
  • Cache the return value of the api_search function via a caching or memoize patterns so that further calls after the first call, return data from memory.
  • Mock the data, and return random data that has the same characteristics as the original data.

We will look at each of these in turn.

Saving to / loading data from files as cache

In this technique, you construct a filename using unique keys from the input data. If a matching file exists on disk, it is opened and the data is returned; otherwise, the call is made and the data is written. This can be achieved by using a file caching decorator as the following code illustrates:

import hashlib
import json
import os

def unique_key(address, site):
    """ Return a unique key for the given arguments """

    return hashlib.md5(''.join((address['name'],

def filecache(func):
    """ A file caching decorator """

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        # Construct a unique cache filename
        filename = unique_key(args[0], args[1]) + '.data'
        if os.path.isfile(filename):
            print('=>from file<=')
            # Return cached data from file
            return json.load(open(filename))

        # Else compute and write into file
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        json.dump(result, open(filename,'w'))

        return result

    return wrapper

def api_search(address, site=''):
    """ API to search for a given business address
    on a site and return results """

    req_params = {}
        'key': get_api_key(site),
        'term': address['name'],
        'searchloc': '{0}, {1}, {1}'.format(address['street'],
    return % locals(),

Here's how this preceding code works:

  1. The api_search function is decorated with filecache as a decorator.
  2. Then filecache uses unique_key as the function to calculate the unique filename for storing the results of an API call. In this case, the unique_key function uses the hash of a combination of the business name, street, and city, plus the site queried for in order to build the unique value.
  3. The first time the function is called, the data is fetched via API and stored in the file. During further invocations, the data is returned directly from the file.

This works pretty well in most cases. Most data is loaded just once, and on further calls, returned from the file cache. However, this suffers from the problem of stale data, as once the file is created, the data is always returned from it. Meanwhile, the data on the server may have changed.

This can be solved by using an in-memory key-value store and saving the data there instead of in files on disk. One can use well-known key-value stores such as Memcached, MongoDB, or Redis for this purpose. In the following example, we'll show you how to replace the filecache decorator with a memory cached decorator using Redis.

Saving to / loading data from memory as cache

In this technique, a unique in-memory cache key is constructed using unique values from the input arguments. If the cache is found on the cache store by querying using the key, its value is returned from the store; or else the call is made and the cache is written. To ensure that data is not too stale, a fixed time-to-live (TTL) is used. We use Redis as the cache store engine:

from redis import StrictRedis

def memoize(func, ttl=86400):
    """ A memory caching decorator """

    # Local redis as in-memory cache
    cache = StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379)

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        # Construct a unique key

        key = unique_key(args[0], args[1])
        # Check if its in redis
        cached_data = cache.get(key)
        if cached_data != None:
             print('=>from cache<=')
             return json.loads(cached_data)
         # Else calculate and store while putting a TTL
         result = func(*args, **kwargs)
         cache.set(key, json.dumps(result), ttl)

         return result

    return wrapper


Note that we are reusing the definition of unique_key from the previous code example.

The only thing that changes in the rest of the code is that we replace the filecache decorator with the memoize one:

def api_search(address, site=''):
    """ API to search for a given business address
    on a site and return results """

    req_params = {}
        'key': get_api_key(site),
        'term': address['name'],
        'searchloc': '{0}, {1}, {1}'.format(address['street'],
    return % locals(),

The advantages of this version over the previous one are as follows:

  • The cache is stored in memory. No additional files are created.
  • The cache is created with a TTL, beyond which it expires. So the problem of stale data is circumvented. The TTL is customizable, and defaults to a day (86,400 seconds) in this example.

There are a few other techniques for mocking external API calls and similar dependencies. Some of these are listed as follows:

  • Using a StringIO object in Python to read/write data, instead of using a file. For example, the filecache or memoize decorators can be easily modified to use a StringIO object.
  • Using a mutable default argument, such as a dictionary or a list, as a cache and writing results to it. Since a mutable argument in Python holds its state after repeated calls, it effectively works as an in-memory cache.
  • Replacing an external API with a call to a replacement/dummy API call to a service on the local machine ( IP address) by editing the system's host file, adding an entry for the host in question, and putting its IP as The call to localhost can always return a standard (canned) response.

For example, on Linux and other POSIX systems, you can add a line like this in the /etc/hosts file:

# Only for testing—comment out after that!


Note that this technique is a very useful and clever approach as long as you remember to comment out such lines after testing!

Returning random/mock data

Another technique, which is mostly useful for performance testing and debugging, is to feed functions with data that is similar, but not the same as the original data.

Let's say, for example, that you are working on an application that works with patient/doctor data for patients under a specific insurance scheme (say Medicare/Medicaid in the US, ESI in India) to analyze and find out patterns such as common ailments, top 10 health issues in terms of government expenses, and so on.

Let's say that your application is expected to load and analyze tens of thousands of rows of patient data from a database at one time, which is expected to scale to 1-2 million under peak load. You want to debug the application and find out performance characteristics under such a load, but you don't have any real data, as the data is in the collection stage.

In such scenarios, libraries or functions that generate and return mock data are very useful. In this section, we will use a third-party Python library to accomplish this.

Generating random patient data

Let's assume that for a patient we need the following basic fields:

  • Name
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Health issue
  • Doctor's name
  • Blood group
  • Insured or not
  • Date of last visit to doctor

The schematics library in Python provides a way to generate such data structures using simple types, which can then be validated, transformed, and also mocked.

The schematics library is installable via pip using the following command:

$ pip install schematics

To generate a model of a person with just their name and age is as simple as writing a class in schematics:

from schematics import Model
from schematics.types import StringType, DecimalType

class Person(Model):
    name = StringType()
    age = DecimalType()

To generate mock data, a mock object is returned, and a primitive is created using this:

>>> Person.get_mock_object().to_primitive()
{'age': u'12', 'name': u'Y7bnqRt'}
>>> Person.get_mock_object().to_primitive()
{'age': u'1', 'name': u'xyrh40EO3'}

One can create custom types using schematics. For the Patient model, for example, let's say that we are only interested in the age group 18-80, so we need to return age data in that range.

The following custom type does that for us:

from schematics.types import IntType

class AgeType(IntType):
    """ An age type for schematics """
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs['default'] = 18
        IntType.__init__(self, **kwargs)
    def to_primitive(self, value, context=None):
        return random.randrange(18, 80)

Also, since the names returned by the schematics library are just random strings, they have some room for improvement. The following NameType class improves upon it by returning names containing a clever mix of vowels and consonants:

import string
import random

class NameType(StringType):
    """ A schematics custom name type """
    consonants = ''.join(set(string.ascii_lowercase) - set(vowels))

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs['default'] = ''
        StringType.__init__(self, **kwargs)
   def get_name(self):
        """ A random name generator which generates
        names by clever placing of vowels and consontants """

        items = ['']*4

        items[0] = random.choice(self.consonants)
        items[2] = random.choice(self.consonants)

        for i in (1, 3):
            items[i] = random.choice(self.vowels)            

        return ''.join(items).capitalize()

    def to_primitive(self, value, context=None):
        return self.get_name()

When combining both of these new types, our Person class looks much better when returning mock data:

class Person(Model):
    name = NameType()
    age = AgeType()
>>> Person.get_mock_object().to_primitive()
{'age': 36, 'name': 'Qixi'}
>>> Person.get_mock_object().to_primitive()
{'age': 58, 'name': 'Ziru'}
>>> Person.get_mock_object().to_primitive()
{'age': 32, 'name': 'Zanu'}

In a similar way, it is rather easy to come up with a set of custom types and standard types to satisfy all the fields required for a Patient model:

class GenderType(BaseType):
    """A gender type for schematics """

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs['choices'] = ['male','female']
        kwargs['default'] = 'male'
        BaseType.__init__(self, **kwargs)

class ConditionType(StringType):
    """ A gender type for a health condition """

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs['default'] = 'cardiac'
        StringType.__init__(self, **kwargs)     
    def to_primitive(self, value, context=None):
        return random.choice(('cardiac',

import itertools

class BloodGroupType(StringType):
    """ A blood group type for schematics  """

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs['default'] = 'AB+'
        StringType.__init__(self, **kwargs)
    def to_primitive(self, value, context=None):
        return ''.join(random.choice(list(itertools.product(['AB','A','O','B'],['+','-']))))    

Now, combining all these with some standard types and default values into a Patient model, we get the following code:

class Patient(Model):
    """ A model class for patients """
    name = NameType()
    age = AgeType()
    gender = GenderType()
    condition = ConditionType()
    doctor = NameType()
    blood_group = BloodGroupType()
    insured = BooleanType(default=True)
    last_visit = DateTimeType(default='2000-01-01T13:30:30')

Now, creating random data of any size is as easy as invoking the get_mock_object method on the Patient class for any number n:

patients = map(lambda x: Patient.get_mock_object().to_primitive(), range(n))

For example, to create 10,000 random sets of patient data, we use the following:

>>> patients = map(lambda x: Patient.get_mock_object().to_primitive(), range(1000))

This data can be input to the processing functions as mock data until the real data is made available.


Note: The Faker library in Python is also useful for generating a wide variety of fake data such as names, addresses, URIs, random text, and the like.

Let's now move on from these simple tricks and techniques to something more involved, mainly configuring logging in your applications.

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