Continuous releases

Since large, monolithic applications handle many business domain models, they are comprised of a huge amount of source code and configuration files. This produces large artifacts that take a considerable amount of time to be deployed. Furthermore, large monolithic applications often involve large teams that are distributed around the world, which makes communication difficult. This becomes a problem when working on new features or fixing bugs in the application. Microservices are able to tackle this problem easily because one team will be in charge of one or more services, and a service is rarely written by more than one team. This means that new releases can be planned within the team, which allows them to roll out new versions faster and more frequently.

Additionally, even the smallest change in the code involves a new deployment of the large artifact, which makes the entire application unavailable during the deployment process. For microservices, however, only the service that has the patch for the bug or the new feature should be deployed. The deployment is fast and doesn't affect other services.

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