Predicting the future

While we can't predict each detail of an application when we are creating it, we can keep some apparent assumptions in mind to avoid glaring mistakes, like the ones exposed in the preceding sections. Even if you have created an application using the wrong approach, one part of the software architecture process is to evaluate the code base from time to time and take corrective actions based on this. This is important because the existing software architecture needs to evolve in order to avoid becoming useless. During the development process—and because we do not want to miss the established project deadlines—we often use the FIXME and TODO tags. However, we should pay close attention to these and take action as soon as we can, as they represent a technical debt that gets worse as time passes. Imagine how easy it is to get rid of a recently introduced debt in the next iteration. Now, imagine how hard it would be if the developer who added that debt is no longer working on the project or even within the same company.

Remember that these tags represent a debt, and debts are paid with interest that increases with time.

The process of improving the existing software architecture sometimes tends to be even more interesting than creating a new one from scratch. This is because you now have more information about the business requirements and how the application was performing at the time that it was in production.

When you are adding new features to an existing application, you will figure out how good the initial idea was. If the process of adding new features is simple and requires only a few changes in its structure, then we can conclude that the software architecture is doing its job well. Otherwise, if we need to make substantial changes to the underlying parts of the original design, we can say that the initial idea and assumptions were all wrong. However, at this point, the team in charge of the product should be responsible enough to make it evolve instead of writing additional patches to support new features.

Even though patching something sounds similar to making it evolve, it isn't. This idea is explained clearly in the book Building Evolutionary Architectures, written by Neal Ford, Rebecca Parsons, and Patrick Kua.

Proactive teams continually apply changes that make it possible to better support preexisting and new features rather than simply sitting and waiting for chaos when things get out of control. There's nothing wrong with changing an initial design, and it's always worth doing this. The following diagram illustrates this process, as applied to a geometric shape:

Evolving original designs

Now that we know that business needs must guide the application architecture, we can conclude that if it is unable to support new features, then new business opportunities will be missed, making the application and its architecture useless.

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