High cohesion

The principle of high cohesion also has a pretty simple definition: one component should perform one and only one well-defined job. Although the description is pretty simple, we often tend to get confused and violate this principle.

In the previous example, we had NotificationService, which was in charge of sending notifications by email and fax. The word  and can be helpful for us when it comes to identifying the violation of this principle. Now that we have two different classes (one per notification channel), it's fair to say that our classes only have one responsibility.

Again, the same is true for components, and another reason to keep the same idea with them is that you will likely have each component accomplishing only one specific requirement. For example, what would happen if all our customers just wanted to receive their bank statements by email; do you think it's okay to depend on a class that has the ability to send faxes too?

Although the previous question may seem unimportant, imagine that you solved an existing issue related to sending notifications using faxes as a notification mechanism, and a new issue was then introduced into the mechanism in order to send email notifications by mistake.

Remember that components shape your software architecture, and architects should design them in a way that maximizes team productivity. Aligning your components to the high-cohesion principle is an excellent way to separate them and allows teams to work independently on different parts of your application. This ability to create various components with clear responsibilities will make it easier when solving other issues and adding new features, and will also make you less prone to introducing bugs.

With regards to the previous example, you are probably wondering why the NotificationChannel class is apparently sending notifications with a BankStatement parameter.

Common sense leads us to believe that we need to replace this class with any other generic type. It can be helpful to allow the application to send different kinds of notifications, and not only bank statements: this may include drawbacks, or when a new deposit is received in the account. Even though the idea of supporting incoming requirements looks like something you might want to include in the program at this stage, the application doesn't currently need this ability. This is why it is not necessary for us to add this feature right now. Instead, this design should evolve when this becomes necessary; in this way, we are sticking to the KISS principle (https://www.techopedia.com/definition/20262/keep-it-simple-stupid-principle-kiss-principle) and following the directions of only building the most basic features to make the application work.

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