Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page




1: Software Engineering for Embedded and Real-Time Systems


1 Software Engineering

2 Embedded Systems

3 Real-Time Systems

4 Example of a Hard Real-Time System

5 Real-Time Event Characteristics

6 Challenges in Real-Time System Design

7 The Embedded System’s Software Build Process

8 Distributed and Multiprocessor Architectures

9 Software for Embedded Systems

10 Hardware Abstraction Layers for Embedded Systems

2: Software Development Process


1 Getting Started

2 Requirements

3 Architecture

4 Design

5 Implementation

6 Testing

7 Rolling It Together: Agile Development

8 Advanced Topics

9 Conclusion


3: Embedded and Multicore System Architecture—Design and Optimization


1 Introduction

2 The Right Way and the Wrong Way

3 Understanding Requirements

4 Mapping the Application

5 Helping the Compiler and Build Tools

6 Power Optimization

4: Basic Programming Techniques


1 Introduction

2 Reference Platform Overview

3 SDK Installation

4 Target System Configuration and Initialization

5 Programming Examples

6 Summary

Questions and Answers

5: Programming and Implementation Guidelines


1 Introduction

2 Starting the Embedded Software Project

3 Variable Structure

Content Learning Exercises

6: Operating Systems


1 Foreground/Background Systems

2 Real-Time Kernels

3 RTOS (Real-Time Operating System)

4 Assigning Task Priorities

5 Determining the Size of a Stack

6 Preemptive Scheduling

7 Scheduling Points

8 Round-Robin Scheduling

9 Context Switching

10 Interrupt Management

11 The Clock Tick (or System Tick)

12 Resource Management

13 Synchronization

14 Bilateral Rendez-vous

15 Message Passing

16 Flow Control

17 Clients and Servers

18 Summary

7: Open-Source Software


1 Linux

2 U-Boot

3 FreeRTOS


8: Software and Compiler Optimization for Microcontrollers, Embedded Processors, and DSPs


1 Introduction

2 Development Tools Overview

3 Understanding the Embedded Target Architecture

4 Basic Optimization Goals and Practices

5 General Loop Transformations

6 Code Size Optimization

7 Data Structures

9: Embedded Software Quality, Integration, and Testing Techniques


1 What Is Software Test?

2 Why Should We Test Software?

3 How Much Testing Is Enough?

4 When Should Testing Take Place?

5 Who Makes the Decisions?

6 Available Techniques

7 Setting the Standard

8 Dealing With the Unusual

9 Implementing a Test Solution Environment

10 Summary and Conclusions

Questions and Answers

10: Embedded Multicore Software Development


1 Symmetric and Asymmetric Multiprocessing

2 Parallelism Saves Power

3 Look for Parallelism Opportunities

4 Multicore Application Locality

5 Multicore Programming Models

6 Performance and Optimization of Multicore Systems

7 Language Extensions Example—OpenMP

8 Pulling It All Together

11: Safety-Critical Development


1 Introduction

2 Project-Planning Strategies

3 Faults, Failures, Hazards, and Risk Analysis

4 Safety-Critical Architectures

5 Software Implementation Strategies


12: Networking Software


1 Introduction

2 Embedded Linux Networking

3 Moving From the Linux Kernel to User Space

4 Life of a Packet in a Native Linux Network Stack

5 Networking Performance Optimization Techniques

6 Case Studies: Covering Microcontrollers to Network Processors


13: Internet of Things


1 Introduction

2 History and Device Progression

3 Applications

4 Enabling Technologies

5 Internet of Things Architecture

6 Communications Used in Internet of Things

7 Data Analytics

8 Internet of Things Development Challenges


14: Security and Cryptography


1 What Is Security?

2 Cryptology

3 Life Cycle of a Secure Embedded System

4 Threat Analysis

5 Components of Secure Embedded Systems


15: Machine Learning at the Edge


1 Introduction

2 What Is Artificial Intelligence

3 What Is Machine Learning?

4 Feeding Your Brain—Data

5 Support Vector Machine

6 k-NN (Nearest Neighbor) Algorithm

7 Decision Trees

8 Neural Nets

9 What Is Necessary to Bring ML to the Edge?

10 Edge Learning/Training

Appendix: Performance Analysis Using NXP’s i.MX RT1050 Crossover Processor and the Zephyr™ Real-Time Operating System

A.1 Introduction

A.2 Configuration Information

A.3 Scope of Analysis

A.4 Analysis Results

A.5 Summary and Conclusions


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