190 Software teSting interview QueStionS
(a) hoW do you estimate White Box testing?
The testing estimates derived from function points are actually the estimates 
for white box testing. So in the following figure the man days are actually the 
estimates for white box testing of the project. It does not take into account 
black box testing estimation.
(a) is there a Way to estimate acceptance test cases
in a system?
Total acceptance test cases 5 total adjusted function points multiplied by 1.2:
The total estimate for this project is 37.7 man days.
FIGURE 169 Total estimation of the accounting application
Now that we have completed the function point analysis forthisproject lets 
move on to the second step needed to calculate black box testing using TPA.
teSting eStimation 191
Step 2: Calculate Df (Function-dependant factors)
Df is defined for each function point. So all the function point descriptions 
as well as values are taken and the Dfs are calculated for, each of them. You 
can see from the figure how every function point factor is taken, and how 
the Df is calculated.
FIGURE 170 Df calculated
But we have still not seen how Df will be calculated. Df is calculated using 
four inputs: user importance, usage intensity, interfacing, and complexity. 
The following figure shows the different inputs in a pictorial manner. All four 
factors are rated as low, normal, and high and assigned to each function are 
factors derived from the function points. Let’s take a look at these factors.
FIGURE 171 Factors on which Dfs depend 
192 Software teSting interview QueStionS
User importance (Ue):  How importantis this function factor to the user 
compared to other function factors? The following figure shows how they are 
rated. Voucher data, print voucher, and add voucher are rated with high user 
importance. Without these the user cannot work at all. Reports have been 
rated low because they do not really stop the user from working. The chart 
of accounts master is rated low because the master data is something which 
is added at one time and can also be added from the back end.
FIGURE 172 User importance
Usage intensity (Uy):  This factortells how manyusers use the application 
and how often. The following figure shows how we have assigned the values 
to each function factor. Add voucher, Print Voucher, and voucher data are the 
most used function factors. So they are rated high. All other function factors 
are rated as low.
Figure 173  Usage intensity
teSting eStimation 193
Interfacing (I): This  factor  defines  how  much impact this  function 
factor has on other parts of the system. But how do we now find the impact? 
In  TPA,  the  concept  of  LDS  is  used  to  determine  the  interfacing  rating. 
LDS stands for Logical Data Source. In our project we have two logical data 
sources: one is voucher data and the other is account code data (i.e., chart 
of accounts data). The following are the important points to be noted which 
determine the interfacing:
We need to consider only functions which modify LDS. If 
a function is not modifying LDS then its rating is Low by 
To define LDS we need to define how many LDSs are 
affected by the function and how many other functions access 
the LDS. Other functions only need to access the function; 
even if they do not modify it. 
The following is the table which defines the complexity level according 
to the number of LDSs and functions impacting on LDS.
FIGURE 174 LDS and the function concept
194 Software teSting interview QueStionS
So now depending on the two points defined above let’s try to find out the 
interfacing value for our accounting project. As said previously we have two 
functions which modify LDS in our project: one is the add voucher function 
which affects the voucher data and the add account code which affects the 
chart of  accounts code (i.e.,  the  accounts code  master).  The add voucher 
function primarily affects voucher data LDFs. But other functions such as 
reports and print also use the LDS. So in total there are five functions and 
one LDS. Now looking at the number of LDSs and the number of functions 
the impact complexity factor is Low.
FIGURE 175 LDS ratings
FIGURE 176 Add voucher data
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