200 Software teSting interview QueStionS
Step 6: Calculate total number of test points
Now that we have TPfs for all function factors, FPs and Qs (static test point 
data), it’s time to calculate the Tp (Total number of test points). The formula 
is as follows:
5 sum(TPf) 1 (FP*Qs/500)
For the accounting system total Tp 
5 71.21 (use a calculator if needed). 
The following figure shows how the total Tp is derived.
FIGURE 184 Qs calculation
FIGURE 185 Total number of test points
Step 7: Calculate Productivity/Skill factors
Productivity/skill factors showthe number of testhours needed per test points. 
It’s a measure of experience, knowledge, and expertise and a team’s ability to 
perform. Productivity factors varyfromproject to projectand alsoorganization 
to organization. For instance, if we have a project team with many seniors 
then productivity increases. But if we have a new testing team productivity 
decreases. The higher the productivity factor the higher the number of test 
hours required.
teSting eStimation 201
For this project we have good resources with great ability. So we have 
entered a value of 1.50 which means we have high productivity.
FIGURE 186 Productivity factor/Skill factor
Step 8:  Calculate environmental Factor (E)
The number of test hours for each test point is influenced not only by skills 
but also by the environment in which those resources work. The following 
figure shows the different environmental factors. You can also see the table 
ratings for each environmental factor.
FIGURE 187 Testware
FIGURE 188 Test tools
202 Software teSting interview QueStionS
FIGURE 189 Test environment
FIGURE 190 Test basis
FIGURE 191 Development testing
teSting eStimation 203
Step 9: Calculate primary test hours (PT)
Primarytest hoursaretheproduct of test points, skillfactors,andenvironmental 
factors. The following formula shows the concept in more detail:
Primary test hours 
5 TP * Skill factor * E
For the accounting application the total primary test hours is 101.73 as 
shown in the figure.
FIGURE 192 Development environment
FIGURE 193 Primary test hours
Step 10: Calculate total hours
Every process involves planning and management activities. We also need to 
takeinto account these activities. Planning and management is affected by two 
important concepts. Team size and managementtools. So below are the rating 
sheet for team size and management tools. These values are summed and the 
percentage of this value is then multiplied with the primary test hours.
204 Software teSting interview QueStionS
Finally, we distribute this number across the phases. So the total black 
box testing estimate for  this project  in man hours  is 101.73  man hours,  a
    13-man day approximately.
FIGURE 194 Number of test hours
FIGURE 195 Planning and control tools
FIGURE 196 Distribution over phases
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