Software teSting BaSicS 13
need to fix the defect, but also change our test plans, do regression testing, and
change all documentation. This is why a defect should be identified/removed
in earlier phases and the testing department should be involved right from
the requirement phase and not after the execution phase.
(I) can you explaIn the workBench concept?
In order to understand testing methodology we need to understand the
workbench concept. A Workbench is a way of documenting how a specific
activity has to be performed. A workbench is referred to as phases, steps, and
tasks as shown in the following figure.
FIGURE 17 Cost of defect increases with each phase
FIGURE 18 Workbench with phases and steps
14 Software teSting interview QueStionS
There are five tasks for every workbench:
: Every task needs some defined input and entrance
criteria. So for every workbench we need defined inputs.
Input forms the first steps of the workbench.
: This is the main task of the workbench which will
transform the input into the expected output.
: Check steps assure that the output after execution
meets the desired result.
Production output
: If the check is right the production
output forms the exit criteria of the workbench.
Rework: During the check step if the output is not as desired
then we need to again start from the execute step.
The following figure shows all the steps required for a workbench.
FIGURE 19 Phases in a workbench
In real scenarios projects are not made of one workbench but of many
connected workbenches. A workbench gives you a way to perform any kind
Software teSting BaSicS 15
of task with proper testing. You can visualize every software phase as a
workbench with execute and check steps. The most important point to note is
we visualize any task as a workbench by default we have the check part in the
task. The following figure shows how every software phase can be visualized
as a workbench. Let’s discuss the workbench concept in detail:
FIGURE 20 Workbench and software lifecycles
Requirementphase workbench: The input is the customer’s requirements;
we execute the task of writing a requirement document, we check if the
requirement document addresses all the customer needs, and the output is
the requirement document.
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