16 Software teSting interview QueStionS
Design phase  workbench: The input is the requirement document, we
execute the task of preparing a technical document; review/check is done
to see if the design document is technically correct and addresses all the
requirements mentioned in the requirement document, and the output is
the technical document.
Execution phaseworkbench
: This is the actual execution of the project. The
input is the technical document; the execution is nothing but implementation/
coding according to the technical document, and the output of this phase is
the implementation/source code.
Testing phase workbench
: This is the testing phase of the project. The
input is the source code which needs to be tested; the execution is executing
the test case and the output is the test results.
Deployment phase workbench
: This is the deployment phase. There are
two inputs for this phase: one is the source code which needs to be deployed
and that is dependent on the test results. The output of this project is that
the customer gets the product which he can now start using.
Maintenancephase workbench
: The input to this phase is the deployment
results, execution is implementing change requests from the end customer,
the check part is nothing but running regression testing after every change
request implementation, and the output is a new release after every change
request execution.
(B) what’s the dIfference Between alpha and Beta
Alpha and beta testing has different meanings to different people. Alpha testing
is the acceptance testing done at the development site. Some organizations
FIGURE 21 Alpha and beta testing
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