Software teSting BaSicS 19
Parallel Implementation: In these types of rollouts the existing application
is run side by side with the new application. If there are any issues with the
new application we again move back to the old application. One of the biggest
problems with parallel implementation is we need extra hardware, software,
and resources.
The following figure shows the different launch strategies for a
project rollout.
FIGURE 24 Launch strategies
(I) can you explaIn requIrement traceaBIlIty and Its
In most organizations testing only starts after the execution/coding phase of
the project. But if the organization wants to really benefit from testing, then
testers should get involved right from the requirement phase.
If the tester gets involved right from the requirement phase then
requirement traceability is one of the important reports that can detail what
kind of test coverage the test cases have.
The following figure shows how we can measure the coverage using the
requirement traceability matrix.
We have extracted the important functionality from the requirement
document and aligned it on the left-hand side of the sheet. On the other side,
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